Sunday, March 27, 2011

Why The Incredible Hulk Would Make A Great Politician And Take Care Of Business

photo by:
The Late Bill Bixby

While searching for something good to watch recently, I ran across The Incredible Hulk Season One episodes on Netflix and added it to my queue. I clicked the add button with a passing nostalgia for when I was a kid in the 70's watching TV shows like The Dukes of Hazard, The Love Boat, Wonder Woman and The Hulk. I admittedly thought this is bad TV but it would be fun to go down entertainment memory lane just to see how bad that TV was.

I called my daughter Alex down from the computer virtual webworld she was playing in to see some good old fashioned entertainment. I told her watching The Hulk was a not to miss event when I was growing up, even though the only thing I remembered about the series was the picture of David Banner and Lou Ferrigno being split down the middle and The Hulk got angry a lot.

So I dared to click the watch button and needless to say we were sucked in and blew through the first season in record speed as my husband sat through a few episodes shaking his head at the absurdity and not from the kind on screeen but from his two girls. We were laughing yet still sucked into the story, high fiving every time David Banner transformed, predicting why he'd get angry and how many times an episode he'd Hulk Out.

Which led to us making a list of things that got The Hulk angry, (I know we have too much time on our hands)  As the list grew I noticed some parallels to the feelings flying around the all too unstable political realm and found a little parody gave a humorous relief of sorts. Ahh, the Seventies the decade looked back upon as comical fodder for so many genres found its use in entertaining me once again.

Alas, The Top Ten Reasons Hulk Would Make A Great  Politician And Take Care Of Business was born

Reason Number One: 
He would be able to run his campaign on the Family Forum. (Season 2, Episode 5: A Child In Need)

Reason Number Two:
He would be a Tough Union Buster (Season 1, Episode: Murder On The Waterfront)

Reason Number Three:
He has a messy relationship with reporters (All Seasons)

Reason Number Four: 
He understands the ramifications of a messed up health industry by personal experience, The congressional insurance package would cover his treatments to recovery.

Reason Number Five:
He loves the babies (Season 2, Episode 11: Life and Death :Minute 2:48)

Reason Number Six:
His National policy would be backed by his transient travel

Reason Number Seven:
Whiners and Bullies don't push him around in the end (Whiner: Season 1, Episode 1/2: Death In The Family: Minute 1:33)

Reason Number Eight:
He isn't Politically Correct (Season 2 Episode 3: Ricky Minute 1:40)

Reason Number Nine:
He's a true Altruist, although a misunderstood one (All Seasons)

Reason Number Ten:
He takes Action NOW and get's RESULTS

He even has his Campaign tag line ready to go...
Don't make me angry, You don't want to see me when I'm angry!"
And his ad for campaigning

HULK 2012

Note: He'd have to work on his gun control

Monday, March 14, 2011

Tend Your Garden - Post #3

"Why try to explain miracles to your kids when you can just have them plant a garden."  ~Robert Brault

If you've read the previous tend your garden posts this video finally tells what we decided to plant and is presented by my daughter Alex. She was enthusiastic about this family  project so I decided to let her introduce this years crop. She helped pick the seeds from our favorite garden shop, The Natural Gardener, and she chose each one according to what our family eats the most of. I'm proud she was attentive to what we all like or maybe it was drilled into her by yours truly. I find myself unintentionally lecturing at almost every dinner how important raw vegetables are for your body so I'm glad some of my words are rubbing off in a good way. 

This style of gardening is a mixed experiment. I took the French compact style gardening and added a Texas flair. I just made the box slighlty bigger and rectangular than the standard French square style. I let my daughter plant what she wanted so she could see how big certain plants get, what they will need, how they grow and if they will grow. Peas will need a support, squash can become huge needing more space. This is definately a learn as you grow garden.  I want to see how she approaches the challenges and I have no doubt she'll come up with solutions and strategies to make it work. 

We already have squirrels trying to plant their own bounty and she came running inside to tell me we need to get a cover for the top of the garden bed. She has put in the effort and wants to see success in the first growth popping through the soil.

Now we must wait.... time, daily attention and care is where our patience resides....


When It Comes To Being Adorable- By Alex Brown

Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
Cookie and Odie
in Flowers;
Pink and Blue

Happy Spring!
Love, Alex

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Tend Your Garden - Post #2

The garden is the poor man's apothecary. ~German Proverb

I have been wanting to plant a garden of my own for months now. The idea had been eating at the back of my brain in my spare thinking time and I found myself vacillating between the "should I" or "shouldn't I" and the cost versus time and management talk. Alas, from the pictures and post title, you can see that I decided to go ahead with my little pet project.

Every Garden Needs An Inspiration:

My grandmother had a plot to garden and I remember my young Summer's visiting her house in Durand, Wisconsin as ones with her in a sun hat and garden gloves holding a large basket to harvest her vegetables in. It was a pretty sight now that I am thinking back on the scene. The vegetable I remember most was the corn; shucking the stalks on the back porch made a kid feel good. My parents carried on the tradition in Colorado. A small garden just runs in my blood.

Not only do my childhood roots digging in the dirt give me inspiration, but the desire to give the best to my family has spurred me to at least try.

This next inspiration may not fit in the feel-good category that usually prods inspiration into action, but it definitely has merit in this new venture. The realms of economy and health have made a sound argument for trying my hand at the ol' farm gal routine.

The above quote, "A garden is a poor man's apothecary" certainly makes sense for the times at hand. It isn't hard to find articles regarding the tough economy and skyrocketing food costs. Health issues are constantly in debate and the future of healthcare is up in the air. I like the idea that my backyard can be my personal pharmacy and grocery store.

There comes a time when an idea can only be thought about for so long, turned around and studied in your mind so many times and then it is time to get off the tuckus and put that idea into fruition. As you can see we made this a family affair, something to do together, to learn, work, tend and enjoy together and as we watch our idea grow into something we can be proud of, use and share with others I'm hoping some life lessons and memories will rub off on all of us like the dirt stains ground into the grooves of our hands preparing the soil for seed.

I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station,
through which God speaks to us every hour,
 if we will only tune in.
~George Washington Carver

This small 8' X 4' garden bed took patience, planning, time, sweat not to mention a few knuckles falling prey to bloody scratches and all before the seeds could be planted. We tilled and amended the soil, took precautions to keep the wild animals (or not so wild-Odie) from stealing from or destroying the bed.

I opened a pack of carrot seeds to see what they look like and I was amazed at how small they were. "I'm going to get carrots from those?" I thought.

Will Mr. Owl Keep The Pests Away?

A thought came to me just as I was writing this. "We prepare and take extraordinary steps to keep our ideas and the outcome of the action of those ideas protected so we can reap the benefits of our work. How much more should I tend to my 'spiritual garden'."

Hebrews 2:1-3 is my first lesson from this garden experiment, Pay close attention, do not neglect what you've heard and learned so that you may endure to the finish line (Hebrews 12:1-2)

James 5:7-8 is my second lesson from this garden experiment. Be patient, and strengthen your heart. "Behold, the farmer waits for the precious produce of the soil, being patient about it, until it gets the early and late rains."

I'm tuning in....


Friday, March 11, 2011

Tend Your Garden- Post #1

"Peach Blossom" by Chandra Brown
It often happens to children - and sometimes to gardeners - that they are

given gifts of value of which they do not perceive until much later.

- Wayne Winterrowd

I'm looking out my daughter's bedroom window and can't take my eyes off the buds and flowers of the ornamental peach tree. The pink, delicate petals have a mesmerizing effect as your eyes rest on them gently swaying on the light Spring breeze. I see my daughter playing under the pink canopy, sun shining in her hair. She captures a flower in her hands as the breeze gently shakes it from its place on the branch and I watch as she studies its' detail.

I smile when I see her delight in the beauty she holds in her hands. She touches the silky petal and I wonder what she is thinking. Is she contemplating the cycle of nature? Does she see the picture of death and new life? Does she see God's laws at work as she studies the delicate features? 

Probably not yet, but she will. I see myself in the little girl holding the Peach blossom in the backyard. I too remember playing in my fathers garden observing the ways of nature. 
Now that I am grown, I smile at this mirror glimpse I am afforded because I have come to know the Creator behind the beauty and can see the seeds of truth being planted for harvest in her maturation.

The Lord using Nature to teach us:
Isaiah 41:17-20 ..."That they may see and recognize, and consider and gain insight as well, That the hand of the Lord has done this, And the Holy one of Israel has created it." 

"Daisy" By Alex Brown
Job 12:7-10 "...In whose hand is the life of every living thing.."
Psalms 19:1-8 "..The Law of The Lord is perfect, restoring the soul."

"Viola" by Alex Brown