Tuesday, November 13, 2018


Warning: Content is truth-oriented albeit a bit boorish


SHHH... people don't like to talk about IT.

IT's a universal norm,
A creature habit.
A topic taboo,
So don't blab about it.


Humans have to deal with IT
wether proverbial form or in
actuality, in either realm
IT's pretty nasty.

IT causes visceral reactions
from within and without
dealing with IT is disgusting,
No doubt!

Oops...I said that too loud.

SHH... dealing with IT is not for the proud.

If you find yourself wallowing up to your neck
no shovel will do to free from the muck
You may have got there because
you're a smuck!

Here's a tip; free advice.
Humble yourself and go make nice.

SHH... "There are times IT just happens."
You quietly retort.

"That's true!" I reply,
"and IT was spread by some other guy."

You bemuse, "What can I do when IT hits
the fan and I can't control
the spattering plan?"

I sigh, "This is the worst, a mess to clean up.
IT wasn't yours now it is;
a tragedy that should be his."

SHH... let's keep IT under wraps for discretion sake.

IT's easier for you to be fake.

"Beware!" I warn, "of IT bubbling and festering.
Left alone IT can get hot, then explode
causing a wound that leads to rot."

Speak up!

Let's not be hypocrites and get down to dealing with SHH... IT.

Chandra Brown

(OK, I'll claim this poem, har har har!)

Monday, August 6, 2018

The Matchstick

See my match
Burn it down
All the way to the ground

You think I'm crazy to destroy
But let me tell you about a lass
Who's been known to have some sass

She struck the filament on the box
Dropped the fire
To let it roar
Was it to even a score?

The flames grew hot
She didn't give it a second thought.

Burning Match 2

People wonder if the heat bit back
Did the backdraft singe on counter attack?

Anyone who plays with flames
Knows getting burned
Is a phenomenon
Elemental to the game

Friction of phosphorus
Ignites the fire
Sulphur, Potassium Chlorate
Fuel, white heat

Oxygen stifled
Destruction spreads
The landscapes' burnt
Smolder fumes
black as dead

That was quick
I only had one
and now the deed is done




Through watered eye
On black surface

A patch of green
Could be seen

Shell of seed
Protected life
Mineral, growth
Rain, rays from sun

New life has begun.


Will the lass who struck a match
strike another?

She hopes not
It's not truly her nature.

By: Chandra Brown

For those who get me wrong:
My God was in control the entire time...and I don't (didn't) have malice in my heart... I was just willing to take the heat...like Jesus... What Jesus did for us on the cross burns deep in my soul after this whole experience. I say with this trying to be humble. I never want to experience it again (humanly speaking- I can't take another burn..)
I am ready for green, growth, life and souls to be won for Him as the result...

I Peter 1:6
Judges 15:5

TOBY MAC...I just need u

*Isaiah 43:1-3

Also, the song 'Your So Vain' comes to mind... If you think this poem is about you think again... I know what the meaning is since I wrote it. Literary analysis is mine to keep. Only those who truly know me know what the poem means.  ;)

Friday, August 3, 2018

Idea Wheel

"A little inspiration mixed with the things you love makes for a great work environment."
Chandra Brown

My husband retrofitted this work desk from an old display in our home office. What a difference it makes to be surrounded by the organized space. I hope I can get my work done with all the distracting items I placed on my new desk.

Thanks to AW for supplying a bit more inspiration by coming through with my request for a bike wheel. I think it turned out well. It conveys traveling and the things you pick up along the way. Every item causes me to think of the people and places I love. If I can't be there or with those wonderful folks, I can at least escape for a moment and remember.

Idea Wheel

My new work...umm... play area!

On to new adventures....

Thursday, July 26, 2018

An Answer

Robert Frost is one of my favorite poets. His writing simply get's to the point but has resounding thought behind every line. He always sets a memorable scene and if you pay attention his personality, especially his humor is part of the cadence. He wrote life well.

A question not to different from this poem was raised as a discussion point at our house with a very talented, bright, young man not to long ago. It is good to reflect on our inner thoughts every now and then and let the honest truth rise to meet us.

A Question 
By Robert Frost

A voice said, look me in the stars
And tell me truly, men of earth,
if all the soul-and body scars
Were not too much to pay for birth.

Frost is asking if the pain one suffers in life is worth it especially when we did not choose to be born. It is a philosophically fraught question. We all ask at some point Why are we here on earth and pain usually is the catalyst for the question.

Perspective is a big deciding point on what the answer is for an individual. Perspective is the lens one sees life through.  If you have a biblical lens the pain points to deeper meaning and can be used to God's glory. If you have a worldly lens in place the pain can still point to deeper meaning but doesn't get you closer to your maker.

Several years ago, in my prayer time, God spoke clearly in my spirit, "embrace the pain." At first, I thought who in their right mind would wrap themselves in pain and soak it in, we all naturally deflect from things that hurt us. We even have built in anatomical defense mechanisms to help us protect from physical and emotional pain. I stewed on this for years. How can the thought of being open to pain benefit a person at all, isn't this a bit crazy?

Pain is a reality and Frost brings this truth to full fruition in his question. It is a fact of life that one has to grapple with at some point on the path, once you are here, there is no getting around dealing with it.

God allows pain for a reason, it get's our attention, it makes you question and if your smart, it makes you want to talk to your Creator. It is a conversation opener to the One who made you.

Job was the prime example of pain used in the end for the Glory of God.

Jeremiah was the picture of emotional pain.

Paul was forewarned his life would be painful.

The apostles all met pain head on in some form.

The common denominator to the pain these real people experienced in their life was that God was there with them through it all, strengthening them, directing them, using them to proclaim truth, to thwart the devil's plans, to spiritually develop the plans of God; and yes, they complained about it. The complaints always lead them to an understanding of the Just nature of God and that trusting Him was always the thing to do. Eternal perspective was solidified in their hearts and that is why these real people made a difference.

The above mentioned biblical figures are only a few, there are countless others in the pages who experienced pain too.

We can't forget the pain Jesus experienced. He sweated blood over it. He took on all the pain the world could throw at him for the obedience of God's plan.

So when we are in pain, a lens to remember to view it through is Jesus.

Christians another thing to remember, when another is going through pain and embracing it, wisdom in how you are their friend is important. A sad face, a downtrodden heart is not always signs of sin, it may be just where God wants that individual for the purposes of His plan. (Job's dialogues with his friends is a good study when a brother/sister in Christ is burdened deeply. Remember the friends were wrong about Job although some of their points can be true, they just weren't true about Job.  Jeremiah's emotional pain is also a good study, he wanted to run from his calling and boy did he pay dearly for being who God wanted Him to be). Lesson for me; obedience will get you in hot water but that's better than separation from God.

If we remember pain is God's tool to either root things out of us (Our sin brings pain), show the world He is in control (Job's pain was due to nothing he did), to send a message through someone (Jeremiah), to further His kingdom (martyrs and soul winners speaking truth to a hateful audience) it certainly gives answer to the question of if being born was worth it.

Yes, it is worth it. You are with your Creator. Even if you don't see it at the time, He's there and down the path of life, He'll make you look back and see exactly where he was with you the entire time.

God was right and it wasn't crazy several years ago when He dropped that wise warning into my Spirit. If I didn't embrace the pain, the storms in life would have overwhelmed me and I would have learned nothing. He's given me something special between me and Him I think I would have forfeited it if I chose to run. Running will make you find yourself at the same point over and over and blinded. Sitting still, embracing where your at keeps you sustained until the light at the end of the tunnel releases you into a stronger walk with Him.

So many scriptures come to mind, but I would love it if someone else showed some to me that have helped them deal with pain...What's your go to scripture?

I know Robert Frost dealt personally with this Question, his life was met with grief and pain, I do like how he directed his pain, through his poetry.

Silver Birch At Sunrise
Frost understands the need to escape and be young again, a great remedy for pain.

Birches By Robert Frost

When I see birches bend to left and right
Across the lines of straighter darker trees,
I like to think some boy's been swinging them.
But swinging doesn't bend them down to stay
As ice-storms do. Often you must have seen them
Loaded with ice a sunny winter morning
After a rain. They click upon themselves
As the breeze rises, and turn many-colored
As the stir cracks and crazes their enamel.
Soon the sun's warmth makes them shed crystal shells
Shattering and avalanching on the snow-crust—
Such heaps of broken glass to sweep away
You'd think the inner dome of heaven had fallen.
They are dragged to the withered bracken by the load,
And they seem not to break; though once they are bowed
So low for long, they never right themselves:
You may see their trunks arching in the woods
Years afterwards, trailing their leaves on the ground
Like girls on hands and knees that throw their hair
Before them over their heads to dry in the sun.
But I was going to say when Truth broke in
With all her matter-of-fact about the ice-storm
I should prefer to have some boy bend them
As he went out and in to fetch the cows—
Some boy too far from town to learn baseball,
Whose only play was what he found himself,
Summer or winter, and could play alone.
One by one he subdued his father's trees
By riding them down over and over again
Until he took the stiffness out of them,
And not one but hung limp, not one was left
For him to conquer. He learned all there was
To learn about not launching out too soon
And so not carrying the tree away
Clear to the ground. He always kept his poise
To the top branches, climbing carefully
With the same pains you use to fill a cup
Up to the brim, and even above the brim.
Then he flung outward, feet first, with a swish,
Kicking his way down through the air to the ground.
So was I once myself a swinger of birches.
And so I dream of going back to be.
It's when I'm weary of considerations,
And life is too much like a pathless wood
Where your face burns and tickles with the cobwebs
Broken across it, and one eye is weeping
From a twig's having lashed across it open.
I'd like to get away from earth awhile
And then come back to it and begin over.
May no fate willfully misunderstand me
And half grant what I wish and snatch me away
Not to return. Earth's the right place for love:
I don't know where it's likely to go better.
I'd like to go by climbing a birch tree,
And climb black branches up a snow-white trunk
Toward heaven, till the tree could bear no more,
But dipped its top and set me down again.
That would be good both going and coming back.
One could do worse than be a swinger of birches.

Jacob Prasch comes through Again...
Storm Tossed Christian 

Tuesday, June 26, 2018


Szechuan Flower

Buzz Button
By John Debee
Written While On A Family Outing To Sidecar Lounge
On A Napkin

Buzz button
Buzz button
Set me a buzz
Turned me into
Something I never was

Martini, cocktail, microbrew
Concoct the things
They couldn't do

Give me a vision
Give me a view
Of what this potent
Flower can do

It tingles my senses
And will to say no
This concocted cocktail
That emotes what is so

This thing with a tingle
And a fizz
"Is that all there is?"

Let's keep dancing my friend
Be real
And not pretend!

Tuesday, June 12, 2018


When those who rain on your parade, send piercing sheets of rain, grab an umbrella, head for shelter and don't let that storm into your house.

Callous strikes come not near my pleasure, your not welcome here any longer.

By: Chandra Brown

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Cornus and the Lichen

Napa Valley Dogwood
Photo By: Danette Brown

Precocious Empress of solitary cyme

Phaneranthous exhibitor of inveigled beauty

Entangled amongst your stature, an epiphyte.

Flexured beard of Gorez Gog,

Does he intend harm or diminish your light,

Or add to your virtue and cause delight?

Precocious flower, cultigen of intention,

Adorn your landscape with no attrition.

By: Chandra Brown

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Confused Shoes

Recently, my daughter Alex and I went on a shopping excursion for shoes. She was asked to the 2018 Homeschool Prom and her closet is literally all Vans shoes. A formal with Vans, ahh, she could pull it off but we knew we better be more mainstream and find a pretty pair, like Cinderella, for the occasion.

In our efforts to find the right fit, (She has feet that need the exact fit or they just don't work) we came across some shoe doozies. Oh my, did I have my heyday giggling at what we found.  Of course, Alex kept a safe distance from me in the aisle as I took snap shots of the shoes that made me laugh.

I have owned a few pairs of 'what the heck was I thinking' shoes, ones I thought made a statement but when you look back you wonder, what was going through my head? I have had cheap shoes, throw away shoes, seasonal shoes, shoes that make you feel cute shoes, pretty shoes and sexy shoes but these shoes are monsters that should never be found in any closet. Alex even labeled them, confused shoes. Yes, they have that element about them.

Fashionistas say shoes make the outfit. You tell me, how do these shoes make any outfit? It's a design challenge Tim Gun would cringe at. I can hear, 'Do your best!' with a glance of dubiety as he walks away.

Specimen No.1: Granny
The Price tag says $80.00 for these bland wonders. Trying for a comfort wedge with granny style.
 I say you pay me $80 to take them off the floor.

Specimen No. 2: Birkenstein

These look like Frankenstien wanted to have a multi-seasonal shoe. It's so easy to run on the ice and in the forest taking revenge on those that don't love him. YIKES!

Specimen No. 3: Drunken Slipper

Should I be a slipper, should I be a bow, I kind of want to be a Kimono sash but Meh, I mis-measured the fabric and this'll do. 

Specimen No. 4: Mr. It (Adams Family)

Mr. It found his shaggy sole mate... 

Specimen No. 5: Moo Moo Matchers

OK.. I'm showing my cheap side... 20$ for these slippers. Really? They had better make my feet feel like walking on fluffy marshmallows. These are worthy of kicking under the bed where they will live with the dust bunnies and nobody will miss them.

Specimen No. 6: Jungle Fever

Velvet, meets wonky snake print, meets slip on disaster.  Walk these babies anywhere and you just may need rescue!

Apply Bob Ross' philosophy and you can wear any shoe with confidence!

For Fun, here are the 'Cinderella' shoes we found for Alex's prom dress. Pretty, stylish and wow, she wore them well. (We nailed the outfit for prom... Goodwill formal, 15$, Alex makes it look like a million.)

Proud Dad, Beautiful Daughter
Photo by: Chandra Brown

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Stark Naked

I am going to keep to my style of writing for this post. I have not wanted to write freely these past few years,  it is hard on an this hobby writer when you feel you have to explain every sentence and word chosen and look at your scope of work and just want to burn it all. So I am writing this with a who cares what anyone thinks about it, or if they get it or misunderstand it. I'm writing from the way my crazy brain works and God willing, the content will be what I hope it to be.

I was thumbing through an old style book at the library awhile ago and was amused at all the different creative ways people clothed themselves throughout the centuries. Every era had its' trends, its' basics, its' formal wear. The fashion flops were good for laughs and made me wonder what the designer and wearer were thinking.

Clothing certainly hides flaws, accentuates assets, attracts attention, makes a statement and brings comfort or protection to the wearer. Clothing is an art form. It starts with a base, the human body and takes a tailor to artistically balance the layers of fabric over the form with precision. A well dressed person catches the eye.

If you're reading this post I want you to look at what you're wearing. Describe the clothing to yourself, does it fit well, does it make you feel a certain way, did you put thought into your color and style combination, are you clothed properly for the elements or occasion? Are you dapper or dumpy?

Keep the answers in your head...

The Emperor's New Clothes

Most people have read or know the story by Hans Christen Anderson, The Emperor's New Clothes,  the story about a King with style who couldn't get enough but ended up becoming the fool of his passion.  The voice of reason is subtle and inserted in the text at a crucial moment when the honest minister tries to warn the King. The honest, single voice of innocence is then heard by the clear declaration of truth the child boldly states. Finally, the full voice of the truth resounds in the people confirming reality and exposes the King's folly.

The swindlers weaved a tale the King wanted to hear to placate to His flesh, one he bought into readily even at the behest of his own conscience. The noblemen were willing to play along in order to save position and power all the while aligning with folly that in the end showed their true nature.
When the King gave into the full realization he was duped, he hung on to pride to try and keep some dignity about the situation.

Hans was brilliant at writing stories befitting the nature of mankind.  I think this story and our every day habit of starting off in natural form and then stepping into your outfit for the day can teach a lot about spiritual issues.


Nakedness was the original clothing. Skin is pretty amazing in it's texture, color, longevity; it covers muscles and bones and does a good job insulating and protecting. Nakedness was perfection and there was nothing needed. Satan's deception twisted the beauty and innocence God originated for our good.

The dictionary defines the word naked as; devoid of customary or natural covering. It certainly has a negative connotation and means something is lacking and in need. The word naked is a paroxysm of great proportion. The only time I see the term thought of in a good light is when it is applied to innocence and purity. Babies and Adam and Eve before the fall are about the only time people don't have a hang-up about nakedness.

Genesis 2:25 - Adam and Eve were both naked and FELT no shame.
Genesis 3:7-11- They KNEW they were naked, tried to HIDE and then God asked, Who told you, you were naked?

I find it interesting that these are the only 2 people on earth that had the ability to remember a shadow of real innocence. The working of the conscience was changed and the realm of emotions took a big hit the day they disobeyed God. The knowledge they sought ruined them. I think Adam and Eve understood the full measure of the saying, "ignorance is bliss!"

Genesis 3:21- God made garments of skin..

The deception that brought curses and change into the world caused God to provide a covering, a second covering. God was the first clothier and tailored a plan as a provision and promise to correct the problem. How gracious of Him to cover their sin and give them back some of their dignity until the fulfillment of his Word.

Clothed in Righteousness

When you do not have Jesus and are not in Christ while walking through this world, you are stark naked spiritually.  You may try to clothe yourself with philosophy, psychology, pseudo-spirituality, self-indulgence.. you name it, if it isn't Jesus, you're naked.

There are some Christians who are dressed poorly, this is caused by wrong beliefs entering in or a poor foundation. Self-help books, false teachings and plain worldly ways are like the swindlers who weave a palette of destruction all based on lies. Guess who still ends up with the bill at the end of that transaction.

Then there are those that have Jesus, but you are not wearing Him correctly. You don't know how to put Him on and wear Him with confidence.  He's tailored the robes of righteousness perfectly but your feeding on something else and you don't fit in the garments too well. The garments don't need changing the habits and body do through proper food. What is the proper food, the Bible taught without error and then applied through obedience.

When you let God clothe you, He also puts a covering over your emotions. His righteousness, only bestowed upon us because of what Jesus did on the cross, is a temporary restoration until He completes the good work when we leave this world of tears and sin.

There are times a christian misses some of the pieces God gives us to clothe ourselves with and this is when error enters and deceives or the enemy finds the weak point and attacks. He has made us armor for a reason... wear it well and you will conquer. Ephesians 6: 11-18 - Isaiah 59:16-19.  (It is His divine armor given to us...what an honor.)

Isaiah 61:10 Is when God cloths you.. but you have to keep the appointment and meet with Him in order to obtain the garments.

Isaiah 64:6- A perfect verse for our need to have God clothe us.

Psalms 132:9- Shows the progression from putting on righteousness and the resulting emotion that follows... JOY!

Who's Your Tailor?

So what are you wearing right now? Are you a Righteous Babe or a Stark Naked Fool? What are some spiritual 'faux pas' you've run into with your walk with God and how did you remedy them?

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Tim Keller Another Mountebank

Once again, I am thanking you Jesus for your pure, unadulterated Word and keeping me in it.  In these last days the deception surrounding your Word brought about by setting aside of theology for rhetoric and cultural standards has pained me.

I take no pleasure in talking about these false teachers who gather together and listen to each other with itching ears but also feel the need to warn since I see so many following who I believe have good intentions but are being led astray.

The Bible warns of this deception within the church many times. Paul was in tears over it. I am finding my heart in turmoil over it. I certainly know God's heart aches over the mishandling of His love letter of truth. (Matthew 24:11, I Timothy 4, 2 Peter 2:1).

One thing I must clarify is truth along side error should expose the error OR the truth will be twisted and be used to deceive for man agendas and purposes other than what God intends.

The best way I can illustrate this concept is through a school field trip to Inner Space Caverns. The cave tour guide was informing the children to keep their hands to themselves and to not touch anything on the path. She explained the formations in the cave took hundreds of years to become what they were and their beauty was what it was because they were untouched. The 'Ice-cream Parlour' formation stalagmite was highlighted by a light and the water running down it showcased a beautiful ,creamy-white, ripply surface. It was stunning. She did allow the kids to touch one stalagmite on the path designated as a tool to visually teach why we do not touch the cave formations. The touched formation was full of black smudges caused by the oils of many hands touching it's surface. It was tainted and the beauty was drastically diminished due to the dirty, impurities adhering to the surface. All the kids, including myself just couldn't resist the opportunity to touch the old stalagmite, it's pretty cool to say we touched something ancient that was hidden like a treasure.

When error (the doctrine of demons, whether ignorant or not) is mixed with truth, it smudges the Word of God and the beauty of the truth is covered. We could still see the creamy-white trying to break through the black smudges on that mishandled stalagmite but it was a foregone part of the cave. The guide said it is impossible to clean the smudges off without damaging the original formation and cleaning the oils takes much effort and time. This is in essence what happens when the truth of God is mishandled by man. Fortunately, if we are followers of Jesus, when we see error and correct, the power of the cleansing Spirit of God can take those smudges away and only by His power and our submission to Him can He make us pure again. Thank the Lord for this aspect of His beautiful loving design for His children.

Sadly, There does come a point of no return and the person who drinks in error is led astray and left to his own devices. God's love allows for this due to the fact He gave us a free will. If we truly love God we will love His truth (without changing it to fit a paradigm we have).

So I proceed, with a heavy heart, with another warning about a false teacher in the mainstream circles  of western, American church culture.  Once again, I am thankful for those people willing to teach and correct error at the cost of rejection, opposition, false-labels and personal sacrifice. I believe God will honor them when they meet.

Tim Keller: Presbyterian Apostate

One thing that really hits the nerve with me is his support of the Lecto Devina. This ritualistic practice seems so good on the surface but the roots are found in man-centered philosophies.  The reading of scripture in this manner mimics Hindu mantra style rituals. It is subtle error that deceives because people think, all we are doing is reading scripture. Read the following articles on why this practice is dangerous spiritually. It is a form of centering or contemplative practice. This is an entry into eastern mysticism, new age and anti-christ systematic religion. It is transcendental meditation, and is carnal.


LECTO DIVINA and Tim Keller

His leftist theology aligns with marxist ideology. See the video linked for further description.
More Error under the disguise of 'love'. Misdirection is also a LIE.  This video by Joe Schimmel is the proper, full counsel of God on the issue.

Jesus is love and Jesus only did what His Father did. What does God say about the above issues?

The truth on proper reading and speaking scripture... PSALMS 1:2

Keller's Socialism

Evangelical/ Progressive 

More Error Integration

More Education on the Matter

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Are you Following the Pied Piper?


Thank you Lord for your precious Word.  2 Timothy 3:16, states boldly “All scripture is God-breathed and useful for instruction, for conviction, for correction and for training in righteousness.”  May we be not be like Israel, in Zephaniah 3:2, who did not heed the voice of the Lord or accept instruction. She failed to trust or draw near to God.  We humbly ask for your direction through the Holy Spirit as we compare the fallible teachings of man to your perfect word and as Hebrews 4:12 declares, ‘let your living and active word act as a double-edged sword and pierce our soul and spirit, joint and marrow and judge the intentions of the heart.” Please purify us in your truth.


I do not enjoy the following polemic I am about to wade into but also feel compelled to protect and warn those who have an ear (Matthew 11:15) to listen to the findings I have humbly gleaned from other believers who have taken the time to study to show themselves approved (2 Timothy 2:15).
As a believer who is being sanctified, I understand the error we can fall into and the correction the Lord administers to His children. I am thankful for His loving hand of discipline and direction as he keeps His sheep on the narrow path. May the following information be studied with a teachable, humble spirit.

Warning Against a False Gospel

John Piper’s worldview and teachings are founded in man’s philosophy (his own) and although his writings and preaching sound biblical, at closer examination, are found to be outside the Word of God.

Error: Christian Hedonism

Piper teaches that Christians should find their ultimate satisfaction in God and has given the philosophy a name, Christian Hedonism. I give merit for the word play and can give wiggle room for the concept of finding our source of satisfaction in God’s ways. Piper takes his concept and builds upon it through his book and website, Desiring God and expounds on it at conferences. This view is at the very least is an incomplete view of finding satisfaction in God and at the most is man-centered instead of a Christ -centered philosophy. 

First, the term ‘Christian Hedonism’ is an oxy moron. An oxy moron uses contradictory terms to make a point. Rhetoric and literary usage gives this idea a dramatic effect.  ‘Christian Hedonism’ certainly accomplishes the grab and wow factor.

The term ‘Christian’ was first given to the followers of Jesus at Antioch (Acts 11:26). This was about 40 A.D. around 10 years after Jesus’ resurrection. The term was given to the disciples, by pagans (worldly), as a label. It was a way to define those outside the typical social structure and strong evidence suggests the term was used in a derogatory fashion. Tacitus (AD 96) in His Annals (15,44) writes, The Vulgar calls them Christians. On a side note, the writers of the New Testament never called themselves ‘Christians’, they usually said, brethren, disciple or saints to name a few terms.  The term ‘Christian’ comes with a connotation of suffering. Those that gave that term to the followers of Jesus understood that Jesus suffered and those that followed Him would also suffer. The coiners of this term thought followers of Jesus were crazy for their beliefs and the term was used in conjunction with reproach. In 1 Peter 4:16, Peter encourages his fellow brethren with these words, “Yet if any man suffer AS a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let Him glorify God on His behalf.”  Suffering ‘AS a Christian’ meant the world will label you because you don’t fit within their definitions, mock you because you follow Jesus and cause you to suffer just as He did. 
The term ‘Christian’ in its original usage is a worldly label bestowed upon true followers of Jesus and since the world is at enmity with God, it is a derogatory term.  In modern days, we have co-opted this term to mean; a follower of Christ, but in reality, in its original context, it was not a nice word to be associated with.

Keep all this in mind. Later in this paper, context will have bearing on why the philosophy of ‘Christian Hedonism’ is worldly and not biblical.

Secondly, the term hedonism is also a worldly concept. The Webster dictionary defines the word as a “pursuit in pleasure.”  Piper also uses this as his definition. (As spoken in the Passion Conference, 2011).

Hedonism is a philosophy founded by Aristippus the Cyrene. He was a disciple of Socrates. His basic idea was that a good life was valuing pleasure as highest and pain as lowest. Epicurus took this idea further with ethical hedonism that it was a moral obligation to maximize pleasure and happiness. We are to decrease life’s pain according to Epicurus.  Essentially, this philosophy was founded in Hellenistic, worldly thought, which is the root for man-centered morality. (This is drastically different than spiritual precepts).
Hedonism was denounced in the middle ages by Christian philosophers due to the lack of emphasis on avoiding sin, doing God’s will and developing Christian virtues such as, hope, faith and charity. Erasmus, (Reformer-Humanist and Polemicist against the Catholic Church) brought this idea back with the thought that God designed us to be happy, but that he uses our desire for happiness to motivate us to behave morally. David Hume (Post Modern Philosopher-Humanist) furthered the idea through the beginnings of utilitarianism, the thoughts that the action is right if it benefits the majority.
After this brief history of the terms and what they truly mean, one can see the oxymoronic nature. The paired down definition is: The sufferer who seeks his pleasure.  Piper does try to say we need to make God our pleasure and our obligation is to find our maximum joy in God. On the surface, this statement is philosophically grand and agreeable but it lacks in giving the full picture of God and his design.

The question needs to be asked; did Jesus seek his own pleasure? Philippians 2:7. Jesus limited Himself (kenosis) read the link for a correct view of that term. There are heretical interpretations of that word... (Jesus is 100% God and 100% Man). Self-renunciation, humbling and servanthood is the best way to look at that word. He set himself aside and surrendered the full use of his divine attributes but had the full power of them. He only did what the Father told Him to do. A picture of submission. (Jesus could do whatever He wanted in His power but was obedient unto death. Something our fallen nature has a hard time fully understanding.) Restraint is a good word

The question needs to be asked; Was Job a failure for not seeking pleasure when he suffered but instead questioned God about his misery?

The question needs to be asked, Was Jeremiah, the weeping prophet, who’s life was full of sorrowful emotions and pain and brought about by the will of God in order to speak to the nation of Israel wrong? Jeremiah did not seek his own pleasure?

The question needs to be asked, Does remorse and contrition for sin cause us to be outside our obligation to pursue our pleasure?

The question needs to be asked; Does the warning, by the Holy Spirit to Paul, that his life would face hardship and death for His purpose have anything to do with seeking pleasure?

The problem with Christian Hedonism is it has roots in man-centered philosophy. In the natural world we can seek pleasure and creature comforts that lend to our happiness. In the supernatural, god-philosophy, the world and its’ pursuits are temporal, his promises are eternal. We seek HIM alone and in that he gives JOY. Joy has nothing to do with happiness. Joy is a God-given gift to the human that trusts in Him in all things. (Obedience is also a key factor in all of the above scenarios.)

The subtle error is trying to take something temporal and natural and spiritualize it. Unfortunately, we all can easily fall into this error. When we do, we should correct and seek the truth.  When man-philosophy enters into Biblical philosophy, terminology has a lot of room for mishandling of the definition and interpretation.

Humanism is not biblical and Epicurus’ following quote shows the psychology minded, human based philosophy. The word ‘feeling’ should be highlighted.  Feelings can be an outcome or an indicator but to give license to feelings as the basis for a decision process for what is good is wrong. - “We recognize pleasure as the first good innate in us, and from pleasure we begin every act of choice and avoidance, and to pleasure we return again, using the feeling as the standard by which we judge every good.” Epicurus. (Ephesians 4:14).

John Piper –Definition of Christian Hedonism- “You are obligated to pursue your maximum joy in God … Since God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him, therefore, in everything we do we should always be pursuing maximum satisfaction in God. (Fifteen Dreams for the Future of Christian Hedonism, 2016.)

False Gospel- ‘Christian Hedonism’ is the heart of what it means to be a Christian, to be saved, you’re not saved if you’re not a Christian Hedonist.”  (Fifteen Dreams for the Future of Christian Hedonism, 2016.) John Piper.

I beg to differ on Piper’s statement. God is most glorified in us when we take up our cross and follow Him and keep his commandments. This is a death to the flesh and opposite of what hedonism states.  Matthew 16:24-26.   I do not see Jesus or the cross in his claim. If this was a single sermon or sermon series on subject matter such as Christian conduct or the need to be content and look on things eternally I could understand the premise but Piper is basing and focusing a whole movement and philosophy on his unscriptural definition. His bold statement that “you are not saved if you are not a Christian hedonist” just put him in the false teacher category. Nowhere in my Bible do I see that statement supported by scripture. This statement undermines the doctrine of salvation by faith through Jesus Christ alone.  When the doctrine of Salvation is tainted by man it is heresy, we are told to separate from those that practice or teach this. (2 Tim.4:3-4,  Galatians 1:7,9)
Colossians 2:8 –“ See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human thinking and from the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ.

Scripture states the heart of man is the seat of sin. Ecclesiastes 9:3, Jeremiah 17:9,  Romans 3:10.
Sadly, man-centered philosophy can lead to deeper error if not corrected or kept in check.  If you think I am just splitting hairs or Piper is just being creative in packaging a way to teach Christian living, hold your hats, the following teaching of Piper is heretical. 

Error: ‘Evil’ and ‘The Law’

John Piper: “The essence of evil is to lose a taste for God…to prefer anything more than God is the essence of all your evil.”
Piper does not back this statement up with scripture because there is no scripture to back it up.  A scriptural definition of evil is the absence of the character and nature of God.  Evil, truth, sin, etc. is what it is because it is based on the character and nature of God, or the lack thereof.
Jesus is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE. He is our standard.  (John 14:6)
The Greek word for “evil is “kakos- It means “of a bad nature, wicked.” The Hebrew word is “ra” and means “bad” or “disagreeable. 
Evil is the opposite of God’s Nature.  Sin is part of this equation.
Piper was interviewed and asked if the Ten Commandments were for today. His answer was not biblical. He says, “No,” and gives a half-truth for his answer stating, “We are not under the law…so the approach towards ethics is different.”

Nine out of Ten of the commandments are re-stated in the New Testament. The only one not repeated is “to keep the Sabbath Holy.”  (Romans 14:5, Colossians 2:16- Essentially every day is the Lords). The civic and ceremonial law is not for today but the moral aspects of the law certainly still apply.  The commandments reflect the Nature of God. Romans 1-3 states the law is written on the heart of man and his conscience bears witness

We are not under the law for salvation but we follow and pursue the moral law in our sanctification. Piper says the approach towards ethics is different. He is over emphasizing grace (something Paul refutes in Romans 6:1,15)

Antinomianism is the outcome of not taking Romans 6 in its full context.  Antinomianism comes from two Greek words, “anti” meaning “against” and “nomos” meaning “law’.  In theology it is the belief that there are no moral laws God expects Christians to obey. Antinomianism takes a biblical teaching to an unbiblical conclusion. It misapplies the meaning of God’s gracious favor.

When Jesus died on the cross he indeed did fulfill the Old Testament law (Romans 10:4, Galatians 3:23-25. There is in fact a moral law God expects us to obey today, It is the law of Christ which encompasses the old moral law in these verses John 5:3, Matthew 22:37-40.

We are not under the law for justification… but we follow the law for our sanctification.  (Matthew 5:17,19, Hebrews 8:13- it’s a work in progress. From sacrificial system of animals for covering of sin, to Jesus being the sacrifice once and for all, to living a just and holy life under Jesus, who embodies it all).

For further refutation of John Piper’s error with specific emphasis on his book Desiring God, the book by E. S. Williams, Christian Hedonism, A Biblical Examination of John Piper’s Teaching should be read or the documentary can be seen on Youtube. E.S. shows evidence of Piper’s antinomianism.

Error: ‘Original Sin’

John Piper takes Genesis chapter 3 and states, “ What is the ultimate essence of the first, original, world-infecting sin… it was that Adam and Eve desired, desired, desired, this fruit more than God. 
They delighted more in what the fruit could be for them than what God could be for them. Eating was not the essence of evil, they preferred something else and that’s the ultimate essence of evil.”
I have to stop right here and quote these bible verses (Genesis 3:1) in full before moving on, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden?” Satan twists one thing to deceive Eve. He get’s her to question what God really said. He wants her to doubt.

John Piper, is doing the same thing with twisting of Genesis 3.  God gave Adam and Eve a commandment.  Genesis 2:16, 17, And the Lord God commanded them,“You MUST NOT eat from the tree (of knowledge of good and evil) in the garden;… God DID NOT say, ‘ desired something more than God.’
John Piper states he was taught incorrectly, “ I’ve been taught that they disobeyed. Period.  No! Disobedience to the command of God is not more basic, not more fundamental, not more ultimate than what they desired above God.”

“As long as you see commandment keeping as the essence of good and commandment breaking as the essence of evil. You will never know why you do what you do!”

This is heresy!

Read these passages and highlight the word ‘command’ and ‘law’. Disobedience was the original sin.

Genesis 3:8-11
Genesis 3:17A
How we know what is right and wrong, good and evil and what is sin.
I John 2:3-4
I John 3:4
I John 5:3
John 14:155
John 15:14
2 John 1:6
Luke 11:28
James 1:25
Psalm 19:7,8
Romans 2:15
Romans 3: 19-20 – the unbelievers are under the law…judge by it and can’t keep it
Romans 5:19
Romans 7:12
Romans 7:22
ECCLESIASTES 13:12-13- Refutes Piper’s Hedonism philosopy

The law is a reflection of God’s Nature. If we love God we will KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS. We know what is sin by the study of the Word of God. Any thing other than the above is antinomianism.
Jesus came to fulfill the law not destroy it so I can be accredited with His righteousness. When Jesus fulfilled the law He made it stricter in a sense.  (Matthew 5:28). He strengthened the law, for ongoing faithfulness and obedience in pursuing righteousness. (sanctification).

The sin of Adam was the sin of disobedience. The apostle Paul states this plainly in Romans 5:19. “For by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners.”

Error: ‘Liberal Theology’

Calvinism is a reformation, man-centered salvific heresy. The basic understanding of salvation is encompassed in the TULIP acronym.

The basics consist of predestination and election. These concepts are taken out of context biblically.  Calvinism also taints the sovereignty of God and twists Romans 9. 

The term elect is taken out of context. The term elect in the Bible is usually attributed to the nation of Israel or if used for an individual is due to their nationality as a Jewish citizen. Calvinism uses the term ‘elect’ for individual salvation, which is an exegetical error of grand proportion.

The error of Calvinism leads to many other errors due to the mishandling of scripture.  When the word is not rightly divided and eisegesis takes the place of exegesis wrong thinking will dictate teaching.

Calvinism not only get’s salvation wrong, it wrongly interprets the role of the church and Israel in the Bible. Replacement Theology believes the church is the fulfillment of all the Bible’s kingdom prophecies and the church has replaced Israel. Which leads to Covenant theology, which states all of Abraham’s promises were given to the church.

Replacement Theology leads to Amillenialism, the belief that the literal 1,000 year reign is within this present church age. This is a misinterpretation of Revelation 20. This leads to Kingdom Now or Dominion theology, which tries to build the kingdom for Jesus. This also leads to Social Justice programs.

John Piper believes in all the above theologies in some degree. (Any degree is false and not biblical.)
I could explain in depth on the above but that is for another time.  With the above theology, the time line of the Bible is off with the application of wrong concepts. They all promote a different gospel. It give the church a task that has not been decreed by the Lord, essentially humans are trying to push the agenda or take over God’s timing in the above belief systems. This also leads to not preaching the gospel, which we HAVE been commissioned to do.  To preach the good news (JESUS) and make disciples is the churches goal, that is true kingdom building, teaching the WORD of God in the fullness of truth. Not social programs or taking promises before God’s time or taking them from a nation.

Error: His (Piper) united efforts with Rick Warren

John Piper has read the Purpose Driven Life and has 20 pages of notes on the matter and is seen in an interview supporting Rick Warren in regards to this subject matter.

It would take another book to explain the egregious mishandling of the principles and scripture in Rick Warren’s book. It is a psychobabble, feel good, false gospel with no real mention of the real gospel.

John Piper also supports Rick Warren in his PEACE plan, which is ecumenical. He (warren) does not preach the gospel to these folks but instead says there are many ways to God.

This is the road to Babylon, which Revelation describes as the anti-christ system in the last days.
Rick Warren also does not support studying end time prophecy. Any pastor who says that is a worker of iniquity.

John Piper supports this man, who misleads the sheep and is truly a wolf in sheep’s clothing.  (Matthew 7:21-23)

A man who tweets, “You are not saved by faith alone” is SCARY!


I will end with this our highest calling and duty as a ‘Christian’ who truly glorifies God is to love Him with all our heart, mind and strength by obeying His commands.

For visual/video support of the above dossier on John Piper. Youtube videos by Brannon Howse can be seen in entirety.


ELEKTOS: Jacob Prasch A biblical refutation of Calvanism

John Piper supporting Rick Warren: A Satanic Alliance

Please pray as you study this and God’s word and ask the Holy Spirit will lead you into all truth.
The above falsehood is infecting our Youth and is not leading them in the way of Christ.

WATCH THIS VIDEO with the above information in mind....EXCELLENT!

READ this ARTICLE... examining Piper's book, Part 1

Piper on Faith

Messing up Justification

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Nature Speaks..Do you Hear?

Alfred Lord Tennyson

Flower in the crannied wall,
I pluck you out of the crannies,
I hold you here, root and all, in my hand,
Little flower-but if I could understand
What you are, root and all, and all in all,
I should know what God and man is.

Have you looked around recently at your environment and wondered where it all came from, how did it all begin? Have you loitered long enough on a path to see the patterns of our habitat, and realize the function of this big ball floating in the universe has design, precision and meaning? Have you realized the beauty layed before you every day without failing is a picture, or may I say, a well planned production to get your attention? The rising and setting of the sun is a message, have you stopped to listen to what it is saying? Nature is God's love note filled with consistency, surprises,opportunity and best of all a resounding call to find out who He really is.

Sadly, the writer of this poem did not find the understanding he wondered about in his poem. He died believing "..  in Pantheism of a sort." (from his diary). In quick terms, he believed God was unknowable, out there in the universe, but not involved. 

Pslams 19:1-4 says the heavens speak to all the earth....Are you listening?
Romans 1:20 says nature boasts of God and who He is and this is enough for
                     man NOT to have an excuse to know Him.

God wants to be active and involved, His love letter called 'nature' screams it. If you find yourself wondering 'if I could understand'  it may be time to wake up and smell the roses.

{He's REAL and He wants relationship with you}

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

The Valley

It is interesting the places God takes you.

My daughter asked why God would send you into a 'wrong' place? Such a great question and a good opportunity to teach. I try to use every circumstance and opportunity in my path to teach the truth.

I told her sometimes we make mistakes in our own fleshly desires and God really didn't send us into these 'wrong' places. We may just realize after a while of strong conviction that we were wrong and have to repent, then the blinders fall off and we realize our error. Other times He does indeed send us to the 'wrong' places to test our loyalty, solidify our faith and to work in our weakness with the purpose of helping us slough off sin or bring a message to the 'wrong' place and best of all to proclaim His glory and Sovereignty. (Now God does not tempt us- EVER!) James 1:12-14. But He does PROOVE your faith is real by allowing testing. (Genesis 22:1, Hebrews 11:17).

This testing requires obedience, sacrifice and total submission to Jesus. It is a painful process because we are still living in this fleshly, sin natured body. Or others don't understand what is happening and judge, assume or abandon you. It's all OK as Jesus is revealing to my own heart, He calls me 'His Own'. He does eventually removes the 'testing' and then the restoration and approval comes.

I do believe the restoration will come to me this year.

I have had to trust Jesus MORE THAN EVER these past 2 years. That's how I know this testing is of Him. I've clung to Him has He's worked within our family structure. He has been removing the things He doesn't want there and causing us to change priorities, while keeping me cocooned in His truth. He has convicted us of sin, showed us error, showed us his grace and mercy as we repent and learn to follow Him as he requires.

He has me on the move again. I have to trust His leading in this matter as he purifies through the moving process. He is causing our family to trust each other, to actually communicate, to expose a better way for us to be united. It has taken a shaking in order for this to happen and He has worked with in our circumstances to pull back layers of things He didn't want there, to make sure He is truly center in our lives and to shore up the things He taught us. It certainly is part of His discipline to take us into the 'wrong' place. He did it to Israel in Isaiah. (Isaiah 44-46).

All of this has been affirmed through scripture.  I do not live according to feeling or experience alone but the Word of God.

Ephesians 6: 10-18 has been my prayer, my action, my study. He warned me to keep the armor on. The truth of His word has kept me through this violent tumbling and now I pray my family has the unity we lacked, the strength we need, the healing our hearts and minds need through His restorative process.

I am grateful for His loving, gentle hand on us through the valley (Psalms 23:4).  You have taken us through the valley and we are glad you are moving us out with your rod (of discipline) and I know you will restore us to what you want. (Even though I do think there will be some more rough road ahead).

My prayer over my family is John 17 during this coming out of the valley. I have not departed from the faith or become hypocritical, my conscience is not seared and I've held onto truth all while in the darkness of the valley.

I am grateful for the teaching of Jacob Prasch, as his teaching has helped us stay on that narrow path even when others have abandoned us because they thought we were on the wide one.  Jesus taught we would go through the same things He did if we choose to follow Him, I am honored to suffer as my savior did. (Although, our suffering is nothing close to His). He was misunderstood by his family, mocked by the culture, abandoned by his disciples, hated by those who should have welcomed Him. Even in our sin, He was waiting to help us turn to the correct way. My what an Amazing God we serve. Thank you for keeping us Lord!

You are answering a prayer of mine. I never thought it would take this to answer it but I trust your method! My answer has involved more than I think I have in me, I think that is where you want me... to show YOU did it and not me!

One of the Best teachings on the BELT OF TRUTH!


Do not be ignorant....

This is my prayer for my family... fellowship...

Timely Teaching....John 14-17

Pastor Joe Frocht Nails it!