The neat thing about the beach is it's effects on the senses.Touching the sand, feeling it sink between your toes, it's gritty texture somewhat harsh but surprisingly soft at the same time takes me back to childhood when you didn't think twice about whether you had matching socks or the right shoes with the right outfit. Barefoot on the beach is perfectly acceptable. There isn't anything better than the fresh catch of the day either. I am well known in my circle of friends and family to be anti-seafood. I turn my nose up when the smell of fish is cooking, I cringe as my Crab loving husband cracks the shell in order to delight in the flesh. After telling my food flaw, as my husband would say, I DO understand the tastiness of the fresh catch. Thanks to my husband! He went crabbing in the fine ocean waters and brought home over 20 small blue shell crab to boil and feast on. As I watched the preparation took place I quietly mused about the task and how much work was involved. All this work, it better be out of this world, look at him boiling those little guys, then crunching their shell while steaming hot to get at the littlest amount of meat. Poor thing, I'm glad I don't like seafood. I ate those words literally. I have never nor will I (probably) ever have a more outstanding Crab Cake. I started off polite, I'll try this because he worked so hard, and ended with my mouth full of crab, almost licking the plate and asking for more. It was DELICIOUS!
I didn't mean to go off on a tangent but when writing about the beach I tend to get carried away. Speaking of being carried away, I will spend hours strolling the beach picking up bags of seashells. I am addicted. I get caught up in the hunt and feel I've found a unique treasure every time I see one in the sand. I love looking at each ones color and shape. I sometimes think of people along the same line as I do seashells. We all make a long journey, each one unique with stories to tell. People, especially ones close to you are small treasures, the time you spend finding who they really are is never time wasted.
And who can resist the gentle, calming of the waves. During the day it gets muffled by seagulls squawking for morsels, children laughing, people playing in the sand. Only at night is the sound more distinct and can be appreciated by floating off to sleep.
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