I'd like to take a moment and point out that women, including myself love all these material things that say I love you, but (how did you know there would be a but?) I have a few suggestions to make to ALL who love someone. These suggestions, in my mind mean more than the material ways we say I love you and do not hold any monetary value. The value they hold is priceless and fills your loved ones emotional piggy bank, one that means more that any fiscal matter, and the fun part is you don't have to wait till Valentines to fill the piggy bank.... You can do these anytime.
- The minute your spouse comes home from work grab them and kiss them for at least 4 seconds (4 seconds is longer than you think... 1 one thousand 2 one thousand...)
- Say I love you everytime you part (Your words have more impact than you may realize)
- Make something that shows your love. (it could be as simple as a cut-out heart sent in their lunch bag or briefcase/or can be more complicated such as: preparing their favorite dinner, even if you don't particularly like doing it, it shows you stepped out of your comfort zone to let them know you care)
- Ask your loved one what they want to do and do it with undivided attention for at least 15 minutes. (Children love this. My daughter always wants to me to play in her imaginary world with her horses. Sometimes it's hard for me to be Black Beauty for 15 minutes but it's about her not me for those 15 minutes. It always brings us closer together.
So "Cupid" Diem- and seize the opportunities to show your love. The return on investment is worth your time.
Write back and let me know some of the fun ways you show your love! I am always open to new ideas to try out on my loved ones.
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