Before you read this article I wrote over two years ago click these links and read the recent ways the federal government is exerting it's parasitic control over the people.
This one is about a farmer who grew too much on his land so the government fined him
This one is about not being able to build a sand castle on the beach???? YES, it's real and doesn't make sense to me.....
It's not so subtle as years past....The FEDS are rearing their ugly head deeper in the private sector and they keep on infesting as a parasite naturally does.....
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The Feudal Bully Among Us
Why I Hate the IRS
By: Anonymous Taxpayer
If you are eating a meal while reading this, take your fingers and pull that masticated ball of food out of your mouth and throw it in the trash. You’ll begin to understand the first demonstration behind how the IRS fleeces families across America every paycheck.
You may think the feudal picture of the tax collector knocking on the door of the peasant tenants demanding an absurd amount of money a far gone picture of histories past or a story from a tale that we shake our heads at and gullibly think, “I’m glad I didn’t live back in those days.” Well pull the wool off those eyes folks, there is no difference. In this present time the landlord has become the IRS with better lawyers and more power than the feudal kind and the tenants have let it happen. What a shame!
Instead of burly buffoons that threaten beating or eviction from land and home for not paying their tax the IRS has refined this pay or else technique with interest penalties, late filing penalties, seizure of property, invading house and business and jail. I ask these questions. Is it right; is it a good thing to take a cut from the primary source that keeps shelter over our head, food on the table and clothes on our back? In context of all the other taxes we pay, is this not double taxation when we already pay sales tax on our food and clothes and property tax for our homes and land? How did we give this power to the government, to take from the source that supports our very basis for living? When is enough, ENOUGH? Enough will never be enough until the citizens of this country stand up to the bully and say no more stealing my milk money!
Let me tell a tale to emphasize my point.
A hardworking potato farmer who put in very long hours has a good day selling his wares. A generous Friar has given him a little extra for his product out of the kindness of his heart. In his small good fortune the potato farmer is happy because he can now afford to buy his daughter a very much needed pair of shoes. He buys the shoes, a luxury, since he lives on the lessons of frugality. He even feels guilty about this purchase even though it is a necessity of life. Months pass and a tax nobleman is sent to his home demanding payment.
“For what do I owe, I’ve always paid and on time?” replied the potato farmer.
“It says here the Friar gave you extra. You did not tell us this minor detail and it has been two months, so with added interest you owe the equivalent of your potato cart.” stated the tax nobleman.
The potato farmer was dumbfounded. A good days work, a chance to provide for his family and he must pay the price of a cart, twice what it costs for a pair of shoes. The potato farmer was sick to his stomach, “How can I pay for this?”
And then he had a thought. An occurrence came to his memory, one that might save him from this situation.
“Dear nobleman,” he said, “I was traveling to the next town to sell my produce when a nobleman of the state, not unlike yourself ran into my cart spilling my goods in the river. In order to make up for this he gave me a piece of paper stating I could reduce my tax. Here it is.”
The tax noble man reads the paper and says, “This has an expiration date. You should have shown this to your tax man months ago. It’s no good now.”
The potato farmer asked, ‘How can this be, you can go back in the past and change things as long as it’s in your favor. I forget an item that can help me; I’m the one that loses?”
The nobleman replied, “It’s the law.”
So if you paid attention, the potato farmer paid a cart’s price for a pair of shoes, the friar told on the potato farmer-unintentionally making his good deed a rotten potato in the farmer’s eyes and the tax nobleman was going to get his money no matter what.
I give this reason why we let this bully strong arm our income. It started as a great idea, put money away for retirement and health issues and pull from the pot once you make it to a certain age. We did it to help ward off another Depression, to plan ahead, to pay for War Debt. Our mistake was giving away our power. Any great idea that has money attached to it needs restrictions when it comes to government control. The IRS should have been a temporary solution. The citizens sacrificed to help out their country by agreeing to this wallet tax and now the government being used to this inflow of money will not let it go without a fight and will keep it at a standard norm by using bully techniques to the highest degree.
Bullies find weakness and exploit it for their advantages. Many times the bully is so good at sniffing out the weakness and loves the rewards of the advantages so much he creates opportunities to ensure the rewards keep coming. This is proven by the fear sown among the citizens that if they do not follow the bully’s wishes their life will be made difficult along with potential freedom lost. You don’t pay, you go to jail for tax evasion. You make an error- legit or not they send the audit bullies.
A little extreme, on the contrary, I believe this rendition is right on. I know there is a feudal bully among us by the fear I feel when I write these words. If I circulate these thoughts will they audit my records just to push their weight and let me know they’re watching? Dare I put my real name on this paper lest I bring more attention to myself then wanted. Mind you, I am not a conspiracy theorist, schizophrenic, lobbyist or victim. I am your average citizen who is writing from what she sees and feels. In my quick research, I found this eye opening quote.
“Does the IRS cover up occurrences of abuse? The answer is yes! If the true number of incidences of tax payer abuse were ever known, the public would be appalled. If the public also ever knew the number of abuses “covered up” by the IRS there would be a tax revolt.” - wikipedia
I will end this Ninety-Five Theses inspired paper with a quote to spur on a needed revolution.
“All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.”
Edward Burke
Update: September 2010
Note: I'm not right all the time but every once in a while my gut instinct needs some attention.
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