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Nathan and Chandra Brown |
Usually when women say that it's a precursor for a way to complain about their husbands to their friends. Well, I am gonna tell you about how he made me feel like Princess Ann played by Audrey Hepburn in the movie Roman Holiday. He let his romantic creative juices flow and I was the benefactor.
This post is dedicated to Nathan and is my thank you to him for being the man that he is.....
Between the two of us, we forget dates like forgetting the important date needed to answer a history quiz. We have to use our math skills and count backward or forward to figure out how old we are. We are hazy on what year it really was that we got married and have to look it up in our photobook. Numbers just seem to elude us, but we are fine with that, we feel comfortable enough with each other that we are just happy to be together, counting years doesn't really matter. Growing older this method will definetly help us. I'll be able to say I'm 65 when maybe I'm really 70. I wish this number method applied to bank acounts.
Recently, my husband informed me he had our anniversary all taken care of. I asked if I needed to get a babysitter and he said, "No". That got me wondering what he had up his sleeve. A few weeks passed and our anniversary was drawing near, I was busy and almost forgot about the up coming event, when September 11th and the news memorializing the twin towers came to my rescue reminding me that the next day was our anniversary. I almost blew it, usually that is the man's motif. Nathan gave a hint of what he planned that night by letting Alex know she was going to have a sleep over, my clue for knowing we were going on a weekend getaway. I was totally impressed, especially since we have no family living near us in Texas. He went the extra mile and asked our dear, sweet neighbor if Alex could spend the night, and boy was she excited for extra time playing with friends.
The next day we dropped Alex off with extra instructions to mind her manners and jumped on the Harley for an exhilarating road trip to Fredericksburg, Texas. (I was inspired so I wrote an article about it, click the word to read) We ate at Wheeler's and strolled the town, bought a beer at The Fredericksburg Brewery and chatted about current things. Then he surprised me by taking me to The Hangar Hotel, a place I've loved and visited and always wanted to stay. I have had a love affair with the 40's era and airplanes since I was in high school and this hotel has both. We ate dinner at the Auslander and had authentic German weinerschnitzel and drinks at the Officer's Club where they had a soloist playing an acoustic guitar. We caught up on things you don't normally get to talk about. We took our time at the Airport Diner for breakfast and watched countless airplanes and even a private jet land and taxi.
It may not seem like much but to a couple that hasn't been on a weekend getaway alone since 2004, it meant the world! Those little steps that were actually big planning to make sure it worked helped me see how much my husband cares for me. We celebrated our twelfth year and I dream and hope for twelve + + + + more.
Nathan, I LOVE YOU, and I still want the world to know just as I did in the puppy love days when we first met....
Not so "Funny" Note: The sign says, "I slept like a baby at the hangar hotel....Well, somehow that wasn't in the cards for us, The county fair (next to the hotel) decided to have live music starting @ 10 o'clock and last til' 12 o'clock....Why is it when I'm not at a concert the music lasts longer than is should?
So we stayed up watching the golf channel...actually pretty interesting when you are paying attention! LOL
Having a Drink at the Beirgarten |
One of Our Favorite Planes | <><> >>
The annual Boxstober Fest is held
at the Hangar Hotel and we
happened to be there to see the cars!
The car showed is $120,000 Porsche...
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