Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Wolf in Sheeps Clothing

Ideas Shape The Course of History
John Maynard Keynes

In the world of 21st Century politics it is common knowledge and safe to assume that power is at the core of what is debated, analyzed, struggled over and what ultimately shapes the laws that control life's qualities. To make the definition of politics simple it can easily be described as a moral war fought out through ideologies.
I like asking questions where you know I'm going to give my answer to them so hear it goes... If politics is an ongoing moral war, why do people view it as a separate subject from religion, economics and education when in reality politics effects and encompasses this broad spectrum? While you gather your answer I want try my best to explain how ideologies or what I like to call thoughts and beliefs shape our views and influence us to become side takers in this moral war.
Before I proceed I want to go back to the prize of this moral war; power, and ask another question. If power is the ultimate glory of winning the moral war and comes at a great price, what is the power used for?

First, I'd like to introduce you to the teacher's of ideology, the moralist. The definition of a moralist in the Webster Dictionary is: "one concerned with regulating the morals of others."  So the teachers of ideology use influence to direct their thoughts and beliefs to their students, usually those are the ones who will listen and then adopt and integrate those beliefs into their daily lives through activities. Those activities involve going to school to learn a trade or career that suites their desires and beliefs with many many books being studied with certain ideologies attached; that sounds like education. Then they find a job and work it in order to spend the money; sounds like economics. Sometimes those students with strong feeling for the good of others or to feel good about themselves join a congregation and discuss their moral codes between other like-minded students; sounds like religion. This cycle of life lived out has an ideology proding them in these daily decisions.

Now there are myraids of idealogies in the vast world. Many seem similar, some are born out of others, cultures and tradition create some, some seems so out there that only a few relate, the factions are countless. One can spend a lifetime studying these various sects. When you begin to widdle the similarities and differences down a pattern emerges that consistantly leads to two main ideologies. These two ideologies are opposing, making it simple to distinquish what faction goes where. I call them the For and Against Sides. For and Against what? For and Against God.  I do admit there are a few out there that have done a great job masking themselves to look like they belong on the For side and that is where one needs the Holy Spirit to quide them in truth. The For Side is much simpler than the Against side because it is cut and dry; simple. It states what it is and hasn't changed since the beginning of time as we know it. It is one way, Jesus and if the criteria doesn't fit with what He taught then one knows to automatically put it in the Against side.

If you are still with me, I'd like to use an example of an ideology that is current in today's world. This one falls under the somewhat complicated, masked to look good but really isn't category. It's adopted name is Fabion Socialism. I say adopted because this idea is not new, it has been tweaked a little here and molded a little there to fit in with the times, there will be more on that later. This widely unheard of ideology is actually everywhere you go but most do not know that what they live in or experience has this name. This form of socialism is like a chameleon and changes to fit the agenda at hand. Their international symbol is that of a turtle with the motto: "When I strike, I strike hard" The turtle represents the slow, gradual way in which they insert their beliefs and the hard shell represents their resolve to do what they set out to do. The original Fabian Society emblem is quite telling and should make one stop and think about this choice of symbolism long and hard. It is a wolf wrapped in a sheep's hide. I'd say that is blatant and in your face yet they have been able to accomplish their goal virtually unnoticed. How ironic!

So what do these Fabian wolves want to do, what is their goal? It starts as a pretty good story with promise as most stories do but as the emblem portrays, ends with the sheep slaughtered. So please, as you read on ask yourself if you've been a sheep lead astray.

Fabian Socialist admit their goal is by scientific design to mold and push the world into one world governance, also known by most as The New World Order. Socialism by definition is the stage following capitalism in the transition of a society to communism, characterized by the imperfect implementation of collectivist principles.Socialism on the surface seems fair and just but in reality, this ideal is unattainable under human control. There will always be something lacking. Why should I dash this inspiration to make life fair, ruin a dream, call it out on the floor as wrong and even go as far as to call it evil? Because it is a bastardized version of God's original plan. Remember when I mentioned Fabian Socialism adopted its name, its long lost lineage lies in the age old struggle between God and Satan. Its root grows from the idea of wanting to be like God, to have His power and to control the Earth and this power grab is accomplished through religion. Remember how I mentioned religion, education, economics and politics are really all intertwined, these are the vehicles used for deception and manipulation to keep you in the dark to what is really going on.

Let me explain the connection with quotes from dedicated Fabian Socialists and see if you can put the puzzle pieces together.

First, what Fabian Socialism IS:
1. A mixture of capitalism and socialism (reason they mix this is to slowly get rid of capitalism, strategy of      using the system to change the system)
2.Corporate fascism
3.Globalism, One world Government and Economy, they will use religion as the vehicle to accomplish this goal. (remember the definition of socialism from earlier in the article...and apply that to what a one world economy and government would look is a first hand account of what living under socialism is is a good account of how great it seems until you find out what freedoms have been taken from you. It is a system for the betterment of the few while they sell the system as a betterment for all. (If you believe everyone will benefit from this way of life you have been sold a lie.) Socialisms terminology is well-known  and used, for instance we've all heard of the greater good.  This idea is sold through the venue of community service. There is nothing wrong with community service until they REQUIRE it of you, then the terminolgy needs to change to enslavement. This community service will have ties to taking care of the environment, again nothing wrong with taking care of your surroundings, recycling, reusing etc. but when they can threaten to take away rights and freedoms we take for granted such as; owning a home because you only have a family of three when a family of 6 can USE that resource more efficiently, the real meaning of their IDEA becomes clear. These examples are real, and happen already in socialist countries like Cuba. Do you see the subtle way in which this has crept into the American way of life. (The phrases or words highlighted in red and yellow are cues; I suggest keeping the definition of socialism in the back of your mind as a filter when hearing or seeing these cues used in political speeches, at the pulpit, in your school etc.)


London School of Economics
John Maynard Keynes, Fabian Socialist 
"The best way to destroy the capitalist system is to debauch the currency. By a continuing process of inflation, governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens."

This rip-off of the American citizen began when the Federal Reserve Act was implemented in 1913.  A main supporter of this Act was John Rockefeller, a Fabian Socialist.


Agenda 21 or Division for Sustainable Development
Council of Foreign Relations (also started by the Rockefellers in 1921)
The United Nations (started by Council of Foreign Relations)
Richard Haass: President of Foreign Relations
"The near monopoly of power once enjoyed by sovereign entities is being eroded, states must be prepared to cede some sovereignty to world bodies. Globalization thus implies that sovereignty is not only becoming weaker in reality but that it needs to become weaker. The goal should be to redefine sovereignty for the era of globalization, to find a balance between a world of fully sovereign states and an international system of either world government or anarchy." For the Full Article click here

Mix of Politics and Religion:

Doctor Walter Rauschenbusch, Fabian Socialist
"Socialism can only succeed with religion."
Father of the Social Gospel wrote a book called Christianizing The Social Order.
His teachings/theology was that Jesus death was out of love for society but has no bearing on
sin or that He was Deity. And that our "higher thought" will give us answers the Bible can not give.
This gave birth to what we know as Dominion Theology or Kingdom NOW ministries. This falls under the humanist thinking that heaven can be made on earth through man's good works and promotes group salvation, the individual is not responsible for looking to God but sees himself as a god...more on this later (For those who know the Bible good works do not lead to salvation) 

Tony Blair, Former Prime Minister of Britain, Fabian Socialist  
" Despite all of the various obvious differences in policy and attitude and positioning a lot of the values of the Fabian Socialists and George Bernard Shaw stood for would be very recognizable, at least I hope they would in today's Labor Party." He said this in regards to the famous stained glass window Mr. Shaw commissioned but was lost and refound in 2006. Click here to see the window. it depitcs two men hammering/molding the world on a table, on the bottome people praying, above the world is the fabian emblem of the wolf in sheeps hide. (Look up Matthew 7:15-16) (keep Tony's words in mind when you watch the video on Mr. Shaw in the following section.)

"I think the place of faith in the era of globalization is the single biggest issue of the 21 century. In terms of how we live together, how we minimize the process of conflict and maxamize the propects of peace. The place of religion in our society is essential. I think religion could be in an era of globalization, a civilizing force."

Tony Blair started the Faith Foundation after becoming a Catholic, Rick Warren sits on this board. He was mentored by Peter Drucker who was mentored by...John Maynard Keynes, Fabian Socialist.

Pope XVI aligns with the Fabian Socialist in his encyclical. he called for reform of UN for true political authority, global tax and redistribution of wealth and energy.


Richard Rorty, (Grandson of Dr. Walter Rauschenbush) Professor of Philosphy At Stanford University, Fabian Socialist
"It seems to me that the reclative idea that we, heirs of the enlightenment, we sociocrats, most frequently use to criticize the conduct of various conversational partners is that of needing education in and to outgrow their primitive fear, hatred superstitions, is a concept which like I, most Americans who teach humanities or social science at colleges and universities invoke when we try to arrange things so that students that enter as bigoted, homophobic, religious, fundametalists (he's talking about those of the Christian Faith who believe Jesus is the Son of God, Died for OUR sins, was resurrected and that He is the only true way to know God) will leave college with views more like our own. (socialist, who believe Jesus was just a social justice hippie, and that they are in fact gods unto themselves..more later on this) The fundamentalists parents of out fundamentalist students think that the entire American liberal establishment is engaged in a conspiracy, the parents have a point." 

I highlighted enlightenment, what has he and other Fabian Socialist been enlightened with? Look up Genesis 11, it is the account of the Tower of Babel. Verse 4 talks about the tower man will build to reach into heaven. This is the beginning of religion, a man-made way to try to reach heaven and be like God according to their own set of rules. This "enlightenment" has it's root all the way back to this first ideology that man can do it on their own. (If you know your Bible, God has always shown His way to man through the covenant and then through Jesus, the new covenant and man consistantly rejects that) If you go further back the account of Lucifer wanting to be like God you'll see where these ideals are not new. (Isaiah 14:12-14)

It is simple to see where ideologies fall when you trace them back to their original source. There are two worldviews and those are; For or Against God.


George Bernard Shaw, writer and co-founder of The Fabian Society
Click here to see this video and you can see why people are worried about the "end of life section found in the Health Care Bill but in fact is already funded for in the Stimulus Plan under the Federal Coordinating Council for Comparative Effectiveness Research.

"As a socialist I have to preach as much as anyone the enormous power of the environment, we can change it, we must change it, there is absolutley no other sense in life then the task of changing it, what is the use of writing anything if there is not a will which finally molds chaos itself into a race of gods."


First, did you notice the end part of Shaws quote...this isn't an isolated person in the Fabian system. This idea that man can be little gods is rampant in our also has a name, Pagan Spirituality. Maybe you've heard the all too familiar sayings, phrases or quips...

"It is never too late to embrace your truth."
"What is your truth whispering?"
"Use compassion to stay on the path to your own truth
"There is only your truth."
Sounds good on the surface, but is rotten to the core.

These phrases are common in the New Age or Nature Worship sects of Pagan Spirituality and one doesn't have to go to church to be a part of it. Pick up a Self-Help book and you will most likely see these phrases in there.

If you read this entire article and clicked on all the links, I think you'll find it was impossible to seperate out the politics from the religion, the religion from the education, etc. It's one massive, united ball meant to collapse America and the most important thing, keep the masses in spiritual darkness.

I leave you with these words from a known communist as food for thought, "America is like a healthy body and its resistance is three-fold, patriotism, morality and spirituality. If we could undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within." Joseph Stalin

It is here, don't be fooled! John 14:6 means more to me than ever....

(With thanks to Brannon Howse, watchdog for the American Christian)


  1. Some more insightful reading on the spiritual issue at hand...

  2. Another wonderful blog from first hand witness..

  3. Some more info. to keep on file...

  4. Great Discussion..

  5. Thank you! Great work, Hope to talk with you soon...Please see "The Call to the Church Nationwide Campaign" to Unite the Body of Christ and turn America back to God. On facebook. Didn't quite know which profile to click here, just clicked "anonymous"...
