Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Worn Soapbox

My soapbox is firmly planted, I put my right foot on the worn surface. I stop, my knee bent and see a ragged hole or two on the surface, I look at it with pride before my left foot follows and I plant my body firmly in the middle. I scan the view before me as my head turns from right to left. My eyes encompass a foggy, barren field but my mouth opens anyway.
Photo by: Gracey

For those sparse few that read my blog, you understand I use it for many purposes. I often wield words against unjust causes and harshly scrutinize the world yet on the other hand will gush sentiment over a bee on a flower. I write what life teaches me. This post is dedicated to the few who see truth, don't try to change it to fit their world, embrace it, let it change them and go on to valiantly write and/or stand on the soapbox and open their mouths to speak what they have learned.

The Possession

My soapbox is the possession I carry on my narrow walk. Sometimes I sit on it, other times I kick it around. I pick it up every now and then and sling it over my shoulder, I let it dangle down my back and move along the narrow path waiting for the time when the cumbersome square will once again lift off my shoulder to be set on a level plane and bare the weight I carry.

The Path

The longer I try to walk the narrow road the more sensitive the rocky path seems to feel beneath my feet. The prick of the jagged rock is not a feeling you shrink from but one you welcome because you know it is there to teach you to be aware; to pay strict attention to lest you should misstep and fall.
Photo by: imageafter

The Perception

Subtle whispers echo across the wide road only to hit your ear drums as loud roars. So you shout back in order to be heard through all the background noise packaged in so many forms categorizing them would be a useless task. You try to be succinct in your call so the words will travel across the chasm with full force and hopes that those who are faced in the right direction will be able to transmit the faint noise.
Photo by: Aunt Owwee

The Reason

He is the light to my path, He keeps my way straight. He teaches, reveals and guides me along the way and balances me in the process. (Psalms 23:3, 25:4 Proverbs 3:6, 4:11)

To walk on the narrow path is to take up your cross and follow Him. Sometimes He requires you push forward with nothing but the clothes on your back, sometimes to give your last possession to another you meet along the way, other times you will rest when you want to run forward. Sometimes He will hide and you will have to seek. Along the way you learn to know His voice but it gets even better with His promise to one day see His face.

I plan to keep following him along the path with my worn soapbox in tow.

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