Reformed Theology in a nutshell is based on the doctrines of men. (Mainly the church fathers of the protestant reformation). Reformed thought also tries to connect cultural change through the church. On the surface it looks sound but dig a bit deeper and this 'new' study of God is found wanting.
Just take a look at the word, "reformed". To reform in the dictionary means to make a change (typically a social, political or economic institution or practice) in order to improve it.
I don't think the study of God or the Bible needs 'changing'. In fact, He doesn't change and that particular attribute is refreshing in light of this study. His constant, truthful identity is knowable in every generation (Psalms 89:1 and throughout history and time (Deuteronomy 7:9).
The study of God should be kept to perimeters that He sets up. If any changing is needed it is in the heart of man when he learns who God truly is. (Deut. 12:32, Proverbs 30:6).
If God's Word is pure, infallible, inspired by The Lord Himself, and given to man with cohesive clarity do not these attributes explain the image and character of God? Why would we need to apply reformation techniques to this study?
Does our social, cultural and economic scene differ all that much from other historical periods? So much so, that we need to change with the times in order to reach people? What a slam to the gospel message and to our Almighty God. Either He can Do what He says He can do OR we just like getting in the way because it makes us feel good. (Galatians 1:10).
Reformed Theology likes to use church history and church fathers to support their theology. I love the study of history and how people react, interact or fail to act with God throughout time. We certainly can learn a lot and it is not a bad thing to study, apply lessons of people in history as encouraging second winds in our race to the eternal finish line, but we need to leave it at that. Reformed Theology's error is in relying to heavily on this. It is also our duty when we study to compare the thoughts of men to scripture and if there is delineation to reject it. Matthew 7:16. I John 2:6 warns us to walk as Jesus walked.
Why do we stop short of abundant living when we have DIRECT access to God through His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit, whom Jesus said would come once He ascended to be with His Father? (John 14:15).
Let's look at history itself to prove we have the golden egg but would rather rely on rotten ones to find out about the nature of God.
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A Short walk through History
0-450 A.D.
At the time of Jesus, The Romans culture dominated the world. The culture was depraved in every way imaginable. Hedonism abounded in all aspects of life. (Hedonism is the doctrine that pleasure and happiness is the highest good. -Romans 1:31-32) Now we know that pleasure and happiness in itself is not a bad thing, but when it is overflowing into every part of life is a controlling factor, things get out of hand. In essence, the Romans used bad things to gain pleasure in their experiences.(The gladiators- entertaining violence at the cost of human life). The Roman Empire also was the most brutal in regards to conquering nations and Christians. Just think if the Roman scourge practice was implemented in America today.
Fast Forward to the Byzantine Era (Middle Ages)
From Constantine, Justinian, The Crusades to the Renaissance. The centuries from around 450 to 1400 A.D. experienced war, famine, feudalism, religious control, life expectancy was low. It was a tumultuous time of Man acting in the place of God for control.
The following, in my opinion, is a huge blessing in the course of human history. We should thank the Lord for the Gutenberg Press, in 1440. The Bible could now be in the hands of every person who could read. This invention re-set the playing field for the oppressed but along with freedom came a new deception. (see below).
The Early Modern Era encompassed religious freedom through various reformations throughout 1450-1800. Martin Luther, John Calvin, William Tyndale all had strong influence in the fight for spiritual freedom. The blow back from this push for freedom was found in the Age of Enlightenment, a pre-cursor to New Age thought. (Note: Compare the Reformation of 1600 to the Early Church. HMM!)
Church history was of suppression, oppression and the Bible was still being held hostage by elitist religious circles. A few small sects, like the Waldensians (1700) were able to hold to truth, but not without persecution or peril to life. (This is usually an indicator they actually followed God and not man). Note: Even the Waldensians fell in the later years. They brought in ecumenicism.
The Modern Era 1800 - present, has been a battlefield for the mind through philosophy (relativism), revisionism, textual criticism, science as a religion and spiritual adultery. The Bible is now touted as a myth or a great moral book by secular and non-secular thought circles. The deceitful tainting of the Word of God continues. We have the most freedom to learn the truth of God at this point in history. We have easy access to the Bible, we have freedom to worship God and to study to show ourselves approved.
In a quick nutshell, from Jesus to present, the world has tried to control the truth of God through religion, doctrine of men, brutality, oppression and suppression. This evil presents itself in many forms throughout history. We went from a separated Bible (Only the Jews had the Old Testament at the time of Jesus and then the New Testament was written shortly after Jesus' ascension.) The Canon (5th Century) brings OT and NT together, it is then controlled and suppressed, given wings and then controlled and suppressed again through textual criticism, false science and worldly philosophy.
Reformed Theology or Reformed Heart
I mentioned the invention of the Gutenberg Press unknowingly opened a door for a future deception. This deception is found in the many versions the Bible has been subjected to since it's open debut in 1440. Some scholars have done a decent job and others have butchered the real context and meaning of the scriptures. This documentary is a great resource on this subject. (MUST WATCH!)
Think of all the culture, societal changes, economic turbulence throughout my very simple timeline and tell me where the entire Bible was not relevant to every event. I think if you look hard, the culture, society and economic issues really haven't changed that much from generation to generation. Sin is sin and human behavior is predictable. The deception just lies in how crafty one can get in changing the truth of God into a doubt, or a question.
The fact of the matter is God keeps his Word pure through all this history of mistreatment. (Psalms 12:6,8). If the text, word meaning, content of the Bible can survive throughout all human distortion and mishandling, I really don't think we have the right to 'reform' theology to any human standards.
We need to let the Bible stand in it's full glory in our time in history and not manipulate it to the system we live under. Let the chips fall where they may. The real 'reformation' needs to start in the heart of man.
Reformed Theology, think about it... it should make you shudder. The study of God doesn't need reforming. He is the great I AM. (Exodus 3:14-15, Isaiah 9:6, John 8:58). Hebrews 13:8 SAYS IT ALL. His BOOK says it all.
It is YOU and I who need reforming so that we can even understand who God is. (Galatians 4:8-9). This starts in the heart with repentance and changes our mind and will to His. Ephesians 5:15-21. I don't see outwards elements in this process (culture, society, economics). Once we submit to God's perfect character and will and we begin to transform inwardly, the outward tends to follow or grows less important. (Hebrews 12:2, Isaiah 26:2).
My point is, we don't need to follow a man (theologians, church fathers etc.) to know who God is, at this point, it is idolatry (I Samuel 8:7-8). The Reformist may have had their purpose in history but do you worship them or God? Our Modern Era takes for granted the fact we have first, THE HOLY SPIRIT to teach us in all truth AND the complete Scriptures to support and confirm the truth of who God and Jesus are, why go to any other source?
With all that said, don't take my word for it... search these things out for yourself. Knowing God personally is what you were made for. (Psalm 100:3) and He wants to keep you close. (Psalm 119:2 and Psalms 145:18).
Reformed Thought to Be Aware Of
Reformed Thought = Doctrine of Men: Authority of man's ideas and not Gods = IDOLATRY of self and intellect.
Gnosticism : Modern New Age thought follows this, contemplative spirituality, automatic writing...
Jesuits: Militant Catholicism, sneaky and deceptive priests who infiltrate other belief systems in order to bring universalist principles to fruition.
Calvinism: I agree with this video. Love my Calvinist friends, don't need to argue about it but this video speaks to the truth of the matter in my opinion. (part 1 of 8 videos... watch them all!) And then read this article... The Enigma of Calvinism.
Questioners of Reformed Thought
Dean John Burgon
David Hunt
My last question to think about: WHO is the Head of the CHURCH? And are you truly submitted?
This video was convicting and encouraging...WOW!
Just so you know, I am NOT perfect. I make mistakes, I study and God convicts and corrects me often. I too have fallen into traps and thank the Lord He has shown me my error. I hope by reading this post, one can see I speak from conviction and not a 'know-it-all" or a "I'm right" mentality. This is my focus...when we let the Holy Spirit truly guide us in all truth, NOTHING can compare in the richness of it! This is me sharing my transformation in Christ, a work of my heart being reformed from sin and it is a beautiful thing to talk about!
And one more thing, I have prayed about Titus 3:11. My BOLD statement can cause ruffling to some folks. My intention is not to do that. I just like discussing what I learn and can leave well enough alone. Arguments are not my goal. I am truly not that type of person. There is a fine line between discussing, challenging, spurring toward faith and causing discord. I do know the difference!
Full History Documentary by Christian J. Pinto
Great Article For Thought
More Reformed Error
The Contradiction... What a mess the doctrine of man is!
A History... EXCELLENT on why MAN needs to keep to BIBLICAL truth...
Question for Thought:
How did Abraham know and understand God?
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