Thursday, March 15, 2018

Tim Keller Another Mountebank

Once again, I am thanking you Jesus for your pure, unadulterated Word and keeping me in it.  In these last days the deception surrounding your Word brought about by setting aside of theology for rhetoric and cultural standards has pained me.

I take no pleasure in talking about these false teachers who gather together and listen to each other with itching ears but also feel the need to warn since I see so many following who I believe have good intentions but are being led astray.

The Bible warns of this deception within the church many times. Paul was in tears over it. I am finding my heart in turmoil over it. I certainly know God's heart aches over the mishandling of His love letter of truth. (Matthew 24:11, I Timothy 4, 2 Peter 2:1).

One thing I must clarify is truth along side error should expose the error OR the truth will be twisted and be used to deceive for man agendas and purposes other than what God intends.

The best way I can illustrate this concept is through a school field trip to Inner Space Caverns. The cave tour guide was informing the children to keep their hands to themselves and to not touch anything on the path. She explained the formations in the cave took hundreds of years to become what they were and their beauty was what it was because they were untouched. The 'Ice-cream Parlour' formation stalagmite was highlighted by a light and the water running down it showcased a beautiful ,creamy-white, ripply surface. It was stunning. She did allow the kids to touch one stalagmite on the path designated as a tool to visually teach why we do not touch the cave formations. The touched formation was full of black smudges caused by the oils of many hands touching it's surface. It was tainted and the beauty was drastically diminished due to the dirty, impurities adhering to the surface. All the kids, including myself just couldn't resist the opportunity to touch the old stalagmite, it's pretty cool to say we touched something ancient that was hidden like a treasure.

When error (the doctrine of demons, whether ignorant or not) is mixed with truth, it smudges the Word of God and the beauty of the truth is covered. We could still see the creamy-white trying to break through the black smudges on that mishandled stalagmite but it was a foregone part of the cave. The guide said it is impossible to clean the smudges off without damaging the original formation and cleaning the oils takes much effort and time. This is in essence what happens when the truth of God is mishandled by man. Fortunately, if we are followers of Jesus, when we see error and correct, the power of the cleansing Spirit of God can take those smudges away and only by His power and our submission to Him can He make us pure again. Thank the Lord for this aspect of His beautiful loving design for His children.

Sadly, There does come a point of no return and the person who drinks in error is led astray and left to his own devices. God's love allows for this due to the fact He gave us a free will. If we truly love God we will love His truth (without changing it to fit a paradigm we have).

So I proceed, with a heavy heart, with another warning about a false teacher in the mainstream circles  of western, American church culture.  Once again, I am thankful for those people willing to teach and correct error at the cost of rejection, opposition, false-labels and personal sacrifice. I believe God will honor them when they meet.

Tim Keller: Presbyterian Apostate

One thing that really hits the nerve with me is his support of the Lecto Devina. This ritualistic practice seems so good on the surface but the roots are found in man-centered philosophies.  The reading of scripture in this manner mimics Hindu mantra style rituals. It is subtle error that deceives because people think, all we are doing is reading scripture. Read the following articles on why this practice is dangerous spiritually. It is a form of centering or contemplative practice. This is an entry into eastern mysticism, new age and anti-christ systematic religion. It is transcendental meditation, and is carnal.


LECTO DIVINA and Tim Keller

His leftist theology aligns with marxist ideology. See the video linked for further description.
More Error under the disguise of 'love'. Misdirection is also a LIE.  This video by Joe Schimmel is the proper, full counsel of God on the issue.

Jesus is love and Jesus only did what His Father did. What does God say about the above issues?

The truth on proper reading and speaking scripture... PSALMS 1:2

Keller's Socialism

Evangelical/ Progressive 

More Error Integration

More Education on the Matter

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