Napa Valley Dogwood Photo By: Danette Brown Precocious Empress of solitary cyme Phaneranthous exhibitor of inveigled beauty Entangled amongst your stature, an epiphyte. Flexured beard of Gorez Gog, Does he intend harm or diminish your light, Or add to your virtue and cause delight? Precocious flower, cultigen of intention, Adorn your landscape with no attrition. By: Chandra Brown |
Sometimes I rave, sometimes I rant, sometimes I'm silent because life is like that. I write what life teaches me....
Sunday, May 27, 2018
Cornus and the Lichen
Saturday, May 5, 2018
Confused Shoes
Recently, my daughter Alex and I went on a shopping excursion for shoes. She was asked to the 2018 Homeschool Prom and her closet is literally all Vans shoes. A formal with Vans, ahh, she could pull it off but we knew we better be more mainstream and find a pretty pair, like Cinderella, for the occasion.
In our efforts to find the right fit, (She has feet that need the exact fit or they just don't work) we came across some shoe doozies. Oh my, did I have my heyday giggling at what we found. Of course, Alex kept a safe distance from me in the aisle as I took snap shots of the shoes that made me laugh.
I have owned a few pairs of 'what the heck was I thinking' shoes, ones I thought made a statement but when you look back you wonder, what was going through my head? I have had cheap shoes, throw away shoes, seasonal shoes, shoes that make you feel cute shoes, pretty shoes and sexy shoes but these shoes are monsters that should never be found in any closet. Alex even labeled them, confused shoes. Yes, they have that element about them.
Fashionistas say shoes make the outfit. You tell me, how do these shoes make any outfit? It's a design challenge Tim Gun would cringe at. I can hear, 'Do your best!' with a glance of dubiety as he walks away.
Specimen No.1: Granny
Specimen No. 2: Birkenstein
Specimen No. 5: Moo Moo Matchers
Velvet, meets wonky snake print, meets slip on disaster. Walk these babies anywhere and you just may need rescue!
Apply Bob Ross' philosophy and you can wear any shoe with confidence!
In our efforts to find the right fit, (She has feet that need the exact fit or they just don't work) we came across some shoe doozies. Oh my, did I have my heyday giggling at what we found. Of course, Alex kept a safe distance from me in the aisle as I took snap shots of the shoes that made me laugh.
I have owned a few pairs of 'what the heck was I thinking' shoes, ones I thought made a statement but when you look back you wonder, what was going through my head? I have had cheap shoes, throw away shoes, seasonal shoes, shoes that make you feel cute shoes, pretty shoes and sexy shoes but these shoes are monsters that should never be found in any closet. Alex even labeled them, confused shoes. Yes, they have that element about them.
Fashionistas say shoes make the outfit. You tell me, how do these shoes make any outfit? It's a design challenge Tim Gun would cringe at. I can hear, 'Do your best!' with a glance of dubiety as he walks away.
Specimen No.1: Granny
The Price tag says $80.00 for these bland wonders. Trying for a comfort wedge with granny style.
I say you pay me $80 to take them off the floor.
These look like Frankenstien wanted to have a multi-seasonal shoe. It's so easy to run on the ice and in the forest taking revenge on those that don't love him. YIKES!
Specimen No. 3: Drunken Slipper
Should I be a slipper, should I be a bow, I kind of want to be a Kimono sash but Meh, I mis-measured the fabric and this'll do.
Specimen No. 4: Mr. It (Adams Family)
Mr. It found his shaggy sole mate...
Specimen No. 5: Moo Moo Matchers
OK.. I'm showing my cheap side... 20$ for these slippers. Really? They had better make my feet feel like walking on fluffy marshmallows. These are worthy of kicking under the bed where they will live with the dust bunnies and nobody will miss them.
Specimen No. 6: Jungle Fever
Velvet, meets wonky snake print, meets slip on disaster. Walk these babies anywhere and you just may need rescue!
Apply Bob Ross' philosophy and you can wear any shoe with confidence!
For Fun, here are the 'Cinderella' shoes we found for Alex's prom dress. Pretty, stylish and wow, she wore them well. (We nailed the outfit for prom... Goodwill formal, 15$, Alex makes it look like a million.)
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Proud Dad, Beautiful Daughter Photo by: Chandra Brown |
Thursday, May 3, 2018
Stark Naked
I am going to keep to my style of writing for this post. I have not wanted to write freely these past few years, it is hard on an this hobby writer when you feel you have to explain every sentence and word chosen and look at your scope of work and just want to burn it all. So I am writing this with a who cares what anyone thinks about it, or if they get it or misunderstand it. I'm writing from the way my crazy brain works and God willing, the content will be what I hope it to be.
I was thumbing through an old style book at the library awhile ago and was amused at all the different creative ways people clothed themselves throughout the centuries. Every era had its' trends, its' basics, its' formal wear. The fashion flops were good for laughs and made me wonder what the designer and wearer were thinking.
Clothing certainly hides flaws, accentuates assets, attracts attention, makes a statement and brings comfort or protection to the wearer. Clothing is an art form. It starts with a base, the human body and takes a tailor to artistically balance the layers of fabric over the form with precision. A well dressed person catches the eye.
If you're reading this post I want you to look at what you're wearing. Describe the clothing to yourself, does it fit well, does it make you feel a certain way, did you put thought into your color and style combination, are you clothed properly for the elements or occasion? Are you dapper or dumpy?
Keep the answers in your head...
The Emperor's New Clothes
Most people have read or know the story by Hans Christen Anderson, The Emperor's New Clothes, the story about a King with style who couldn't get enough but ended up becoming the fool of his passion. The voice of reason is subtle and inserted in the text at a crucial moment when the honest minister tries to warn the King. The honest, single voice of innocence is then heard by the clear declaration of truth the child boldly states. Finally, the full voice of the truth resounds in the people confirming reality and exposes the King's folly.
The swindlers weaved a tale the King wanted to hear to placate to His flesh, one he bought into readily even at the behest of his own conscience. The noblemen were willing to play along in order to save position and power all the while aligning with folly that in the end showed their true nature.
When the King gave into the full realization he was duped, he hung on to pride to try and keep some dignity about the situation.
Hans was brilliant at writing stories befitting the nature of mankind. I think this story and our every day habit of starting off in natural form and then stepping into your outfit for the day can teach a lot about spiritual issues.
Nakedness was the original clothing. Skin is pretty amazing in it's texture, color, longevity; it covers muscles and bones and does a good job insulating and protecting. Nakedness was perfection and there was nothing needed. Satan's deception twisted the beauty and innocence God originated for our good.
The dictionary defines the word naked as; devoid of customary or natural covering. It certainly has a negative connotation and means something is lacking and in need. The word naked is a paroxysm of great proportion. The only time I see the term thought of in a good light is when it is applied to innocence and purity. Babies and Adam and Eve before the fall are about the only time people don't have a hang-up about nakedness.
Genesis 2:25 - Adam and Eve were both naked and FELT no shame.
Genesis 3:7-11- They KNEW they were naked, tried to HIDE and then God asked, Who told you, you were naked?
I find it interesting that these are the only 2 people on earth that had the ability to remember a shadow of real innocence. The working of the conscience was changed and the realm of emotions took a big hit the day they disobeyed God. The knowledge they sought ruined them. I think Adam and Eve understood the full measure of the saying, "ignorance is bliss!"
Genesis 3:21- God made garments of skin..
The deception that brought curses and change into the world caused God to provide a covering, a second covering. God was the first clothier and tailored a plan as a provision and promise to correct the problem. How gracious of Him to cover their sin and give them back some of their dignity until the fulfillment of his Word.
Clothed in Righteousness
When you do not have Jesus and are not in Christ while walking through this world, you are stark naked spiritually. You may try to clothe yourself with philosophy, psychology, pseudo-spirituality, self-indulgence.. you name it, if it isn't Jesus, you're naked.
There are some Christians who are dressed poorly, this is caused by wrong beliefs entering in or a poor foundation. Self-help books, false teachings and plain worldly ways are like the swindlers who weave a palette of destruction all based on lies. Guess who still ends up with the bill at the end of that transaction.
Then there are those that have Jesus, but you are not wearing Him correctly. You don't know how to put Him on and wear Him with confidence. He's tailored the robes of righteousness perfectly but your feeding on something else and you don't fit in the garments too well. The garments don't need changing the habits and body do through proper food. What is the proper food, the Bible taught without error and then applied through obedience.
When you let God clothe you, He also puts a covering over your emotions. His righteousness, only bestowed upon us because of what Jesus did on the cross, is a temporary restoration until He completes the good work when we leave this world of tears and sin.
There are times a christian misses some of the pieces God gives us to clothe ourselves with and this is when error enters and deceives or the enemy finds the weak point and attacks. He has made us armor for a reason... wear it well and you will conquer. Ephesians 6: 11-18 - Isaiah 59:16-19. (It is His divine armor given to us...what an honor.)
Isaiah 61:10 Is when God cloths you.. but you have to keep the appointment and meet with Him in order to obtain the garments.
Isaiah 64:6- A perfect verse for our need to have God clothe us.
Psalms 132:9- Shows the progression from putting on righteousness and the resulting emotion that follows... JOY!
Who's Your Tailor?
So what are you wearing right now? Are you a Righteous Babe or a Stark Naked Fool? What are some spiritual 'faux pas' you've run into with your walk with God and how did you remedy them?
I was thumbing through an old style book at the library awhile ago and was amused at all the different creative ways people clothed themselves throughout the centuries. Every era had its' trends, its' basics, its' formal wear. The fashion flops were good for laughs and made me wonder what the designer and wearer were thinking.
Clothing certainly hides flaws, accentuates assets, attracts attention, makes a statement and brings comfort or protection to the wearer. Clothing is an art form. It starts with a base, the human body and takes a tailor to artistically balance the layers of fabric over the form with precision. A well dressed person catches the eye.
If you're reading this post I want you to look at what you're wearing. Describe the clothing to yourself, does it fit well, does it make you feel a certain way, did you put thought into your color and style combination, are you clothed properly for the elements or occasion? Are you dapper or dumpy?
Keep the answers in your head...
The Emperor's New Clothes
Most people have read or know the story by Hans Christen Anderson, The Emperor's New Clothes, the story about a King with style who couldn't get enough but ended up becoming the fool of his passion. The voice of reason is subtle and inserted in the text at a crucial moment when the honest minister tries to warn the King. The honest, single voice of innocence is then heard by the clear declaration of truth the child boldly states. Finally, the full voice of the truth resounds in the people confirming reality and exposes the King's folly.
The swindlers weaved a tale the King wanted to hear to placate to His flesh, one he bought into readily even at the behest of his own conscience. The noblemen were willing to play along in order to save position and power all the while aligning with folly that in the end showed their true nature.
When the King gave into the full realization he was duped, he hung on to pride to try and keep some dignity about the situation.
Hans was brilliant at writing stories befitting the nature of mankind. I think this story and our every day habit of starting off in natural form and then stepping into your outfit for the day can teach a lot about spiritual issues.
Nakedness was the original clothing. Skin is pretty amazing in it's texture, color, longevity; it covers muscles and bones and does a good job insulating and protecting. Nakedness was perfection and there was nothing needed. Satan's deception twisted the beauty and innocence God originated for our good.
The dictionary defines the word naked as; devoid of customary or natural covering. It certainly has a negative connotation and means something is lacking and in need. The word naked is a paroxysm of great proportion. The only time I see the term thought of in a good light is when it is applied to innocence and purity. Babies and Adam and Eve before the fall are about the only time people don't have a hang-up about nakedness.
Genesis 2:25 - Adam and Eve were both naked and FELT no shame.
Genesis 3:7-11- They KNEW they were naked, tried to HIDE and then God asked, Who told you, you were naked?
I find it interesting that these are the only 2 people on earth that had the ability to remember a shadow of real innocence. The working of the conscience was changed and the realm of emotions took a big hit the day they disobeyed God. The knowledge they sought ruined them. I think Adam and Eve understood the full measure of the saying, "ignorance is bliss!"
Genesis 3:21- God made garments of skin..
The deception that brought curses and change into the world caused God to provide a covering, a second covering. God was the first clothier and tailored a plan as a provision and promise to correct the problem. How gracious of Him to cover their sin and give them back some of their dignity until the fulfillment of his Word.
Clothed in Righteousness
When you do not have Jesus and are not in Christ while walking through this world, you are stark naked spiritually. You may try to clothe yourself with philosophy, psychology, pseudo-spirituality, self-indulgence.. you name it, if it isn't Jesus, you're naked.
There are some Christians who are dressed poorly, this is caused by wrong beliefs entering in or a poor foundation. Self-help books, false teachings and plain worldly ways are like the swindlers who weave a palette of destruction all based on lies. Guess who still ends up with the bill at the end of that transaction.
Then there are those that have Jesus, but you are not wearing Him correctly. You don't know how to put Him on and wear Him with confidence. He's tailored the robes of righteousness perfectly but your feeding on something else and you don't fit in the garments too well. The garments don't need changing the habits and body do through proper food. What is the proper food, the Bible taught without error and then applied through obedience.
When you let God clothe you, He also puts a covering over your emotions. His righteousness, only bestowed upon us because of what Jesus did on the cross, is a temporary restoration until He completes the good work when we leave this world of tears and sin.
There are times a christian misses some of the pieces God gives us to clothe ourselves with and this is when error enters and deceives or the enemy finds the weak point and attacks. He has made us armor for a reason... wear it well and you will conquer. Ephesians 6: 11-18 - Isaiah 59:16-19. (It is His divine armor given to us...what an honor.)
Isaiah 61:10 Is when God cloths you.. but you have to keep the appointment and meet with Him in order to obtain the garments.
Isaiah 64:6- A perfect verse for our need to have God clothe us.
Psalms 132:9- Shows the progression from putting on righteousness and the resulting emotion that follows... JOY!
Who's Your Tailor?
So what are you wearing right now? Are you a Righteous Babe or a Stark Naked Fool? What are some spiritual 'faux pas' you've run into with your walk with God and how did you remedy them?
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