Tuesday, February 19, 2019

The Whole 'Council' of God

Yes, the word 'council' is meant to be used in the title of the post.

For anyone in leadership or of the 'council' in churches. The whole counsel of God can be tough to teach in the church age we live in.

Acts 20:27- FOR I DID NOT SHRINK BACK FROM YOU THE WHOLE WILL OF GOD. -Paul to the Ephesians. (CR- Jeremiah 26:2).

If anyone has ears to hear and truly cares about delivering balanced teaching of the Word of God. Jacob Prasch is one of the best teachers to sit under.

As teachers go, they have a very high calling and responsibility. Answering to God for the handling of His Word is a lofty weight to bare.

Just so it doesn't look like I put Jacob on a pedestal and promote him for ulterior purposes. Dave Hunt, David Hocking, Sandy Simpson are all great teachers to learn under as well.

Let's not underestimate the believers in the pews. Those that truly are founded on Jesus and in Jesus want to know the depths of God's word. A great deception in western church culture is eliminating eschatological study. The mainstream mind goes to 'boogey man' mentality of end times and prophecy teaching because of all the charlatans out there. It's time to eliminate that trap and delve into the whole counsel in Revelation, Thessalonians, Daniel etc.
If the church doesn't teach this, it is a travesty and a hole left in the equation of who Jesus is and what He promises to do. Yes, you will be met with views contrary to each other. (Especially in the realm of the 'rapture'.) this should not stop the teaching of God's word. I do think most teachers are afraid of this subject because the content is sobering and the truth of the matter can cause loss of attendance and financial support. If that is the case, priorities are wrong. The subject matter is for ALL and not just the upper echelons of leadership.

Prepping and Equipping the Saints does include looking for His return.

A good read


The Whole Council of God: Jacob Prasch

Update: David Hocking is out. He had an affair. 
It is amazing the once sound start of pastors who then end up in sin. The great apostasy is upon us.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

They Call Me Abner

They Call Me Abner

I take a stroll down the lane
and saunter slowly back again
lounging lazily in the shade
I realize I have it made

What's that?...
I hear my name

Someone's calling from inside
I'll ignore it and just hide

The trees, the birds are in my view
the horizon is such a pretty hue

Well, it's getting late
and my tummy is empty
I think it's time I go inside and see
What kind of dinner is ready for me.

Stretch, yawn
I'm at the door,
It swings open, I look up!

My special someone scoops me up
and sighs
"Oh, It's my Abner!"

Friday, February 8, 2019

Participation Equation

I am glad to say, I think our family has found a decent church to attend and become more involved in.  It isn't Jacob Prasch or Devore Truth something I wish was here in Texas but the need for local fellowship has been met through this particular avenue. Wish casting set aside; as far as southern, reformed western churches go, it has balance in the Sunday messages and is gospel-centered. I hear the gospel every Sunday. That is glorious!

We are checking out the high school ministry and small group ministry to find relationships that sharpen, encourage and spur towards our goals as Jesus loving individuals.

It is a heart break for me to see the Women's ministry succumb to worldly influence. I can not participate in this arena because of this and my heart grieves. Not that I am perfect and arrived but when the Holy Spirit teaches you truth, you are held accountable and must obey. If anyone out there wonders why I can't participate it is due to the support of apostate teaching. The teaching lies in Beth Moore and Priscilla Shirer centered learning tools. Read this link to discover where the error occurs and may eyes be opened to the deception.

One thing I'd like to put out there... this churches congregation has a high percentage of 'recovering' Catholics. Many of the congregation has come out of the deceptive, religious rituals and apostate nature of Catholicism. Contemplative practices supported and taught by Beth Moore and Priscilla Shirer are part of that deceptive system.  We need to protect that portion coming out of religious deception by removing this error.

I also have to count the cost and realize this flies in the face of leadership and puts me in the 'watch out for her' category.  Ahh, the story of my life.  I will just stand outside and look in at this point and pray over the ministry leaders. That is all I can do.  I do pray God puts me where He wants me, to use me and to grow me.  I think He is doing that.

Truth and Grace... Truth and Love...

John 1:14
Participation Equation Principles to Live by...
Ephesians 4:15


ANOTHER GREAT LISTEN...(temporary online) Food for Thought