Thursday, May 9, 2019

The Tribulation

I have been studying the rapture for some time. I have come to the belief that the Pre-Trib position is false and the Intra Seal Rapture is closest to biblical exegesis.

Here are a few things I learned in my study over the past few years...

Immenency does not equal rapture

Blessed Hope does not equal rapture

Fellowship and unity with other believers abiding in Christ is key for comfort and support to prepare for and endure persecution.

The garments of salvation are a must. Check your salvation (Philippians 2:12)  If you are not wearing the garments you are toast. Rev. 3:4.  See to it that NO ONE misleads you. (Mark 13:5)

These words are important:






Material to Read:

Harpazo, The Intra-Seal Rapture by Jacob Prasch

Shadows of the Beast (On the Anti-Christ) by Jacob Prasch

Video to Watch:

The Great Pre-Trib Rapture Deception by Joe Schimmel

My Prayer:

May we not be ignorant but prepared like the wise virgins. (Matthew25).
And abiding in Christ is the only way this can occur. (John 15 and 16).

NOTE: There is a difference in what the tribulation means and what God's wrath means.
VIDEO on that subject

VIDEO on clarification of terms...

I love ya Jacob...

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