Saturday, June 1, 2019


Saying it like it is... the best method for delivering truth...

If your church leans on the teat of The Gospel Coalition it's time to start doing your research on that subject.

Below is a primer for your research:

Here is more detail on the error of The Gospel Coalition

When there is ERROR... you correct error with TRUTH... not a mix...

Mark my words (just like Brannon Howse). The Gospel Coalition's support of Calvanism (some even 7 point) and Socialism is NOT what the church should be feeding on. Yes, there are some well done articles on the site as well BUT a house divided against itself will fall (Matthew 12:25- Jesus' words). Calvanism and Socialism are nowhere to be found as systems in the Bible to follow.

The Gospel Coalition: The road to Babylon. A road you don't want to be on...

Books to Read on the issue in the American Church:

Marxianity by Brannon Howse

What Love is This? by David Hunt

2 Corinthians 2:11....

STRONG Post... I know...when the blinders are off, and the serum of truth is applied, it is strong. God cares enough so you won't go back to the trough of error.

When I speak the truth there always seems to be a consequence against me or my family. I wonder what that will be since I posted this... Speaking the truth in this day in age is tough! If anyone out there cares, I do ask for your prayers over my family!

Here is the reality of double talking...

Spot On:
"Failure at a crucial moment, may mar the entire outcome of a life." Charles Spurgeon....

Interesting quote when you find that Surgeon a self- proclaimed Calvanist struggled with some of the points, especially limited atonement. He even was called an Arminian after one if his sermons.
FACT: Calvanism causes contradiction. Systems of man cause problems folks.
FACT: Calvanism muddles the clear and plain text/meaning of the word of God.

When will men of God oust this non-biblical system from the church? It is human philosophy disguised as truth. Salvific heresy that positions itself in front of the true gospel. Purity and simplicity of the gospel is FREEING, Calvanism causes angst!

And another educational video for the research file:

Great Article:
Brannon Howse on John McArthur

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