Thursday, July 15, 2021

Error That Leads Astray

The Gap Theory is Man’s Opinion 

Keyword: THEORY 

We need to know how to study History and Text correctly. Does the Gap theory ‘logic’ follow proper protocol?  

First, we need to define what the gap theory is and how it is derived, where the concept was born and why the question arose? 

What is the Gap Theory? 

The following are questions ‘gap theorists’ proposed: 

How does one properly fit the Fall of Satan in a time line of biblical events? 

How does one account for the fossil record within a timeline? 

Note: This theory took strong hold in the 18th Century, before this time period, this theory was not taught as biblical. 

The Gap Theory allows for a period between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2, where the already Fallen Satan controls a Pre-Adamic Race of Men (this accounts for some ‘pre-historic fossil record of man, dinosaurs and extended ‘unknown’ periods of time in Universe/Earth History. ) 

(This ideology lines up more with Evolutionary Theory by allowing millions of years as a definition to the description of creation.) 

Sketchy Science 

This theory falls into the Historical Science category, of which ‘error’ can abound. It is a ‘soft science’ as history cannot be ‘repeated' and cannot be accessible through experiments conducted in the present. 

When Science and History collide and interpretation is involved there are many angles, questions and rules to the study that should be applied. 

What does the plain text say? 

Is there evidence that supports this elsewhere in the text? 

What, if any are my preconceived notions about the subject or question?

Am I stepping outside the given boundaries to fit the definition or question posed? 

When an idea or theory arises, a study of where the idea originated and if there has been refutation or support should be a contender in thinking logically. 

A ‘Great Story’ or Fact? 

In essence, the ‘gap theory’ is opinion of man, mixed with some truths and just as much imagination as evolution. It contains a mixed-up timetable to placate to a worldly principle. 

When something does not square, look closer to the finer details as to why it doesn’t add up... 

Gap theory is just that, a theory. It is not taught as a ‘theory. It is taught along the same lines as evolution in that they both are not proven by observable science but taught as ‘fact. Gap theory is taught as fact by taking scripture out of context and applying eisegesis to text to fit a narrative.  

Another term for gap theory is progressive creationism. It is housed under a uniformitarian view which explains a geologic timetable for earths formation and life processes as slow and gradual. There are differing ideas within this theory, one of which is the Catastrophic View, where God started the process, allowed for slow gradual transformation with a few catastrophes mixed in to account for floods and disorder. 

The Origin and Growth of Gap Theory (only a highlight. Read below articles for in depth detail) 

Babylonian Captivity 

Jewish Mysticism (Zohar) *See Article 

Concept discussed in writings by Dutch, Arminian Theologian, Simon Episcopius in the 17th Century.  

Made popular by Scottish Theologian, Thomas Chalmers in the 19th Century. In 1804, Chalmers preached a message inspired by the Ruin/Restoration concept of Genesis. In 1814, he reviewed French Naturalist George Cuvier’s Theory. Cuvier was a naturalist and the Father of Paleontology. Cuvier was more in line with Darwinian thought.  

Johannes Christian Rosenmuller a physician and anatomist with leanings towards evolutionary skull models mentions the idea in his writings. 18th Century. 

Supported by the Scofield Study Bible 

Question and Scriptural Answer to Refute Theory Timeline 

When did SIN and DEATH enter the world? 

According to Romans 5:12 there was NO SIN in the World until Adam, the FIRST man sinned.  If Adam is the first man, there can be no PRE-ADAMIC race.  

Death entered through ONE man’s sin. DEATH BEFORE ADAM with the wiping out of a Pre-Adamic race is not what Romans 5:12-14, I Corinthians 15:21 states. 

The Gap Theory is dangerous to the Gospel message 

But if "death reigned" not "from Adam to Moses," as the Bible says (Romans 5:14), but had already reigned for billions of years before Adam, then death is not the wages of sin but instead was part of God's creative purpose. How then could the death of Christ put away sin? The gap theory thus undermines the very gospel of our salvation, as well as the holy character of God. Henry Morris. 

The curse and the Fall came after creation and man’s sin. (Genesis 3:17-19). God called what He created, ‘good’.  (Genesis 1) 

The Article, Closing the Gap at Answers in Genesis refutes the passages used and taken out of context in Jeremiah, and Isaiah.


Why the Gap Theory Won’t Work by Henry M. Morris, Ph.D. 

An Exploration Into the Gap Theory (Excellent and well done)*MUST READ 

Darwin, Cuvier, Lamarck by Christopher Marty 

Rosenmuller Journal of Neurological Surgery 

Reinterpretation of Genesis by Terry Mortenson 

Closing the Gap Paul F. Taylor  


Contested Bones by Christopher Rupe and Dr. John Sanford 

Buried Alive by Jack Cuozzo

Closer Look at the Evidence by Richard and Tina Kleis (researched science devotionals) 

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