Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Tend Your Garden Post #5: Fruit of the Vine

Growth takes time. Be patient.
And while you're waiting, pull a weed. 

saying by Emilie Barnes

We were starting to get impatient, "When are we going to see something we can eat?" We'd grumble. Then the other day we saw these peas, so Alex picked them and I ate them. They were sweet, crisp and crunchy. I claimed to not like peas, probably because the ones I'm used to eating are frozen. Those taste soft, mushy, kind of like a bland paste. What a difference growing them yourself makes. I could just stand there and pick and eat and be satisfied.

We've had to make adjustments in our "learning" garden. I had to prune away tree limbs so the plants could get enough sun. I had to transplant a squash plant, it made it through the move and is doing well but I wonder if this will hinder its fruit. Our strawberries are trying to burst out but birds just love them too much! I need to buy a net.

This experiement has taught us many things, one lesson that currently comes to mind is patience. In due time the fruit will be there we just have to learn to wait and let nature do its thing, in the meantime just watch the process, take care of what you can and rejoice in the harvest when the time comes. Funny how this garden lesson parallels the happenings in our personal life too!


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