Sometimes I rave, sometimes I rant, sometimes I'm silent because life is like that. I write what life teaches me....
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Blooming Pirouette
Monday, April 16, 2012
Kefir Tiki Masala For The Crockpot
There is a restaurant in Westminster, Colorado that I just can't seem to find a comparison to here in Austin. My sweet in-laws are lucky enough to live quite close to the Jewel of India. Once in a while they'll post on Face book that they dined there which sends my lip into the pouting stance. I sit at the computer yearning for the delectable spices and authentic foods as I jealously post a comment about their dining experience.
A few weeks back I was in a large food rut, I was just getting ready to succumb to another monotonous dinner choice when my sister-in-law, Danette posted they had been to Jewel of India. I just couldn't take it anymore. I had to try to replicate the Tiki Masala the best I could. I was craving that delicious, savory, melt in your mouth sauce.
I rummaged through my fridge and pantry grabbing at what I had and I thought, " Chandra, you've thrown together some doozies before, if this one fails at least you can blame it on the inexperience of cooking a foreign dish and just chalk it up to a learning adventure." That is a big deal for me because if I put effort into any dish and it turns out bad I get a bit perturbed at the wasted time and food. I've got two particular eaters in the house and if they don't like it they won't eat it.
So, instead of scrolling through countless recipes on the Internet or in my cookbooks and since this was a big experiment and the chance it was going in the dogs bowl or worse, the trash, I just winged it.
No measuring utensils needed I just plopped and poured and guessed at it all. Boy was I elated that this flotsam and jetsam concoction turned out so darn good that we ate every last bit; dragging the naan through the sauce on the plate in back and forth patterns to sop every last drop up. I sat there with a very pleased look on my face as I saw three plates of food being eaten with relish. I made everyone happy in the house and did it with a foreign dish that in my judgment is pretty darn hard to replicate. So I have to share the recipe for those fellow Indian food lovers who can't get to Jewel of India.
Place 4-6 bone-in, skin on chicken thighs in the crock pot. Salt chicken. (this cut of chicken is necessary as it makes the best broth that blends with the below sauce). Set crock pot to low.
1 16oz. Can of diced tomatoes with garlic and olive oil
1/4 cup Helios kefir with kos (this kefir tastes like sour cream)
1 Tablespoons of Patak's Madras Curry Paste
Put in a food processor and blend till sauce consistency. Pour over chicken in crock pot cover with lid and let cook all day. Just before serving take out chicken, let cool, de-bone and de-skin and place back in sauce to reheat.
Serve with side of brown or white rice and warmed butter naan. (H-E-B brand naan is the best)
Serves 3-4 people.
Maybe we have been so deprived of the excellent tastes of the Jewel of India and have settled with this version to get us by, but it sure turned out great and will be a standby till we can make it back to our favorite Indian restaurant.
Let me know what you think?
Now I just have to get Saag down!
A few weeks back I was in a large food rut, I was just getting ready to succumb to another monotonous dinner choice when my sister-in-law, Danette posted they had been to Jewel of India. I just couldn't take it anymore. I had to try to replicate the Tiki Masala the best I could. I was craving that delicious, savory, melt in your mouth sauce.
I rummaged through my fridge and pantry grabbing at what I had and I thought, " Chandra, you've thrown together some doozies before, if this one fails at least you can blame it on the inexperience of cooking a foreign dish and just chalk it up to a learning adventure." That is a big deal for me because if I put effort into any dish and it turns out bad I get a bit perturbed at the wasted time and food. I've got two particular eaters in the house and if they don't like it they won't eat it.
So, instead of scrolling through countless recipes on the Internet or in my cookbooks and since this was a big experiment and the chance it was going in the dogs bowl or worse, the trash, I just winged it.
No measuring utensils needed I just plopped and poured and guessed at it all. Boy was I elated that this flotsam and jetsam concoction turned out so darn good that we ate every last bit; dragging the naan through the sauce on the plate in back and forth patterns to sop every last drop up. I sat there with a very pleased look on my face as I saw three plates of food being eaten with relish. I made everyone happy in the house and did it with a foreign dish that in my judgment is pretty darn hard to replicate. So I have to share the recipe for those fellow Indian food lovers who can't get to Jewel of India.
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Photo by: Michael Whays |
Place 4-6 bone-in, skin on chicken thighs in the crock pot. Salt chicken. (this cut of chicken is necessary as it makes the best broth that blends with the below sauce). Set crock pot to low.
1 16oz. Can of diced tomatoes with garlic and olive oil
1/4 cup Helios kefir with kos (this kefir tastes like sour cream)
1 Tablespoons of Patak's Madras Curry Paste
Put in a food processor and blend till sauce consistency. Pour over chicken in crock pot cover with lid and let cook all day. Just before serving take out chicken, let cool, de-bone and de-skin and place back in sauce to reheat.
Serve with side of brown or white rice and warmed butter naan. (H-E-B brand naan is the best)
Serves 3-4 people.
Maybe we have been so deprived of the excellent tastes of the Jewel of India and have settled with this version to get us by, but it sure turned out great and will be a standby till we can make it back to our favorite Indian restaurant.
Let me know what you think?
Now I just have to get Saag down!
Friday, April 13, 2012
Kefir Taste Test
I am excited to finally get to this post. I have been wanting to talk about kefir for a few weeks but have been waylayed by beautiful flowers, girl scout activities, preparing for Holidays and a healthy load of staging work.
Kefir is one of the products that has hit a market trend recently but has been around for centuries. It is on a health food comeback and I hope it sticks around for good. My good friend Nancy turned our family on to this beneficial product.
When I first took a taste I wondered if my daughter, who is the pickiest of our brood would even try it. It is a bit tart. I am happy to say she is our biggest consumer. She has a small glass for breakfast and takes it to school for lunch, she also asks for it as a treat at night time. It is one of those YES, YES, YES foods, please eat this food, have as much as you want foods.
Kefir Taste Test
Brand 1 : Lifeway
The Raspberry and Strawberry banana Kefir by Lifeway passes the taste test and is our favorite. The sugar content is high and we only have this as a treat. We do like that they make the ProBug pouches that can go in lunches.
I was saddened that my local grocery store started off with a strong start with this brand and product and carried the FAT, PLAIN kefir (a lot less sugar) but as time went by, eliminated it. Most likely due to the NO FAT, not sweet enough lie that is epidemic in our food culture.
We love putting this in smoothies, on top of fruit in the morning or drinking straight from the glass.
Brand 2: Helios with Kos
This particular brand tastes more along the lines of sour cream. The sugar content was low and the Fat factor was there but the taste was too strong for drinking straight even with a teaspoon of honey. I wasn't about to let this nutrient rich bottle go to waste. I used it in an amazing Indian food recipe and it was what made the recipe! (recipe to follow in a future post) This brand is great for cooking with.
Redwood Hills Farm Goat Kefir is without a doubt my favorite of the store bought varieties. It was also the most expensive. The thick, creamy rich taste with a dollop of honey was delicious. It had all the FAT and low sugar. It also was not as tart as the cow versions. A winner if the budget allows.
Kefir is one of the products that has hit a market trend recently but has been around for centuries. It is on a health food comeback and I hope it sticks around for good. My good friend Nancy turned our family on to this beneficial product.
When I first took a taste I wondered if my daughter, who is the pickiest of our brood would even try it. It is a bit tart. I am happy to say she is our biggest consumer. She has a small glass for breakfast and takes it to school for lunch, she also asks for it as a treat at night time. It is one of those YES, YES, YES foods, please eat this food, have as much as you want foods.
Kefir Taste Test
Brand 1 : Lifeway
The Raspberry and Strawberry banana Kefir by Lifeway passes the taste test and is our favorite. The sugar content is high and we only have this as a treat. We do like that they make the ProBug pouches that can go in lunches.
I was saddened that my local grocery store started off with a strong start with this brand and product and carried the FAT, PLAIN kefir (a lot less sugar) but as time went by, eliminated it. Most likely due to the NO FAT, not sweet enough lie that is epidemic in our food culture.
We love putting this in smoothies, on top of fruit in the morning or drinking straight from the glass.
Brand 2: Helios with Kos
Brand 3: Redwood Farms Goat Kefir
Brand 4: Beyond Organic Amasai
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All photo and Trademark properties belong to Beyond Organic Foods. |
OK, folks the buck stops here. This product gets the top rating and blows the competition out of the water. I saved the best for last. Green fed cultured Amasai deserves top honors because one doesn't have to wonder if the product meets organic standards. In fact, it supersedes them. Beyond organic has taken the high road and taken extra measures from soil, to grass, to cow, to production in making sure you receive the healthiest most nutrient dense product. Not only do you get ALL that was intended from a cultured dairy product; the taste is truly refreshing and perfectly balanced. With flavors like Milk and Honey, Plain and Raspberry you can't wrong in satisfying varied palettes.
The low temperature pasteurization process leaves proteins in their whole undenatured form and keeps enzymes intact along with the good bacteria (probiotics). Amasai is stock full of vitamin A,D,K, and E and is truly satisfying. Drinking (16 ounce bottle) half a bottle sustained me for the entire morning.
Founder of Beyond Organic, Jordan Rubin can attest to the magnificent healing power of drinking cultured beverages and has dedicated his life to bringing the same opportunity of dynamic health to those that truly want to take responsibility for their own well-being.
I didn't mean to get away from the taste test results but when you find someone doing it right when it is so easy to do what the rest of the industry is doing you have to give credit where it is due. If you are interested in obtaining a sample of your own Amasai, contact my friend Nancy by clicking on her name. She is a fully accredited nutritional distributor of Jordan's top of the line products.
I challenge you to do your own taste test and get back to me with your results.
Bon Apetit!
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Solitary Beauty
Questioning eyes cast upon a solitary beauty...
Closed petals sit demurely upon sepals seat
modestly concealing style
petal grasps taut
reveal what you hold;
geometric carpel
intelligent design
star angled pattern
stamen vivid bright
a secret in the open
passersby delight
By: Chandra Brown
Photos By: Chandra Brown |
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Easter Delight
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Photo By: waferboard |
Have you ever had a thought or phrase that gives you pure delight every time it traipses across your mental plane? I have been relishing one particular satiating thought since Friday. I was doing the normal routine at home and the delightful thought flashed across my mind and I just had to stop and smile. I was at work and at the most tedious times the thought jumped in the way and made me stop and smile.
OK, I'll let you in on my personal delight. The fact that Jesus cooked breakfast for His disciples during one of His many appearances after his resurrection just makes me giddy.
I'll give a little background as to why this thought entertains me so.
This year, Easter sprung early on me. I've been busy, distracted and to be honest I was half ready to grab a pre-roasted chicken and boil some potatoes flop it on a plate for our Easter Celebration and call it good. My attitude lately about cooking has been dismal. I just can't seem to muster up any of Julia Child's good vibes about food. Going to the grocery store has been the "do I have to do this yet again" chore. People may think I like cooking but I confess I would live off fresh juiced produce and an occasional turkey sandwich if I could; it's simple.
But, John 21:1-14 saved the Holiday food selection for my family this year. It may seem eccentric but it's true.
After reading this wonderful account of Jesus' third appearance to his disciples my attitude changed. "This Holiday is about celebrating Jesus' death, burial and resurrection,"I thought to myself; "and you are going to do what Jesus did."
Jesus' first appearance was to Mary Magdalene (John 20). His first appearance to the group of disciples was not long after Mary's account when they were fearful of the Jews, who were most likely hostile concerning the dilemma of what happened to the physical body of Jesus that was no longer in the tomb. Jesus' presence was not only reassuring but also one of great importance as he gave them the Holy Spirit and encouraged them in the plan the Father had for them (John 20:19-23). The second appearance was to prove to one skeptical doubting Thomas that He was in fact risen and alive. (John 20:24-30) Verse 30 states, "Jesus performed many other miraculous signs but they are not recorded in this book but these are written that you believe." I thought these accounts must have impressed the disciples greatly in order for John to highlight in his writing.
If these two accounts were important to the disciples (as ALL the non-written ones were as well) then the third appearance of Jesus also made an impression on the group. No doubt the conversation between (and about) Peter and the Lord was memorable (John 21:15-25) but why didn't John just talk about this? Why did he mention Jesus making them breakfast? Then I thought, "Jesus just fulfilled all the Old Testament prophecies concerning who He is, He died a horrendous death, stormed the gates of hell and conquered death and on the third day he came back triumphant and with a glorious new body. He was encouraging the believers, proving he was ALIVE, Ascending and Descending to Heaven. John 21 is a refreshing account of Jesus' fellowship with His beloved "friends". How do we usually like to have a good time with friends and family? WITH FOOD!!!
Did you just read that the way I hope I explained it? Jesus wanted to spend time with the ones that were close to Him the ones He loved and called friends; a time to relax from the work of catching fish, a time to teach and prepare them for their calling and what better way to do that but by cooking a meal; a great catalyst for enjoying kindred spirits. Peter's reaction to seeing Jesus on the shore just makes me love the guy, he jumped out of the boat with his clothes on (making sure to greet the Lord in the proper etiquette) in order to get there as fast as he could.
The coals were hot and some fish and bread were already cooking when they arrived on shore with their fishing net filled to the brim. They contributed the catch the Lord provided in potluck style and proceeded to fellowship.
Preparing a meal has more to it then technique,planning, preparation or presentation. The act of cooking a Holiday meal says, "Please stay awhile, let's talk, let's reminisces, let's talk about what matters."
Reading John 21 reminded me of the simple truth that eating together creates the bonds for a healthy relationship.
Move over pre-roasted grocery store chicken; you're not worthy, you'll have to wait for another day, make room for Rosemary/Port infused Rack of Lamb with Home made Au gratin Potatoes, Strawberry Vinaigrette Salad and Warm Rolls that melt the butter. I'm going to celebrate Jesus' Resurrection with an out of this world, hearty meal made by me and shared with others.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Natures' Amusement Park
Mom: "So, Alex what did you think of today's adventure at the 360 Trail?"
Alex: "I discovered a free passage to mother natures amusement park but you may have to pay at the end of the day. Mother nature will give you a bill of foot sores."
Mom: "Yes, there were a few pebbles that made me wonder if our trek was worth it, but I had a ton of fun arriving at our water destination. The water was chilly at first but I got used to it quickly. What did you think of the water?"
Alex: "One of the strongest forces of nature for sure. I got dragged off a rock just because I was in a
certain position."
Mom: " I saw that, I heard you kind of squeal in a scared voice at first, then you landed in the pool below and I could tell you thought it was fun. That was why I was laughing. I thought the water looked menacing but once we got in and started interacting with the rocks and water it was a piece of cake. We conquered this day and had fun doing it. Do you want to do it again?'
Alex: "Yes although I skinned my butt and bumped it on rocks a few times I still had a blast!"
Mom: "Those are natures' kisses. We will take dad next time, he will love the adventure too. You can be his tour guide. I love you and love spending time with you."
Alex: "More like natures' bites.Thank you for interviewing me."
Mom: "You are welcome!"
Blowing Wish Weeds
Walking down a bluebonnet path...
Yellow, blue and orange accompany our feet
But then,
In mid sight a spec of white...
I rush over to pick its stem,
Running free with my mom by my side
I pick the wish weed with pride.
"Look at my flower mom, what is its name?'
"It is a wish weed, so it seems;
A wish weed you blow to grant your dreams."
I filled up my lungs;
Got ready to blow,
so I could watch the wish seeds flow.
Ever so lightly the air passed my lips,
as my breath sent my wish drifting
along grass blade tips.
I quietly gazed at my wish carried in the breeze,
knowing that someday God will reveal His plan for me.
Written By: Alex and Chandra Brown
Inspired by the Brown family adventures in nature.
A true story.
Yellow, blue and orange accompany our feet
But then,
In mid sight a spec of white...
I rush over to pick its stem,
Running free with my mom by my side
I pick the wish weed with pride.
"Look at my flower mom, what is its name?'
"It is a wish weed, so it seems;
A wish weed you blow to grant your dreams."
I filled up my lungs;
Got ready to blow,
so I could watch the wish seeds flow.
Ever so lightly the air passed my lips,
as my breath sent my wish drifting
along grass blade tips.
I quietly gazed at my wish carried in the breeze,
knowing that someday God will reveal His plan for me.
Written By: Alex and Chandra Brown
Inspired by the Brown family adventures in nature.
A true story.
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