Monday, December 19, 2016

The Humbling Continues....

This is my prayer for you from the bottom of my heart with no strings attached and may the clarity of the purity I want to convey in it shine through any misperceptions that want to attach their filters to it.

My Prayer

May you always know who you are in Christ and live in that truth to the fullest. May the autonomy of living in Christ protect your heart and give you the strength to withstand when anything outside Jesus tries to conform you, control you or manipulate you to that standard, whether intentions be from the source of what seems good or from ignorance.

May you find joy in following God's purpose for your life without the shackles of expectation from others. May you understand the only voice you obey is the Holy Spirit. Let God define you, let God shape and mold you and through it all may you remain humble.

Ask those bold questions, let your light shine, don't be afraid to be YOU. Be willing to make mistakes but always be ready to correct when they are made and keep moving forward. Know the value in truly being sorry and saying it when you know you were wrong, even partially wrong. It has healing abilities that far exceed therapy, addictions, or the perpetual cycle of sadness. Saying the word 'sorry' and truly meaning it is far more valuable than personal affirmations or material gifts. It is the truest act of kindness. It is the only bridge maker in relationships when there is chasm. Verbally saying these words is a humbling act that opens the doors of forgiveness wide. Even if the receiver of those words doesn't fully accept, do it anyway, for yourself.

Put yourself out there for the world to behold, through your talents may they see God's handiwork and give Him glory for it.

It's OK to be silly, to dance, to sing, to get messy, to make mistakes. Value people above things, be willing to give the 'shirt' off your back to those less fortunate. Plan for those big ideas, dreams and things you do want and enjoy the benefits when you reach the goal. Love working hard but love playing too.

May you always find balance in your life through your relationships. First, God, then family, then friends. When you need advice seek those three in that order and then trust yourself for the final decision. May you understand the dynamics of communication without fear, assumption or judgment but in the full operation of openness, patience and love.

May you always be soft and moldable in the presence of God and may that shine through your countenance and actions. When you are soft and moldable in His presence, you come out with an unbendable strength against anything that is not of Him.

My prayer for you is to live abundantly in Christ and share His shaping of you with others so they can rejoice with you as you become exactly what He meant you to be.

All my Love,

GALATIONS= FREEDOM... don't let anyone diminish what you have in Christ.

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