Fragmentary Blue
Robert Frost
Why make so much of fragmentary blue
In here and there a bird or butterfly,
Or flower, or wearing-stone, or open eye,
When heaven presents in sheets the solid hue?
Since earth, perhaps, not heaven (as yet)
Though some savants make earth include the sky;
And blue so far above us comes so high,
It only gives our wish for blue a whet.
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'Fragmentary Blue' Photo by: Chandra Brown |
The Color Blue
I have to admit, I have taken the color blue for granted. I look up into the sky everyday and there it is; bold, beautiful and consistent. Oh, how I complain when the overcast day hides the color and the absence of it actually makes you feel blue.
The color has had interesting press surrounding it in the science field. Who was the first to write about it, was the color actually visible to our early ancestors and how is the color blue really perceived.
I find it interesting the Bible may have a few clues to this color mystery. In Genesis 1:3-8 God created light and waters and divided them accordingly. These terms are heavy with meaning. The word for firmament in Hebrew is 'Raqiya' and means an expanse, the sky, the vault of heaven or to be more literal; 'an expansion of plates'. Raqiya comes from the word 'Raqa': to pound by hammering, to overlay, to stretch a precious metal over an object like gold leaf. Our modern term for firmament is the atmosphere. We know that there are at least five layers with varying attributes and qualities that protect the earth and mankind. These layers surround the earth like precious overlaid plates and light interacts through these layers and exposes the light spectrum.
When God created the firmament, the earth was in its' perfect form. The original canopy structure in the firmament helped protect the earth and mankind in ways modern science has a hard time understanding. The atmosphere was different than what we know it today. When sin entered the world that atmosphere was in for a change (not immediately but in the future of God's plan). The law of entropy took effect after the fall and man was appointed to physical death and although the death process took longer in the time of Adam, the process is indeed put in motion towards that consequence throughout all the ages.
The world thrown into chaos caused evil to abound and approximately 1600 years after Adam sinned, God sent His judgment through the form of a flood. The flood started and ended by the opening and closing of the 'windows of heaven' and bursting up from the depths of the earth. Genesis 8:2.
God promised Noah that he will never destroy mankind with a flood again by setting His 'bow in the cloud' as a reminder. (Genesis 9:12-13.) This is important as we all know rainbows refract, disperse and reflect light so colors can be seen.
This may not seem significant to the water, light phenomenon in our atmosphere but the fact Noah got a little tipsy after drinking wine from his vineyard is most likely an indication of the atmospheric change. Some scholars note that the wine may have fermented in a different manner than before the flood causing the alcohol content to be concentrated. I also wonder if altitude may have had an effect. I'm not sure how close to Mount Ararat that vineyard was but living on top of a mountain is different than building an Ark on flat land. Genesis 7:17-20, 8:4. Or maybe he did just over drink, look at his life; to be the only one found righteous, dad to a total Ham for a son (Pun intended), building an ark bigger than the titanic, becoming a zoo-keeper, sailor and husband-man, I think the man deserves a little slack. With the job change alone and waiting for that delicious wine to be ready, I'm sure he deserved a little happy time, and he just over did it. Ha! (Now that is not biblical, just ol' me).
It also seems rain was not in the forecast before Noah's time. God had a different method in place. Genesis 2: 5-6.
Establishing a shift in the atmosphere post flood also can be found in the fact man's lifespan changed from pre-flood times. Before God meted out His judgment he stated man's days would be 120 years. Genesis 6:3. A consequence for the evil they took part in (Genesis 6:2,4).
God's divine law, changed the physical laws on earth through a catastrophic event. I can see God's grace even in this destruction. (Ahem, another reason we need not fear the refining of the earth by fire (judgment of the wicked) in the future. II Peter 3:10. The earth is eternal)
Warning: the following is total theory but a question that should be discussed in my opinion: With the above information it makes me wonder if Noah and his family were the first humans to see the color blue. The atmosphere changed, I deduce the oxygen component may have been tweaked and a 'plate' in the firmament peeled away to expose blue sky. The rainbow was the cherry on top, with the color spectrum vibrantly seen for the first time as well.
Colors, especially blue, are God's gift to his creation.
Questions and Thoughts to ponder within the scope of this post:
1. If God's divine law changes the physical laws in the Flood. What will be in store according to Physics for the time of the Tribulation and Millennium?
2. God has given scientific knowledge to man throughout time. Study Copernicus, Newton, James Maxwell, Einstein and see the hand of God progressing the Laws of His Universe throughout time. It should excite us to see what lays in store for our future. Think about how the Laws of physics where 'broken' when Jesus 'appears' after his resurrection (before His ascension). John 20:19. And as a Christian, we receive a new body, just like Christ's when we go to be with Him. Philippians 3:20-21.
3. If you've done enough research, you should know global warming is not scientifically supported but IF the earth does warm I would think it is in God's plan and there is not too much to worry about. Noah adjusted to the changes after the flood and lived because God's grace was sufficient. We can adjust to any changes in our time too as God's promise holds firm for His creation as well as His people. I'm not sure how God will accomplish this in the future but Revelations 21:1 speaks of, 'no more sea' on the earth (seas as we understand them anyway, water will be here a river runs out of Jerusalem.) Hmmm! Maybe IF global warming does occur this is the result. I know, that was a stretch but I hope you're laughing! (Rev. 21:1 is at the end of the Millenial period and into Eternity). Note: The book of Revelation is figurative and literal in many of its' passages. With many of the figurative portions explaining what the literal is. Rev. 21:1 is literal.
4. Think about all the scientific avenues for industry and health the light spectrum has shown us.
4. Think about all the scientific avenues for industry and health the light spectrum has shown us.
5. Even in God's Judgment He shows Grace!
Further Reading:
What are the Primary Colors?
Why Does the Ocean Appear Blue?
AMAZING BIBLE said it BEFORE Science discovered it.
Why Does the Ocean Appear Blue?
AMAZING BIBLE said it BEFORE Science discovered it.
Romans 8: 18-22
Dedicated to Ken Brown, he thought Noah may have been the first man to see blue skies!
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