There were many reasons He had me do this. He wanted to keep my heart in check, as it becomes easy to fall into not loving people or seeing people as Jesus sees people, living in a somewhat isolated environment. He definitely showed me God's amazing love for us as His imperfect sheep. There are many types of people within the church, babies, maturing, elders, maybe even a few non-believers too. All at different stages of walking with God, all in need of Him, all with problems even under grace. (non-believers do not 'walk' with God).
He had me read the Psalms of Asaph an appointed poet and musician who's job it was to lead the tabernacle choir and apply this as I listened to the praise songs at the local church with the understanding that those people were using their gifts to honor God. Although we may sing praises collectively in a group setting, worship is an individual exercise that comes from the heart and can only be judged by God. David even wrote a few songs for Asaph to teach the congregation. This is encouragement and a beautiful way to give thanks.
Living in my 'isolation' has caused me to want fellowship to the point I went back to an institution fraught with error and problems. I do not regret my 'isolation' though, as it has shown me what is biblical truth and truly how to rely on Jesus sans any religious distractions ( I am STILL learning, no claim to have arrived here). I also see many errors that make me want to flee back to isolation because I fear those errors won't change, it costs the bottom line too much. I do believe the next step is to try for a home study group with those few people who only want Jesus.
Church Institutions are run by men with business model mindsets, that answer to boards. Growing the model is a goal and when this happens, it set's up an open door for apostasy. Of course no one wants to be that church but little by little the world creeps in and the institution is fraught with pragmatism and relativism under the guise of kindness and objectivity. Reformed Theology and liberalism take the place of sound doctrine because the business model must perform. This is not a New Testament model. Placating to culture and social issues leads down the path to wishy- washy doctrine instead of contextually arrived biblical truth. These pitfalls will always lead astray even with good intentions at heart. And the truth is always so much better than succumbing to the worlds option. Why don't we hold to it?
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Deluxe Mixed Nuts |
A Reality
I know that there is no perfect church. The church is made up of imperfect people. The question comes down to how much should one be willing to put up with concerning error within the group of people you fellowship with?
That is a question only you and God can work out.
Jesus hit error between the eyes with truth especially when up against the religious institutions of his day (Pharisees and Sadducees) Matthew 23. He dusted his feet off and left the towns that wouldn't listen. He was also very patient with the disciples as they learned truth, and very kind to the worldly and people who didn't have a clue. Mark 2:17.
One thing that is certain, Jesus came for the sick. There is sickness in the church and in the world, both of which are made up of imperfect people.
The tragedy comes when sick church people hold onto the world (through the form of religious control or thought), lead those coming out of the world not away from the world but right back into it but in a different form through wrong teaching or cause those church goers who want the truth to stumble in error.
My question to the western Church. What is one of the main themes of the letters in the New Testament about? I'll answer that, CORRECTION!
If your church is not following sound doctrine and is presented with sound doctrine and doesn't repent. This is a clue to RUN!
As a follower of Christ I have learned that being imperfect is a lifelong problem. Making mistakes, getting things wrong is inevitable. If you are teachable, correctable and repent of wrong thinking as the Holy Spirit reveals error to you in your walk, you will run the race with success. If you choose to keep the blinders on, hold on to the world's philosophies, not let go of thinking that isn't truly biblical you are Spiritual toast!
When things get down to the nitty gritty, God won't ask about the men you followed, the church you served at, the question will be, Do you know Jesus? Not know of him or about Him or read about him but actually know His voice and who He is.
Question: If you first say I am a Calvinsit, or Protestant or Catholic.... STOP! and think long and hard on that statement.
Shouldn't it be I am a Jesus follower? (John 14:6)
In this wide world of distraction, deception and down right rebellion we need the whole truth metted in the pulpit without reserve or apology. Who cares if you are labeled a dogmatist... Whose ways are you teaching? If it's God's you are just the messenger, the message is His and always has been. As His followers we should adopt His ways into our own even at the cost of being labeled negatively. If you are a true follower and have been labeled a dogmatist, you may just have to count that as a blessing. (Of course, if you speak the truth with pride and arrogance that is the only time you deserve the negative label.)
I chose the French word Melange for this post because it's root meaning is; to mix. It also means; to meddle, Also; a group of different things or people.
We are to mix in the world with believer and non believer but not take on their ways. The church has allowed a mixing of philosophies that are not biblical within their teachings. The bible cuts through the mix and defines truth, it brings about the purity the world lacks. IF WE LET IT!
Let's not let the world meddle with the sound doctrine of the Bible!
Also, Men are set-up in this world by God to help the church through sound teaching, if you find a good one you are blessed. Always remember, take all things under the scrutiny of Christ and let the Holy Spirit be the final answer.
EXAMPLE: Part of a discussion- A subtle error of mixing religious thought in a church.
"I see so many of these denominations take the Word out of context thus why they are their own 'religious' sect. This is the set-up for ecumenical, universal thinking. Man trying to agree on tradition or strict doctrine yet trying to hold onto their manmade ideas in their religion. WE ALL DO IT, though. So easy to get sucked into these things. I've learned if we can't slough off the dross of SELF we will fall into ritual for the sake of 'feeling' close to God. The very name of these sects point to a MAN or a tradition from a culture when the very crux of truth is only found in one God/Man, Jesus. Ritual and tradition takes precedence over Principle. I found an example of this recently, a protestant church talks about should a christian practice lent (catholic tradition, protestants take part in too). They surmised lent is really about the 40 days leading up to Christ's Death, burial and resurrection. and represents a giving up of something as a reminder of what He's done for us. Not a bad thing to look upon but I know that God works with us individually. If Jesus isn't specifically telling me to give something up, the lent practice just turns into a dead work. What I know is Jesus doesn't work within tradition 'boxes'. He never did while He was here on Earth. Broke the molds on every front. While denominations can agree on doctrine, the intimate dynamic of relationship with God get's lost all to quickly. It is such a fine line... (If one does a DEEP study into these sects, you will find ERROR and MAN ideas that have been perpetuated OVER what JESUS requires.) Religious sects bring division while JESUS makes a person whole. OK, I know I've opened a can of worms... but love the discussion."
Ecumenicalism/ Universalism
Contemplative Spirituality
German Relativism
Prayer Circles/Labrynths
Calvinism mixing with Roman Monastism
Kingdom Now- Dominion Theology
JESUS- RED LETTERS (Your Bible under the direction of the Holy Spirit)
If you see your church involved in anything above (except the red letters), Your church is allowing the world's philosophies in.
Luke 12:51
Interesting video that helps keep perspective in reality.
A great article: Who are the elect and why?
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