Friday, December 29, 2017

Blue Eyed Jesus

Every Christmas I make it a tradition to add a new ornament to my daughter's collection. Each one has a memory attached to it. When she is old enough to leave the coop, she can take all the ornaments gathered over the years to her home and decorate her tree with memories of her childhood.

This year, I wanted to make sure she remembered the reason for the season and found an ornament of Jesus, the Good Shepard. I looked it over and chuckled at how they painted his eyes blue and that got me thinking about what Jesus might have looked like. Hmm!

I wrote a little diddy of my thoughts about this matter.

'Blue Eyed Jesus'

Blue Eyed Jesus

Jesus was an Israelite
Born in the Middle East
He may have had olive skin
And straight white teeth

His hair most likely was dark brown
Who knows what length he wore,
He probably had facial hair
At times a shadow or full beard

Genetics and DNA state
The possibility that Jesus
Could have blue eyes
Brown, hazel, grey or green

Scripture is silent on his physical stature
From baby, child to adult
There is no description
And this is not by default

The fact of the matter is
We all just speculate
On the features of Jesus
The divine God man

Is His image on the burial shroud?
Did anyone make a portrait?
It’s good we do not have an image
For an idol we would make
Instead of getting to know Jesus
In faith without tangibility

Now the promise of seeing Gods face
Rests in eternity
But God in His mercy
Gave a glimpse of Himself in history

Mary, Joseph, James, Jude, Simon
His sisters and disciples
For thirty-three years in time
Saw Jesus’ human form and face

A future time we too will see
The face of Jesus again
At His second coming and
Earthly reign in the millennium

For 1000 years mankind will
Behold the face of saving grace
And meet with Him in Jerusalem
To worship; a man from every race

Think in wonder on this truth;
When we enter eternity,

We will behold Gods face in all its’ glory!

Isaiah 53 says He would not have external features to attract or draw people to him.

I don't think Jesus had blue eyes because of the above verse.

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