I love a good idiom like 'cut the mustard' or 'can't cut the mustard', meaning either I will succeed or I can't handle the job. I live within both of those phrases. I know God has brought me to a point where I know I can't handle the job set before me, but I will succeed because I choose to trust in Him. What a paradox!
I don't know about you but I take the Bible seriously and literally. Lately, the parable of the mustard seed found in all three synoptic gospels has been laid on my heart. It is a warning and prediction about the kingdom of heaven (the earthly sphere of profession) and the church. The mustard seed starts off smaller than a grain of rice but grows into a very large bush, and within it is the true and false. The false is depicted by birds that nests within its' branches. The birds are demonic influences that want to hinder the true growth and bring impurity into the church. There is a list a mile long in all the false ways this is accomplished. This makes me ever more grateful for the ministry of Paul. He had to defend himself to other christians all the while loving them, correcting them, encouraging them. I am certain he would have understood the above idiom.
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The 2nd Letter to The Corinthians: Chapters 10-13
I am understanding the dilemma Paul went through a bit better through my own life circumstances. I have been accused by christians and non-believers of being contentious because I question what I see ( I think that's salt - Mat. 5:13) although my heart is passionate and only wants what is right (I've always been curious with a genuine heart of respect). I have been accused of piety (believe me I know I am a sinner- wretched just like Paul states and want to correct when I am wrong) when all I have is passion for the Lord. I have been accused of wanting to take control when all I want is to communicate and come to a mutual understanding. I have been accused of being false in my intentions when all I want is fellowship and community that builds each other up. I have been accused of being over emotional or even negative when I am actually trying to look at life through the lens of reality (2 Corinthians 4:7-10). I know some have even thought I have the influence of a demon, they just won't come out and say it. Please know I am a Holy Spirit in dwelt believer and I serve only one master. (I am not the fulfillment of 2 Corinthians 11:13-15, I masquerade NOT! Discernment is also key, (John 8:48-52). (I know a lot of people, so please don't try to guess who these people might be. In fact, I hope that I misunderstood them and want to give benefit of the doubt but the pattern keeps repeating so I am more attuned to it, even when it seems subtle.) If anything, I am battling oppression as I conquer the falsehood against me and within the church and learn the dynamics of true forgiveness and letting anger not take root in my life and loving ALL. Paul went through this same scenario with the Corinthian church. They accused him of living by the world's standards, of being untrue through his 'weighty and forceful' letter but unable to speak well. The Corinthian church was in a carnal state and looked on the outward, they followed the latest and greatest, 'super-apostles' and became haughty which lead them back into worldly practices (sexual sin and lustful desires). When a christian becomes haughty they don't heed any correction and become nit-picky fault finders and this leads to gossip, slander, strife, division etc.). I have to be careful here, because I can tend to be fearful of allowing deception into my life and become nit-picky too. I want to be a good Berean and ferret out false ways to protect my heart (not to boast in being right). The one sin I have had to deal with recently is anger. All these false accusations causes one to have to deal with forgiveness without the possibility of reconciliation and lay your character, personality and identity at Christ feet (and go it alone) and still love (2 Corinthians 2:5-11). I have to admit, the struggle is real. I live the mustard paradox in this area of my life and have been challenged greatly where all this is concerned. I know victory is my reward, as I choose to be obedient to God's ways and lay these burdens at his feet.
The antidote to the false is looking at the fellow believer as Christ does. Paul mentions this before he defends his ministry in 2 Corinthians 5:13-21. What a pickle for Paul to be in. He has to call out sin against a rebellious church, while looking at them as Christ does. I'm telling ya, what knife can cut that mustard? (only submission to the Holy Spirit can accomplish this task).
My Prayer:
Lord, please bring reconciliation. Please let the ultimate spiritual gift, LOVE abound between the true brothers and sisters in Christ. Strengthen all of us in truth and unity of Spirit. Thwart the plans of Satan to separate. Help the true followers love the false professors (deceived, blinded) and let only truth come from our lips so if any that are false may be converted. Let us not grieve your Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit and the Sinning Christian
The Holy Spirit and the Indwelling Mustard! My heart resonates deeply with this sermon. I relate to the lady who felt she was called but couldn't do anything about it but still did what she could and in the end left a huge blessing.
The Greatest Sermon of the Apostle Paul More Mustard! You are a preacher, Your life is talking! The presence of Paul caused revolution or revival in his missionary journey. He totally cut the mustard! LOL!
What Do You Do with Your Burdens? McGee Nails this message of what that means for fellowship between other believers and on your own. Brilliantly taught!
J Vernon McGee has been an encouraging listen these past few months. This man's ministry is still being used by the Holy Spirit today. My grandparents used to listen to him and I saw the fruits of the Spirit in their life. Such great memories!
Note for Fun: My father was lead to the Lord by my Grandpa Koch (My mom's dad). He preached the gospel and had such a passion for the winning of souls. I miss you grandpa Jack, your ministry, which you led out of your house has born much fruit!
Luke 17:5-6 -Now this is my kind of mustard!
A sneaky bird that enters in the church are bullies and meddlers... Diotrephes was one that was warned about in 3 John. It does take wisdom and discernment in knowing who is looking out for souls (watchmen) and who is lording over man.
Mr. McGee Preach It... I know what is right..... Woman's Place in the Local Church... those who question my 'intentions' I agree with McGee! But I also know God uses women boldly too. I find it quite ironic I agree with this article as I find God using me in the way the article states but don't agree with the organization's founder.
Good Teaching on this subject
I am strong in my beliefs because I submitted to the authority of STRONG MEN!! I do not claim these things from my own teaching, hence, all the videos, articles I learn from are from these strong men. I then teach it to my daughter. Titus 2: 4-5. (Mainly about how to be a good woman through biblical teaching and discipleship... it does take teaching doctrine to set a foundation). I also believe in the authority structure of the family and the church. I don't believe a woman should be a pastor.
Also, someone threw this hint in my direction, The Jezebel Spirit. Heck, I never heard of it and had to do my research on it. WOW! This accusation is destructive and harmful to true believers who are just trying to be Bereans (especially women) I question if a person has a hatred toward a Godly person by trying to use this accusation against them! It is a device of Satan to separate sheep from fellowship and causes much harm. Remember Jezebel hated God and was lewd and openly tried to control and overtake Godly men, her goal was to use worldly ways, idol worship and licentiousness. Yes, this needs to be outed from the church, but you have do your detective homework and get hard evidence. Word of caution before you accuse someone of this or if you think a person may be like this, you had better get to know them or do your research before you fire away. If you can't tell the difference between a Godly Berean questioning what a pastor says in the pulpit and a jezebel spirit you may need to go check yourself and see if you are of the faith. In this apostate time a church should welcome tough questioning! All it can do is strengthen you! If you find you are in need of correction, then humble yourself and thank God for the person that dared to ask. PRAYER is key: be in prayer over your church flock and that God will expose those wolves early on and be in prayer that the church will correct error as they learn it!
I wonder if there is a Delilah Spirit, or What about a Bathsheba Spirit... ABSURD! Yes, there can be attitudes and people who are dastardly that come in to try to control. A person who questions with respect is being Biblical.
Love, The Lady who likes Dijon Mustard!
THE BEST TEACHING ON THE JEZEBEL SPIRIT... which I know I am NOT of.... Never have been...and I am soaring in this truth... those that tried to pin this on me have a problem and it is not mine.
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