I am not a doctor, a trained nutritionist or guru of any sort. My interest in human health has its' roots in family history, especially on my Mom's side. My grandparents grew up in the Minnesota Farmlands, ate what the land provided for them and also researched the gamut of medical and nutrition literature available at the time. My interest also stems from not being able to afford health insurance. Sure it can be fearful living not having this modern necessity but before you lecture me on not being responsible, things happen in life that may seem so wrong on the outside but push us to learn and step outside the box and trust.
My focus in this post is on chronic ailments and disease. (Injuries are another matter). I don't claim to have THE answer or claim to be the most perfect specimen and have no problems, but what I want to get across is that through my experiences and self experimentation, you can rely on yourself for figuring out how to deal with issues as they arise and heal yourself through food.
I have read accounts of people being sent home to die with late term cancer, a mother not willing to give up on her terminally ill daughter poisoned by chemicals, out of control diabetes and heart conditions all corrected and fully healed by FOOD therapy.
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Photo By: Designkryt |
A Basis for Critical Thinking About Health- A Starting Point
God made the human body with amazing healing capabilities. He also made an environment that produces the catalyst for proper health; FOOD. This is as simple as it gets. The quote by Hippocrates can not define it more clearly, " Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food." He gets to the nitty gritty, no NEED to look elsewhere to heal ailments.
Where the complication in Food healing occurs is when man manipulates God's original design. When we cut corners, (pesticides, hormones, large plot farming without resting the land-which leads to soil nutrient depletion, mass-production instead of local farming, genetic manipulation) we are the ones to reap the harmful outcomes. This is why organic farming and produce is so important. When you do it right, the soil is full of ALL the nutrients needed to grow healthy produce which retains those nutrients that get passed to your system when you eat it in it's most natural state, raw.
If one living system is depleted of nutrients, the trickle down effect results in deficient nutrients. Since health and food are symbiotic, the root of illness, is nutrient deficiency and toxicity in the system.
To heal your ailment the first part of the puzzle is to clean the body (cells) of toxins so it can accept nutrients. The second part of the puzzle is to find out what your body is lacking, what your nutrient deficiencies consist of.
The simple fact is, you may not even need to know specifically what the deficiency is. Once detoxifying begins and nutrient rich foods (a fast way to send nutrients through the system is through the bloodstream, this is accomplished best through juicing vegetables or IV Vitamin C therapy) enter the system, your cells recognizes this natural function and begins to repair.
Pitfalls of Modern Health
- Due Diligence: Failing to do your own thorough research
- Wanting the 'expert' to fix it for you
- Believing you are not smart enough to figure out what your body needs
- Reverting to a placebo (pills)
- Accepting band-aid treatments instead of dealing with the root cause
- Not going the full distance
I hear this saying almost as if it was a 'mantra', "Being healthy today is so complicated." There is some merit to this saying but it is not entirely true. The complication stems from scientific gobbledygook, ignorance, suppression of information, oppression of truthful case studies and treatments or lack of self- discipline. Please understand, I do not say this to diminish experts in their field, or bash the medical field, or make you think I'm better than you and really have a handle on this health thing. I struggle with this saying as well but know that it is not to be used as an excuse.
So how does one filter out the propaganda, the quackery, weed through the jargon and really get to the nitty gritty of it all?
It DOES start with research, laying fear aside so you can think clearly, setting up a system of checks and balances, implementing your findings through self experimentation, allowing flexibility in tweaking to your bodies needs and a stubborn resolve to discipline yourself.
This is a Starting Point...Next, where to begin educating yourself...
I think another pitfall of taking control of our health is laziness. It takes discipline, planning, and time to prepare food that is good for you. In our society of convenience it can be all to easy to go the "easy" route. Thank you for taking the time to encourage others to educate themselves and providing means to do so.
ReplyDeleteHave you also looked into how artificial fragrances effect our bodies in a negative way? Also enlightening :)
Thanks for your interest and your comment. I agree wholeheartedly. I still fall into the 'lazy' category sometimes and that is when I tend to get sick. Health is 'second thought' in our society and when we fall into chronic or life threatening disease we expect a quick fix.
ReplyDeleteI have read some on the effects of fragrance, but I would love to know more. Send any info. you have my way. I'd love to learn more.