I would like to present some resources that seem to contradict Weston A. Price but when thoroughly researched shows it has some parallel correlations. Before I list them, I have found that when someone takes a hard line on one side of the nutrition extremes they can miss out on the benefits of the other side of the extreme. One of my tips in the first post was to use a form of moderation and common sense. This applies here. Hopefully, I can bring that nutrition pendulum to the center.
This end of the nutrition spectrum mostly talks about those darn vegetables that everyone snubs their noses at. The resource I am about to recommend promotes a vegetarian diet. There are a lot of different 'kinds' of vegetarianism out there. The list consists of: Semi-Vegetarianism with sub groups of Pollo or Pesco-pollo, Lacto-Ovo, Lacto-Vegetarian and Vegan. I won't go into too much detail but refraining from meat or animal products on some level is the gist of them all.
Before dispensing with the information I want to take a moment to give a few thoughts on this topic.
Vegetarianism: A Perspective
I'll make this cut and dry. There is a place for vegetarianism in the human food cycle, but totally staying away from animal products is a detriment. How can you say such a contradictory statement, you ask? Let me explain.
Genesis 1:29-31 refers to a vegetarian diet as the one set-up originally for mankind. Genesis 3, The Fall of Man occurs sending perfection out the door, Man as well as the Earth is cursed. God supplies Adam and Eve with their first provision through animal skins. The human race is now left to deal with the effects of the curse, God helps man through Laws given in Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. Some of which reference food, Leviticus 11 is great place to read about it. Jump forward to the New Testament and Peter's vision and message from God in Acts 10 really makes a case for what food is good for health.
Where I think people get hung up on a strict vegetarian diet (especially if you are a christian) is not living in reality. Yes, God made His original creation perfect and vegan, if I must be technically correct, yet we must realize we are not in the Garden of Eden, we are still living under a cursed Earth that is in the state of being brought back to perfection. Since we are in the middle of this renovation, God being the wonderful Father He is tells us what to do while we wait it out.
This mixed diet we are allowed to consume doesn't negate the wonderful benefits of vegetarianism, since one day this will be the ONLY diet necessary (just not yet). This is why I love the following research because it goes into the healing qualities the plants and seeds can produce.
I would also like to end my perspective with Ecclesiastes 3. There is a time for everything. I do believe there is merit in eating a strict vegetarian diet to cleanse and heal the body for a time and for specific ailments, but once the healing process shows signs of a stable body there is nothing wrong with adding animal products.
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Molecule Display Photo by: net_efekt |
Orthomolecular Wonders
The next phase of homework is found in the research of brilliant scientific minds such as: Dr. Abram Hoffer, Dr. Frederick Klenner, Dr. Max Gerson, Linus Pauling winner of The Nobel Prize in Chemistry and The Noble Peace Prize. The list goes on. These wonderful scientists explored the realm of vitamins, found in those pesky veggies and seeds and really took off with their research. They battled everything from Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Epilepsy, Depression; you name it they researched, tested, documented and even had their findings replicated and peer reviewed.
Where to find this glut of scientific research and case studies with patient results is on the Orthomolecular Website and through Dr. Andrew Saul's website. Read everything you possibly can on both these websites, the information can't be found in the Medical Journal of Medicine, this research has been black listed and tagged as 'quackery'. (Hint: Use Common Sense, Why would this valuable research from very smart men who understand the scientific method be blackballed?)
As a helpful note, orthomolecular is a term that comes from ortho, which is Greek for "correct" or "right," and "molecule," which is the simplest structure that displays the characteristics of a compound. So it literally means the "right molecule." (Studying how cell structure uses nutrients to build, repair and heal is a way to think about orthomolecular 'medicine'.)
The Must Read Resources:
Prerequisite Video: Nova's Hunting the Elements
(A basic understanding of chemistry and how elements react)
Read this supportive article for Orthomolecular Chemistry processes
I only hope that pendulum has swung to the middle after reading these thoughts and suggestions. I hope that one can begin to see the benefit in the use of both nutritional philosophies. I find it absolutely awe-inspiring there is a wide world of nutrients found in plants and animals and both are beneficial for health and healing. Finding the balance for your own body is a science experiment in it's own right but one that can easily be done with organic, healthy wondrous food.
Update: I would like to stress, I recommend eating your nutrients in whole form BUT when you are ill or in the hospital and need to boost your immune system, I believe the ortho-molecular method is a fine method. There is great debate as to the 'natural' make-up of absorbic acid (Vitamin C) and other supplements. Read this article for more information on how Vitamin C in particular is made... The point I like to stress is made clearly in this quote, " (to) use 40,000 milligrams (mg) of orange juice C, instead of 80,000 mg of synthetic ascorbic acid, is impractical, bordering on the impossible. It would be too expensive, either to manufacture all this from oranges, or to eat from the oranges. It would take roughly 600 oranges to obtain 40,000 mg of vitamin C."
When you are ill, when you are in need of nutrients because of deficiency, mega-dose vitamin therapy is a practical method to begin with. Since our food system is extremely depleted of nutrients and obtaining the amount of nutrients needed to sustain health is difficult, this method should not be ignored but implemented when needed. (the side effects, minimal if you ask me, outweigh the side effects of pharmaceutical drug therapy).
OR do this…
Make your own Vitamin C….Read article below..
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