Friday, August 30, 2013

Homeschool - First Week Re-Hash

I thought I'd better write the cool happenings of our first week down before we get into full swing this semester. I may need to look back on this week as an inspiration or motivation as we progress through what looks like a very busy schedule.

Four Cool Home school Things That Happened this week

1. We got to meet a distant relative of a survivor of the Titanic.

The great thing about it was Alex and I were just talking about how interesting the Titanic's Story was. Alex asked to go to the library to find more books to read on the event and as we were looking down the aisle we meet a lady and her three boys who were gathering books for their home school. As we chatted the subject of the Titanic came up and the sweet ladies eyes brightened as she said, "Check out Gordon Korman's books on this subject, my son has read everything about the Titanic that he can get his hands on, by the way, my Great Aunt was on the Titanic and was a survivor. "

2. We have laughed every day

We jokingly call our home school, Momma 'Shool' as pronounced by Megamind. If you've seen the movie you get the humor. Just paint me blue and envision me telling Alex to get ready for 'Momma Shool' and I hope you laugh like we do (Or maybe I am in my own humorous world).

3. Out For Lunch

We love that we get to eat and snack at home and that there is no set lunch schedule. We thought it was pretty neat we could go out to a restaurant if we wanted and not be rushed in order to get back to a class. For a treat we went out to lunch for my birthday.

4. Confidence

It is a new feel for us both but I see a new found confidence in my daughter. She tells me she likes this new feel and can't wait to see what is going to happen tomorrow.

Looking forward to Week two...

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