When did you lose yours?
Preach it McGee: "The Man Who Lost His Religion"
Sometimes I rave, sometimes I rant, sometimes I'm silent because life is like that. I write what life teaches me....
Saturday, December 30, 2017
Friday, December 29, 2017
Blue Eyed Jesus
Every Christmas I make it a tradition to add a new ornament to my daughter's collection. Each one has a memory attached to it. When she is old enough to leave the coop, she can take all the ornaments gathered over the years to her home and decorate her tree with memories of her childhood.
This year, I wanted to make sure she remembered the reason for the season and found an ornament of Jesus, the Good Shepard. I looked it over and chuckled at how they painted his eyes blue and that got me thinking about what Jesus might have looked like. Hmm!
I wrote a little diddy of my thoughts about this matter.
This year, I wanted to make sure she remembered the reason for the season and found an ornament of Jesus, the Good Shepard. I looked it over and chuckled at how they painted his eyes blue and that got me thinking about what Jesus might have looked like. Hmm!
I wrote a little diddy of my thoughts about this matter.
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'Blue Eyed Jesus' |
Blue Eyed Jesus
Jesus was an Israelite
Born in the Middle East
He may have had olive skin
And straight white teeth
His hair most likely was dark brown
Who knows what length he wore,
He probably had facial hair
At times a shadow or full beard
Genetics and DNA state
The possibility that Jesus
Could have blue eyes
Brown, hazel, grey or green
Scripture is silent on his physical stature
From baby, child to adult
There is no description
And this is not by default
The fact of the matter is
We all just speculate
On the features of Jesus
The divine God man
Is His image on the burial shroud?
Did anyone make a portrait?
It’s good we do not have an image
For an idol we would make
Instead of getting to know Jesus
In faith without tangibility
Now the promise of seeing Gods face
Rests in eternity
But God in His mercy
Gave a glimpse of Himself in history
Mary, Joseph, James, Jude, Simon
His sisters and disciples
For thirty-three years in time
Saw Jesus’ human form and face
A future time we too will see
The face of Jesus again
At His second coming and
Earthly reign in the millennium
For 1000 years mankind will
Behold the face of saving grace
And meet with Him in Jerusalem
To worship; a man from every race
Think in wonder on this truth;
When we enter eternity,
We will behold Gods face in all its’ glory!
Isaiah 53 says He would not have external features to attract or draw people to him.
I don't think Jesus had blue eyes because of the above verse.
Isaiah 53 says He would not have external features to attract or draw people to him.
I don't think Jesus had blue eyes because of the above verse.
Friday, December 15, 2017
Cut The Mustard
I love a good idiom like 'cut the mustard' or 'can't cut the mustard', meaning either I will succeed or I can't handle the job. I live within both of those phrases. I know God has brought me to a point where I know I can't handle the job set before me, but I will succeed because I choose to trust in Him. What a paradox!
I don't know about you but I take the Bible seriously and literally. Lately, the parable of the mustard seed found in all three synoptic gospels has been laid on my heart. It is a warning and prediction about the kingdom of heaven (the earthly sphere of profession) and the church. The mustard seed starts off smaller than a grain of rice but grows into a very large bush, and within it is the true and false. The false is depicted by birds that nests within its' branches. The birds are demonic influences that want to hinder the true growth and bring impurity into the church. There is a list a mile long in all the false ways this is accomplished. This makes me ever more grateful for the ministry of Paul. He had to defend himself to other christians all the while loving them, correcting them, encouraging them. I am certain he would have understood the above idiom.
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Mustard |
The 2nd Letter to The Corinthians: Chapters 10-13
I am understanding the dilemma Paul went through a bit better through my own life circumstances. I have been accused by christians and non-believers of being contentious because I question what I see ( I think that's salt - Mat. 5:13) although my heart is passionate and only wants what is right (I've always been curious with a genuine heart of respect). I have been accused of piety (believe me I know I am a sinner- wretched just like Paul states and want to correct when I am wrong) when all I have is passion for the Lord. I have been accused of wanting to take control when all I want is to communicate and come to a mutual understanding. I have been accused of being false in my intentions when all I want is fellowship and community that builds each other up. I have been accused of being over emotional or even negative when I am actually trying to look at life through the lens of reality (2 Corinthians 4:7-10). I know some have even thought I have the influence of a demon, they just won't come out and say it. Please know I am a Holy Spirit in dwelt believer and I serve only one master. (I am not the fulfillment of 2 Corinthians 11:13-15, I masquerade NOT! Discernment is also key, (John 8:48-52). (I know a lot of people, so please don't try to guess who these people might be. In fact, I hope that I misunderstood them and want to give benefit of the doubt but the pattern keeps repeating so I am more attuned to it, even when it seems subtle.) If anything, I am battling oppression as I conquer the falsehood against me and within the church and learn the dynamics of true forgiveness and letting anger not take root in my life and loving ALL. Paul went through this same scenario with the Corinthian church. They accused him of living by the world's standards, of being untrue through his 'weighty and forceful' letter but unable to speak well. The Corinthian church was in a carnal state and looked on the outward, they followed the latest and greatest, 'super-apostles' and became haughty which lead them back into worldly practices (sexual sin and lustful desires). When a christian becomes haughty they don't heed any correction and become nit-picky fault finders and this leads to gossip, slander, strife, division etc.). I have to be careful here, because I can tend to be fearful of allowing deception into my life and become nit-picky too. I want to be a good Berean and ferret out false ways to protect my heart (not to boast in being right). The one sin I have had to deal with recently is anger. All these false accusations causes one to have to deal with forgiveness without the possibility of reconciliation and lay your character, personality and identity at Christ feet (and go it alone) and still love (2 Corinthians 2:5-11). I have to admit, the struggle is real. I live the mustard paradox in this area of my life and have been challenged greatly where all this is concerned. I know victory is my reward, as I choose to be obedient to God's ways and lay these burdens at his feet.
The antidote to the false is looking at the fellow believer as Christ does. Paul mentions this before he defends his ministry in 2 Corinthians 5:13-21. What a pickle for Paul to be in. He has to call out sin against a rebellious church, while looking at them as Christ does. I'm telling ya, what knife can cut that mustard? (only submission to the Holy Spirit can accomplish this task).
My Prayer:
Lord, please bring reconciliation. Please let the ultimate spiritual gift, LOVE abound between the true brothers and sisters in Christ. Strengthen all of us in truth and unity of Spirit. Thwart the plans of Satan to separate. Help the true followers love the false professors (deceived, blinded) and let only truth come from our lips so if any that are false may be converted. Let us not grieve your Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit and the Sinning Christian
The Holy Spirit and the Indwelling Mustard! My heart resonates deeply with this sermon. I relate to the lady who felt she was called but couldn't do anything about it but still did what she could and in the end left a huge blessing.
The Greatest Sermon of the Apostle Paul More Mustard! You are a preacher, Your life is talking! The presence of Paul caused revolution or revival in his missionary journey. He totally cut the mustard! LOL!
What Do You Do with Your Burdens? McGee Nails this message of what that means for fellowship between other believers and on your own. Brilliantly taught!
J Vernon McGee has been an encouraging listen these past few months. This man's ministry is still being used by the Holy Spirit today. My grandparents used to listen to him and I saw the fruits of the Spirit in their life. Such great memories!
Note for Fun: My father was lead to the Lord by my Grandpa Koch (My mom's dad). He preached the gospel and had such a passion for the winning of souls. I miss you grandpa Jack, your ministry, which you led out of your house has born much fruit!
Luke 17:5-6 -Now this is my kind of mustard!
A sneaky bird that enters in the church are bullies and meddlers... Diotrephes was one that was warned about in 3 John. It does take wisdom and discernment in knowing who is looking out for souls (watchmen) and who is lording over man.
Mr. McGee Preach It... I know what is right..... Woman's Place in the Local Church... those who question my 'intentions' I agree with McGee! But I also know God uses women boldly too. I find it quite ironic I agree with this article as I find God using me in the way the article states but don't agree with the organization's founder.
Good Teaching on this subject
I am strong in my beliefs because I submitted to the authority of STRONG MEN!! I do not claim these things from my own teaching, hence, all the videos, articles I learn from are from these strong men. I then teach it to my daughter. Titus 2: 4-5. (Mainly about how to be a good woman through biblical teaching and discipleship... it does take teaching doctrine to set a foundation). I also believe in the authority structure of the family and the church. I don't believe a woman should be a pastor.
Also, someone threw this hint in my direction, The Jezebel Spirit. Heck, I never heard of it and had to do my research on it. WOW! This accusation is destructive and harmful to true believers who are just trying to be Bereans (especially women) I question if a person has a hatred toward a Godly person by trying to use this accusation against them! It is a device of Satan to separate sheep from fellowship and causes much harm. Remember Jezebel hated God and was lewd and openly tried to control and overtake Godly men, her goal was to use worldly ways, idol worship and licentiousness. Yes, this needs to be outed from the church, but you have do your detective homework and get hard evidence. Word of caution before you accuse someone of this or if you think a person may be like this, you had better get to know them or do your research before you fire away. If you can't tell the difference between a Godly Berean questioning what a pastor says in the pulpit and a jezebel spirit you may need to go check yourself and see if you are of the faith. In this apostate time a church should welcome tough questioning! All it can do is strengthen you! If you find you are in need of correction, then humble yourself and thank God for the person that dared to ask. PRAYER is key: be in prayer over your church flock and that God will expose those wolves early on and be in prayer that the church will correct error as they learn it!
I wonder if there is a Delilah Spirit, or What about a Bathsheba Spirit... ABSURD! Yes, there can be attitudes and people who are dastardly that come in to try to control. A person who questions with respect is being Biblical.
Love, The Lady who likes Dijon Mustard!
THE BEST TEACHING ON THE JEZEBEL SPIRIT... which I know I am NOT of.... Never have been...and I am soaring in this truth... those that tried to pin this on me have a problem and it is not mine.
God With Us
As promised, I am sharing one of my favorite 'Christmas' songs. O' Come O' Come Emmanuel ,God with Us. The promise of the Savior in the Old Testament to the exiled nation of Israel and the fulfillment of this in Jesus, God's only begotten Son. I love the gospel message in this song. It speaks to all of us who were once exiled from God because of our sin. It speaks of freedom over death, of His safety as He leads us and the beginning of a beautiful saving relationship stated long ago on Mt. Sinai.
I love how sombre the tone of the melody is, all the while telling us to rejoice. Oh what a beautiful depiction of Israels history and the deliverance from all the world's sorrows.
As a lifelong believer, I have seen God work in my life and know even today He is with me. Praise Him!
Listen to this beautiful rendition... You may have to go on youtube to actually listen to it. It is worth it!
O come, O come, Emmanuel And ransom captive Israel That mourns in lonely exile here Until the Son of God appear Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel Shall come to thee, O Israel. O come, Thou Rod of Jesse, free Thine own from Satan's tyranny From depths of Hell Thy people save And give them victory o'er the grave Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel Shall come to thee, O Israel. O come, Thou Day-Spring, come and cheer Our spirits by Thine advent here Disperse the gloomy clouds of night And death's dark shadows put to flight. Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel Shall come to thee, O Israel. O come, Thou Key of David, come, And open wide our heavenly home; Make safe the way that leads on high, And close the path to misery. Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel Shall come to thee, O Israel. O come, O come, Thou Lord of might, Who to Thy tribes, on Sinai's height, In ancient times did'st give the Law, In cloud, and majesty and awe. Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel Shall come to thee, O Israel.
I love how sombre the tone of the melody is, all the while telling us to rejoice. Oh what a beautiful depiction of Israels history and the deliverance from all the world's sorrows.
As a lifelong believer, I have seen God work in my life and know even today He is with me. Praise Him!
Listen to this beautiful rendition... You may have to go on youtube to actually listen to it. It is worth it!
O come, O come, Emmanuel And ransom captive Israel That mourns in lonely exile here Until the Son of God appear Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel Shall come to thee, O Israel. O come, Thou Rod of Jesse, free Thine own from Satan's tyranny From depths of Hell Thy people save And give them victory o'er the grave Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel Shall come to thee, O Israel. O come, Thou Day-Spring, come and cheer Our spirits by Thine advent here Disperse the gloomy clouds of night And death's dark shadows put to flight. Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel Shall come to thee, O Israel. O come, Thou Key of David, come, And open wide our heavenly home; Make safe the way that leads on high, And close the path to misery. Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel Shall come to thee, O Israel. O come, O come, Thou Lord of might, Who to Thy tribes, on Sinai's height, In ancient times did'st give the Law, In cloud, and majesty and awe. Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel Shall come to thee, O Israel.
Monday, December 11, 2017
You Better Watch Out
It's Christmas again and everyone is cheerful and full of warm, fuzzy feelings. A sweet Christmas song is blaring through the speaker, you sing along blinded by the cheerful demeanor of the melody until you realize the words escaping your mouth may be deceptive in their tune.
As a kid, singing Santa Claus is Coming to Town, brought you anticipation. As an adult whose reared a kid, you know this song is a warning!
I'm not sure if Coots and Gillespie had a run in with their kids before writing this Christmas song for Eddie Cantor's Radio show in 1934 but life experience is usually fodder for musical genius. It was an instant hit. I suspect parents sighed in relation to the verbal threats and the kids dug the tune and it made everyone happy. Ahh, music, bringing people together since the beginning of time.
So next time your kid is acting out and you need a little relief, just grit your teeth, grin and bare it and remember the lyrics and sing them with gusto, you'll feel better. Your kid will get the message and back down the naughty meter and all will be well with your souls. At least you didn't have to lower the bar and tell them about Krampus to get them to behave.
I have a few more Christmas songs in the line-up that make you go HMMM! but I'll pick on those another year.
P.S. You will be proud of this Grinch. My Zumba instructor taught the class 2 new Christmas song dances today. One of which was a re-mix of, you guessed it, The Drummer Boy. I beat pretend drums for the squat move as I laughed inside. My heart did not grow any bigger after performing that feat but I did make it through my Christmas song 'bete noire' with grace.
I do have my Christmas Holiday FAVORITES (that make my heart grow)... I'll write about them too. Promise!
I have a few more Christmas songs in the line-up that make you go HMMM! but I'll pick on those another year.
P.S. You will be proud of this Grinch. My Zumba instructor taught the class 2 new Christmas song dances today. One of which was a re-mix of, you guessed it, The Drummer Boy. I beat pretend drums for the squat move as I laughed inside. My heart did not grow any bigger after performing that feat but I did make it through my Christmas song 'bete noire' with grace.
I do have my Christmas Holiday FAVORITES (that make my heart grow)... I'll write about them too. Promise!
Monday, December 4, 2017
Me and George Bailey
Humor always helps me when I'm down. Since It's A Wonderful Life is one of my family's favorite Holiday movies, I wrote a little diddy to help brighten my spirit.
Me and George Bailey
Me and George Bailey
had similar years
pleading with God
cheeks full of tears
Maybe I got Clarence
to help me like him
Angel Second Class
A little bit dim
Me and George Bailey
know what it takes
keeping it together
when finances are at stake
A night at Martini's
sure sounds pleasing
but we may get Nick
and a ration of teasing
Me and George Bailey
know what's important
Zuzu's petals, lassoed moons and
friends of comportment
Gower, Potter and Uncle Billy,
Violet, 'HeeHaw' Sam and Harry.
I've known a few
but best of all was George's wife, Mary!
Me and George Bailey
We know what is true
God still answers prayer
for me and for you
Merry Christmas!
The Dilemma
As I rest in God, push into prayer, lay my burdens at His feet, and unfortunately pick them back up, only to learn I have to leave them at His feet in order to see Him able to work His plan in my life, I reflect on the struggles of living a christian life.
I love bringing out my wedding album every once and while and reminisce. I had my guests write words of encouragement and notes of advice so I could remember them fondly. Some were clever, others wrote poetry, some made me laugh. The guests who came really impacted that day.
I have kept this particular note in my Bible the past few years as the advice certainly has been timely. I don't know who wrote it. It is the only one without a name attached. It is typed with errors but the references have been prophetic (in the correct sense of the word... this term has been abused in Christian circles, I would clarify that the advice is sound for anyone walking with God). I asked both sets of parents if they were the culprits but they both don't recognize it. I really would like to find the guest that took the time to write the note since it is being born out in my life.
It has given me hope as I see my family being tumbled to and fro, it seems our hedge of protection has been removed, things just don't seem to be right, battling the fiery darts of falsehood while striving to step out in faith has been extremely difficult. Our health has waned, our jobs have been affected, our reputations have been attacked. YET WE TRUST GOD! Romans 8:28.
Lord, we ask humbly for your direction. What do you want us to do? Do you want us to do anything?
Forgive those that trespass against you, I WILL! Forgive those that plan evil against you, I WILL! Confess your sins so that you may be right with God and others, I WILL! My life is not my own, IT IS YOURS!
I know I am nothing like Job (except in my upright stance - I say this as humbly as one can), I am thankful for the life of Job as the recent things we are experiencing help us read his life and know what to do. STAND FIRM, should I accept good and not trouble from the Lord? (Job 2:10). I will pray for those friends that got it wrong about our situation, as I know this helped Job's heart. Mine is in need of this help too. Job 42.
I know our family can not withstand without Ephesians 6:10-18. The Armor (Word and Prayer).
My Prayer: Lord may the truth be made known. Vindicate your servants and make things whole again! Please right those wrongs and work out the mess that we didn't create. If we are responsible for any part of the mess, please help us in correction.
I John 4:6 is what I am praying, let those who have the Spirit of God understand the truth of our matter.
Quote: "To give truth to him who loves it not leaves room for misinterpretation."
May your Word cut to the quick! Hebrews 4:12.
I love bringing out my wedding album every once and while and reminisce. I had my guests write words of encouragement and notes of advice so I could remember them fondly. Some were clever, others wrote poetry, some made me laugh. The guests who came really impacted that day.
I have kept this particular note in my Bible the past few years as the advice certainly has been timely. I don't know who wrote it. It is the only one without a name attached. It is typed with errors but the references have been prophetic (in the correct sense of the word... this term has been abused in Christian circles, I would clarify that the advice is sound for anyone walking with God). I asked both sets of parents if they were the culprits but they both don't recognize it. I really would like to find the guest that took the time to write the note since it is being born out in my life.
It has given me hope as I see my family being tumbled to and fro, it seems our hedge of protection has been removed, things just don't seem to be right, battling the fiery darts of falsehood while striving to step out in faith has been extremely difficult. Our health has waned, our jobs have been affected, our reputations have been attacked. YET WE TRUST GOD! Romans 8:28.
Lord, we ask humbly for your direction. What do you want us to do? Do you want us to do anything?
Forgive those that trespass against you, I WILL! Forgive those that plan evil against you, I WILL! Confess your sins so that you may be right with God and others, I WILL! My life is not my own, IT IS YOURS!
I know I am nothing like Job (except in my upright stance - I say this as humbly as one can), I am thankful for the life of Job as the recent things we are experiencing help us read his life and know what to do. STAND FIRM, should I accept good and not trouble from the Lord? (Job 2:10). I will pray for those friends that got it wrong about our situation, as I know this helped Job's heart. Mine is in need of this help too. Job 42.
I know our family can not withstand without Ephesians 6:10-18. The Armor (Word and Prayer).
My Prayer: Lord may the truth be made known. Vindicate your servants and make things whole again! Please right those wrongs and work out the mess that we didn't create. If we are responsible for any part of the mess, please help us in correction.
I John 4:6 is what I am praying, let those who have the Spirit of God understand the truth of our matter.
Quote: "To give truth to him who loves it not leaves room for misinterpretation."
May your Word cut to the quick! Hebrews 4:12.
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Wedding Album Who wrote it? |
Saturday, November 18, 2017
Odie Walker ABC
Saturday, November 11, 2017
A is For Apostasy
I have to clear the air. I have rejected the opportunity to involve myself in christian book study and for good reason. The christian books out there in the mainstream reading genre are downright heretical. One book that was offered to me a while back I actually threw in the trash, it wasn't worth returning as it was so full of error I would have felt guilty giving it back or sending to the bookstore for another sucker to purchase and waste their time on.
The older I get, the more I do not want to fight the error, I just want to learn the truth and revel in it, therefore, I just want to study the word of God. I do have a few books on my list to buy written by a christian man I do want to read but I have been vetting his ministry for the past 6 months and can now say he's proved he truly is biblically based and worth purchasing.
I have come to view christian books, to be clear, mainly modern ones, and their study as a trap or a distraction to spiritual growth. (This is my opinion, as some folks I love and know have read some of these books and felt they helped them, I do not want to step on your toes and I know you can take my opinions, so hugs to you!) I believe the only true spiritual growth comes from God's Word (Hebrews 4:11-13) and submitting fully to it.
Our flesh is easily gratified when it comes to error in christian book studies. Some of the books we read just give us that tingly feeling, or entertains us, or fulfills selfish impulses. My question for christian book study is what is your motive for reading the book? If you find error in it what do you do next? (Hebrews 3:13).
I have strongly been led to study only God's word for my spiritual health and growth, especially in this last year. This is how my study usually goes; prayer to God to help me understand his Word, read a passage, sometimes I am convicted, other times I am encouraged. I look up words within the passage that are underlined (Hebrew/Greek Study Bible) for a deeper meaning. Look up cross references for support and fuller understanding. Pray and then think about the meaning throughout the day or talk about the passage with my daughter or anyone who would listen to me (most of the time she is the only one who would listen to me-God bless her heart!). It is an all day event. (Somedays I am not as focused and other days I can't get over a passage because the understanding of it was made more clear. Now that is JOY in studying with the Holy Spirit as your teacher. There are times the scripture throws light onto a circumstance as I am experiencing it and I am strengthened. (2 Timothy 3:16).
In modern Christian book study I see a tainting, a counterfeit take precedence to spending time with our Lord. A slant towards feelings, emotions and world philosophies creep in and in my opinion take the place of the work of the Holy Spirit. How easy it is to be caught up in a book thinking we can supplement the Word of God. No human author can do what God can do for a soul. (Please do not get me wrong, there are times I have read an excerpt or book from GK Chesterton, Oswald Chambers, C.S. Lewis, and have been inspired or thankful for their nuggets of wisdom. God can use people's lives and writing to help a believer in their understanding or encouragement. I am cautious though to not give them too much authority, they are fallible; the Word, which God wrote, is not, it is the only reliable source and can be fully trusted with your life direction. )
Our God is a jealous God and anything that takes the worship, adoration and praise from Him is idolatry and sin. Humans (including myself) so easily go looking for answers outside the source in front of our noses through our fellow peers. He planned and wrote the Word as the ultimate act of love. His willingness to communicate to us in the way in which he accomplished this task is beautiful. We should treasure His Word above all else.
I am not saying never to read another book written by a person or even study a book written by another person. What I am saying is vet the author to make sure his/her topic is biblically based and honors God in a worthy manner. Look out for self help, psychology minded, less-than gospel oriented material. Does the author understand the entire scope history, prophecy, of the Bible or do they take scripture out of context to make their points valid? Does the author placate to cultural, societal status quo and mix the world's philosophies in with the Bible?
There are times a History book, or outside academic sources can help us understand the Bible better. Just be careful that your filter is indeed the Holy Spirit as you learn from these sources. Revisionism, half truths, inaccuracy abound in many textbooks. Always make God's word the final word when it comes to studying in this category.
Book Reviews
Some of the following books I have read in the past or have seen the mainstream christian community flock to in current time. I'll let you know all these books contain heretical teaching or egregious error, some are more subtle in their problems than others. I urge you to do a deep dive into these authors and their ministries before you submit your thinking and spiritual walk to them. I have taken the time to compile a few resources in this area. Again, never take my word for it. Study for yourself and ask the Holy Spirit to teach you in all truth. (John 16:13).
I read The Purpose Driven Life when it first rolled off the print press. I was inspired. I coupled that book with the study of Seven Habits of Highly Effectual People by Stephen Covey and was ready to take on the world. (Oh, the naivety of youth!) God had different plans and those 2 books were thwarted by what God truly wanted me to do. It involved giving up my wants and desires, taking up my cross and following Him. Imagine that!
I read the Shack when it rolled off the press and immediately knew there were serious issues but chalked it up to fiction and entertainment. I knew the error but do the lost or those baby christians who are learning to know what to look for? Oh how convicting, the thought your writing can lead people astray, the influence you can have on a community as an author in a particular genre does have consequences. (I even look at my blog in this manner. I know visitors read and I'm sure there are things in it that may be wrong... OUCH! May the Lord show me my error and I will correct!)
What I'm trying to clarify is this, God does not harm or damage our spiritual walk. He sent His son to remedy this problem. Ephesians 2:1-10. Man can have detrimental, damaging effects, get in the way, slow the progress down or downright de-rail it.
The Watchout List (Oh this List can grow but these are the ones I spent time vetting) I Timothy 4:1.
An Article about understanding error and where you and I might be in that category. Pragmatism in this arena is also error. Error should be met head on with a target to root it out entirely.
The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren
The error just grows and grows... His mentor Peter Drucker a business management guru who influences church growth was not a Christian and the folks Warren surrounds himself with are not Christians. Mehmet Oz, Dr. Amen to list a few. A little leaven leavens the whole bunch. (Galations 5:9). Ecumenism, Universalism..etc.
Rick Warren in His own Words by Brannon Howse (I feel someone is trying to do this with my family.. if I find out it is true I hope you repent of the harm you brought to us.) Minute 51...No group consensus for me... I'll hold on to my biblical values...)
Desiring God - John Piper (video)
Heresy: Original Sin, Christian Hedonism, Replacement Theology, Liberal Philosophies
The Shack by William Young
Heresy: Trinity, False gospel
Jesus Calling by Sarah Young
Heresy: New Age method's, doctrine of demons
Beth Moore
Heresy: Ecumenicism, Psychology minded gospel doctrine of demons
My Prayer:
May the Lord keep me/us from falsehood. I repent of my sin in following humans instead of the God of the Bible. To repent means to turn. I reject the false, do an about face and turn towards the true (JESUS- John 14:6). May the Lord keep me in His ways, AMEN! PSALM 86:11...
EXCELLENT VIDEO!!! So convicting! Everything the Lord has been reminding me of in my latest posts.
Another excellent video - APOSTASY in the Church
Discerning the True from the False VIDEO
The Late J Vernon McGee... VIDEO
The Mixing continues... Article
Jacob Prasch NAILS IT!!!
This video describes a good meter to apply to your church...
Seeker Sensitive and the 3 main models and why they are false
Pop Psychology in the Church
False Doctrine
The older I get, the more I do not want to fight the error, I just want to learn the truth and revel in it, therefore, I just want to study the word of God. I do have a few books on my list to buy written by a christian man I do want to read but I have been vetting his ministry for the past 6 months and can now say he's proved he truly is biblically based and worth purchasing.
I have come to view christian books, to be clear, mainly modern ones, and their study as a trap or a distraction to spiritual growth. (This is my opinion, as some folks I love and know have read some of these books and felt they helped them, I do not want to step on your toes and I know you can take my opinions, so hugs to you!) I believe the only true spiritual growth comes from God's Word (Hebrews 4:11-13) and submitting fully to it.
Our flesh is easily gratified when it comes to error in christian book studies. Some of the books we read just give us that tingly feeling, or entertains us, or fulfills selfish impulses. My question for christian book study is what is your motive for reading the book? If you find error in it what do you do next? (Hebrews 3:13).
I have strongly been led to study only God's word for my spiritual health and growth, especially in this last year. This is how my study usually goes; prayer to God to help me understand his Word, read a passage, sometimes I am convicted, other times I am encouraged. I look up words within the passage that are underlined (Hebrew/Greek Study Bible) for a deeper meaning. Look up cross references for support and fuller understanding. Pray and then think about the meaning throughout the day or talk about the passage with my daughter or anyone who would listen to me (most of the time she is the only one who would listen to me-God bless her heart!). It is an all day event. (Somedays I am not as focused and other days I can't get over a passage because the understanding of it was made more clear. Now that is JOY in studying with the Holy Spirit as your teacher. There are times the scripture throws light onto a circumstance as I am experiencing it and I am strengthened. (2 Timothy 3:16).
In modern Christian book study I see a tainting, a counterfeit take precedence to spending time with our Lord. A slant towards feelings, emotions and world philosophies creep in and in my opinion take the place of the work of the Holy Spirit. How easy it is to be caught up in a book thinking we can supplement the Word of God. No human author can do what God can do for a soul. (Please do not get me wrong, there are times I have read an excerpt or book from GK Chesterton, Oswald Chambers, C.S. Lewis, and have been inspired or thankful for their nuggets of wisdom. God can use people's lives and writing to help a believer in their understanding or encouragement. I am cautious though to not give them too much authority, they are fallible; the Word, which God wrote, is not, it is the only reliable source and can be fully trusted with your life direction. )
Our God is a jealous God and anything that takes the worship, adoration and praise from Him is idolatry and sin. Humans (including myself) so easily go looking for answers outside the source in front of our noses through our fellow peers. He planned and wrote the Word as the ultimate act of love. His willingness to communicate to us in the way in which he accomplished this task is beautiful. We should treasure His Word above all else.
I am not saying never to read another book written by a person or even study a book written by another person. What I am saying is vet the author to make sure his/her topic is biblically based and honors God in a worthy manner. Look out for self help, psychology minded, less-than gospel oriented material. Does the author understand the entire scope history, prophecy, of the Bible or do they take scripture out of context to make their points valid? Does the author placate to cultural, societal status quo and mix the world's philosophies in with the Bible?
There are times a History book, or outside academic sources can help us understand the Bible better. Just be careful that your filter is indeed the Holy Spirit as you learn from these sources. Revisionism, half truths, inaccuracy abound in many textbooks. Always make God's word the final word when it comes to studying in this category.
Book Reviews
Some of the following books I have read in the past or have seen the mainstream christian community flock to in current time. I'll let you know all these books contain heretical teaching or egregious error, some are more subtle in their problems than others. I urge you to do a deep dive into these authors and their ministries before you submit your thinking and spiritual walk to them. I have taken the time to compile a few resources in this area. Again, never take my word for it. Study for yourself and ask the Holy Spirit to teach you in all truth. (John 16:13).
I read The Purpose Driven Life when it first rolled off the print press. I was inspired. I coupled that book with the study of Seven Habits of Highly Effectual People by Stephen Covey and was ready to take on the world. (Oh, the naivety of youth!) God had different plans and those 2 books were thwarted by what God truly wanted me to do. It involved giving up my wants and desires, taking up my cross and following Him. Imagine that!
I read the Shack when it rolled off the press and immediately knew there were serious issues but chalked it up to fiction and entertainment. I knew the error but do the lost or those baby christians who are learning to know what to look for? Oh how convicting, the thought your writing can lead people astray, the influence you can have on a community as an author in a particular genre does have consequences. (I even look at my blog in this manner. I know visitors read and I'm sure there are things in it that may be wrong... OUCH! May the Lord show me my error and I will correct!)
What I'm trying to clarify is this, God does not harm or damage our spiritual walk. He sent His son to remedy this problem. Ephesians 2:1-10. Man can have detrimental, damaging effects, get in the way, slow the progress down or downright de-rail it.
The Watchout List (Oh this List can grow but these are the ones I spent time vetting) I Timothy 4:1.
An Article about understanding error and where you and I might be in that category. Pragmatism in this arena is also error. Error should be met head on with a target to root it out entirely.
The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren
The error just grows and grows... His mentor Peter Drucker a business management guru who influences church growth was not a Christian and the folks Warren surrounds himself with are not Christians. Mehmet Oz, Dr. Amen to list a few. A little leaven leavens the whole bunch. (Galations 5:9). Ecumenism, Universalism..etc.
Rick Warren in His own Words by Brannon Howse (I feel someone is trying to do this with my family.. if I find out it is true I hope you repent of the harm you brought to us.) Minute 51...No group consensus for me... I'll hold on to my biblical values...)
Desiring God - John Piper (video)
Heresy: Original Sin, Christian Hedonism, Replacement Theology, Liberal Philosophies
The Shack by William Young
Heresy: Trinity, False gospel
Jesus Calling by Sarah Young
Heresy: New Age method's, doctrine of demons
Beth Moore
Heresy: Ecumenicism, Psychology minded gospel doctrine of demons
My Prayer:
May the Lord keep me/us from falsehood. I repent of my sin in following humans instead of the God of the Bible. To repent means to turn. I reject the false, do an about face and turn towards the true (JESUS- John 14:6). May the Lord keep me in His ways, AMEN! PSALM 86:11...
EXCELLENT VIDEO!!! So convicting! Everything the Lord has been reminding me of in my latest posts.
Another excellent video - APOSTASY in the Church
Discerning the True from the False VIDEO
The Late J Vernon McGee... VIDEO
The Mixing continues... Article
Jacob Prasch NAILS IT!!!
This video describes a good meter to apply to your church...
Seeker Sensitive and the 3 main models and why they are false
Pop Psychology in the Church
False Doctrine
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
Please Order My Steps
I have had a very interesting field exercise with the Lord this past year as I have been in the mainstream church environment. I have been accused of being like Eve and believing a deception as I took those steps into the local church. I have been accused of deceiving my family and warned of the way of the Nicolaitans as I re-entered the local church. I have been accused of rejecting truth and on a path to shipwrecking my faith. I can honestly say, I went in those doors with eyes wide open. I understand the teaching of deception and what to look for as I have studied the word my entire life but with more emphasis on apostasy in the past 20 years. I went there as an obedient act of God, as my family was being attacked spiritually and I had no one to stand by me (Eccl. 4:9-12, Hebrews 10:25). Sometimes in war, God sends you to places temporarily for your protection, even places that may have deception and other battles to fight (Matthew 12:3-4, I Samuel 21:4- has some bearing to that statement) I think of Samuel serving in the temple under Eli and his sons who were scoundrels. Samuel kept his integrity and heart after God- I Samuel 2:12- (I am not implying the people at this church are scoundrels, I am stating that 'apostasy' in some form was in God's Temple even in the OT and that didn't stop Samuel a young man from following God while under Eli's poor instruction at times and his son's awful mistreatment of their positions). I went in those doors with my battle gear beat to a pulp and exhausted. (Ephesians 6:10-18). Either I am relying on God or man... I believe I choose God!
I admit, I can be deceived, I have been before and God brought me out of it. Yes, I can still fall into deception, I am human, frail and the heart is desperately wicked. I am writing this post to state, those above accusations just aren't true in this particular event in my life. When there is a desperate situation, desperate measures are called for and obedience to God requires swift action. I obeyed God even under the intense pressure of accusations from partial knowledge of my circumstances. (Acts 5:29, Proverbs 29:25). God has kept me close (Psalms 91:4), and kept my family from being snared (Proverbs 3:26).
I have been grateful for the results of my obedience but as I spend my time in a 'refugee camp' of sorts I see problematic issues. God, what should I do, are you going to move me to another camp or call me back out to the battlefield? The struggle I am under is tough especially with the deep wound that won't seem to heal properly. I trust you explicitly, my commander in Chief, I just don't trust others anymore.
I know a sheep alone is easy pickings for the devil, they become sickly and can't even defend themselves. Relationship with Jesus and fellowship is key to protection in this wide world of fiery darts being hurled at the flock, but what about those wolves in sheep clothing within the flock, or the ignorant sheep that hurt other sheep or the deceived that think they hold fast but are in deed in error? Jesus, You are the Good Shepard. Help me to rely solely on You for healing and health within your church. It is my prayer that I do not be a sheep that hurts others too. It is hard in the apostate time to find those on the narrow path who love each other deeply and seek truth that causes conviction that leads to full submission to you. I yearn for that reality to become real.
I am steadfast in the promise you gave me at my bedside BEFORE all this happened. Genesis 50:20... May it be so, I know it will be so.
Your obedient servant!
Psalms 37:23
The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord!
Psalm 91:2
Psalm 25:20
*Psalm 27:5
Psalm 31:20
Psalm 32:7
Psalm 71:3
Proverbs 14:26
2 Timothy 4:16-18
At my first defense, no one came to my support, but everyone deserted me. May it not be held against them. 17 But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it. And I was delivered from the lion’s mouth. 18 The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom.To him be glory for ever and ever. Amen!
Mom and Dad, you have been there for me in prayer and in wise counsel... THANK YOU! So wish you weren't 1000 miles away!
I like using 'Art' in my posts but only because it looks nice. I am educating myself about the seeker sensitive movement and boy, I can see why someone would read my blog and think the pictures I use fall into the 'error' mysticism category. I just like art, I don't worship icons or take any spiritual meaning in art. I just LIKE it and that is all.
I admit, I can be deceived, I have been before and God brought me out of it. Yes, I can still fall into deception, I am human, frail and the heart is desperately wicked. I am writing this post to state, those above accusations just aren't true in this particular event in my life. When there is a desperate situation, desperate measures are called for and obedience to God requires swift action. I obeyed God even under the intense pressure of accusations from partial knowledge of my circumstances. (Acts 5:29, Proverbs 29:25). God has kept me close (Psalms 91:4), and kept my family from being snared (Proverbs 3:26).
I have been grateful for the results of my obedience but as I spend my time in a 'refugee camp' of sorts I see problematic issues. God, what should I do, are you going to move me to another camp or call me back out to the battlefield? The struggle I am under is tough especially with the deep wound that won't seem to heal properly. I trust you explicitly, my commander in Chief, I just don't trust others anymore.
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Waiting For the Word |
I am steadfast in the promise you gave me at my bedside BEFORE all this happened. Genesis 50:20... May it be so, I know it will be so.
Your obedient servant!
Psalms 37:23
The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord!
Psalm 91:2
Psalm 25:20
*Psalm 27:5
Psalm 31:20
Psalm 32:7
Psalm 71:3
Proverbs 14:26
2 Timothy 4:16-18
At my first defense, no one came to my support, but everyone deserted me. May it not be held against them. 17 But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it. And I was delivered from the lion’s mouth. 18 The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom.To him be glory for ever and ever. Amen!
Mom and Dad, you have been there for me in prayer and in wise counsel... THANK YOU! So wish you weren't 1000 miles away!
I like using 'Art' in my posts but only because it looks nice. I am educating myself about the seeker sensitive movement and boy, I can see why someone would read my blog and think the pictures I use fall into the 'error' mysticism category. I just like art, I don't worship icons or take any spiritual meaning in art. I just LIKE it and that is all.
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Cultural Christianity and the Social Gospel
Cultural Christianity.... STOP THERE! Those two words coupled together should make a true believer question those catchwords.
Cultural: Relating to the ideas, customs and social behaviors of a society.
Christianity: Worldview based on the teachings of Jesus.
On their own, these words are just fine. When they are brought together, they sound good too, just like a catch phrase does, but what I want to hone in on is the deeper meaning surrounding the definitions.
The definition is in need of balance, especially where the church is concerned. This term is great under the biblical precepts and ways of God (Psalms 139:3). God calls us out of the world's system (1 Peter 2:9) and He teaches and directs a believer in His way (Isaiah 55:8). The old becomes new (2 Corinthians 5:17). This dynamic encompasses true cultural Christianity.
The term is tainted when a christian thinks we can influence the world's culture by allowing tolerance instead of truth in love and acceptance without repentance. Western civilization certainly shows this through communitarian mentality, 'why can't we all just get along, in the name of peace.' I'm not talking about sports team rivalry or inconsequential preferences of diverse folks. I'm talking about how easily we take two opposing thought systems and merge them to create a new system so all parties are happy. This is dangerous ground spiritually. The, 'I'm OK, your OK, we are all under grace, so we are all covered,' mentality is a pitfall in the American church. It leaves room for doctrinal error, which leads to watered down teaching of the word (2 Timothy 2:15) and is couched in the ideas of modern cultural Christianity. The social gospel is the extreme outcome of this error and is a false gospel.
Read Luke 12:49-51 before reading any further. This truth has been lost in many churches today. Jesus is discussing the fact that He was going to suffer pain and death and because of His willingness to follow God's plan which encompassed a zealous revealing of truth, would cause upset within house holds, with a final end which leads to God's glory. He states a common cultural fact when he says we are hypocrites when we predict the weather but can not even understand the times we live in. People will be looking towards fallible ways and miss the truth right before their noses. The culture was the same in Jesus' time as it is today.
Biblical View of Culture
God calls his people OUT of their culture. He doesn't necessarily change the culture, he changes the man. A redeemed man will have encounters within his culture and there may be times a culture is changed but there is a catch. The only time you see a culture change is because repentance was involved.
Our modern idea of loving people to change a culture misses the mark in that to truly love means to speak truth.
Our only 'job' within our culture is to live rightly (I Peter 3: 8-12) and preach the good news (Mark 16:15-16) with obedience to the will of God (2 Thessalonians 2; 14-15, 3:6, 2 Peter 3:9). The last 8 words of Mark 16 verse 16 state an obvious fact cultural and social gospel Christianity tend to ignore, "but whoever does not believe will be condemned." This fact usually causes tension because if you preach the full measure of the good news you have to talk about the law (commandments) and sin. The only way a culturally deprived people can see the truth is know their true condition, which should lead them to the full understanding of the work of Jesus and why they need Him.
Yes, Jesus did come for the sick, it is the spiritually dead (sinner) who need a doctor (Mark 2:17). The doctor must diagnose the problem first in order for revival to take place. When we rely on methods of tolerance and acceptance without repentance and bypass the talk of sin, you've just consulted a charlatan. A sick person can not understand the bounty of grace without first knowing their grave condition without it.
The more typical outcome of speaking truth into a culture causes tension, hatred and spurning from a rebellious heart. This doesn't mean we shouldn't do it anyway. (Matthew 10:13-14) The travels of the Apostle Paul in Acts certainly showcases his demise within the Jewish and Gentile culture. He was reviled and hated the majority of the time but also had those converts that were called out and following the Lord.
The New Testament is a record of what being called out means. Paul is constantly correcting and admonishing the called out ones (church) to remember the old way are gone, put on the new man and keep the false gospel out. (Ephesians 2: 3, 12 - Colossians 1:21. Galatians 1. )
In a nutshell, ( I know I say that a lot), We are to be called out of the culture we came from and be an example, not try to change it through politics or our own works, both of which do not espouse what the gospel is.
Old Testament Examples
When I was studying my Bible a few question came to mind. Did Lot change Sodom and Gomorrah? Did God give Jericho the chance to change their culture before being destroyed? What about Ninevah?
The common string between Sodom and Gomorrah, Jericho and Ninevah is they were all pagan cultures. They defied God, were idolatrous and wicked. Lot was considered righteous and distressed over the 'culture' he lived in. He wasn't able to change them, nor was God willing to bear with their lawlessness any longer. (2 Peter 2:7, Genesis 13:13)
Abram dealt strictly with the King of Sodom after saving Lot's family in Genesis 14 (22-24). He also prayed for the wicked city asking God for mercy if there were righteous living there. (Genesis 18). We all know the rest of the story, God's justice was meted out. (Genesis 19). I don't think Lot or Abraham worried about cultural change.
Jericho was a walled city full of Canaanites who were obviously not righteous folk. The Lord told Joshua the land belonged to the Israelites and to drive the squatters out. Jericho was a formidable city and God brought the walls down through a supernatural act. The only one saved was Rahab, who repented and turned from her ways. (Rahab is in the family line of Jesus- Matthew 1:5). The Israelites definitely were not thinking about changing that culture. In fact, some of the Canaanite captives taken into Israeli camps caused contention later on in history. The Israelites allowed Canaanite citadels to remain and the disobedience to God's original command (to drive them out of the land) caused them to experience detrimental consequences in their culture. Bad apple ruins the bunch! (Judges 1: 27-34).
Ninevah may be the only evil culture that was changed by a righteous man speaking a message directed by God. Jonah was reluctant to speak the message of REPENTANCE to the city of Ninevah, with a human understanding, I can see why, they brutalized their enemies and Israel was on that list. God showed his Mercy to Ninevah, they listened and repented. (Jonah 3:6) Remember, repentance is on an individual heart basis, many individuals repenting can cause cultural change. (Although they did experience destruction through conquering later on in their history.) Ninevah is modern day Assyria and there is still a Christian community there. (Matthew 12:4).
The Way
The more I put the term 'cultural christianity' and especially the 'social gospel' against biblical accounts, the more I think that term strays from what is the true basis for any changes or influence within a society. That basis is falling on your knees before a Holy, Just God and repenting of anything that does not meet His requirements within individual hearts. This lifestyle is a separateness within the bounds of society. We are in the world, but not of the world. John 17:16,17). May we work out our sanctification with honor, beauty and gratefulness before our friends, families and neighbors and at every opportunity, preach the good news in full measure, being examples in word and deed for the Glory of God.
Remember the term Christian was first used as a derogatory term. It came with an air of disgust and pity, 'Those people who follow Christ, how pathetic!' This was how we were seen culturally, a reviled people. Just as Jesus was (I Peter 2:23).
I can think of many areas of society a true follower of the way is reviled. What do you see?
I think deeply on Psalms 1 in context to this subject!
Please let me know your thoughts on this subject. These are mine and may need refining or maybe there are other examples I'm not seeing and I would love to discuss.
Excellent video...
Cultural: Relating to the ideas, customs and social behaviors of a society.
Christianity: Worldview based on the teachings of Jesus.
On their own, these words are just fine. When they are brought together, they sound good too, just like a catch phrase does, but what I want to hone in on is the deeper meaning surrounding the definitions.
The definition is in need of balance, especially where the church is concerned. This term is great under the biblical precepts and ways of God (Psalms 139:3). God calls us out of the world's system (1 Peter 2:9) and He teaches and directs a believer in His way (Isaiah 55:8). The old becomes new (2 Corinthians 5:17). This dynamic encompasses true cultural Christianity.
The term is tainted when a christian thinks we can influence the world's culture by allowing tolerance instead of truth in love and acceptance without repentance. Western civilization certainly shows this through communitarian mentality, 'why can't we all just get along, in the name of peace.' I'm not talking about sports team rivalry or inconsequential preferences of diverse folks. I'm talking about how easily we take two opposing thought systems and merge them to create a new system so all parties are happy. This is dangerous ground spiritually. The, 'I'm OK, your OK, we are all under grace, so we are all covered,' mentality is a pitfall in the American church. It leaves room for doctrinal error, which leads to watered down teaching of the word (2 Timothy 2:15) and is couched in the ideas of modern cultural Christianity. The social gospel is the extreme outcome of this error and is a false gospel.
Read Luke 12:49-51 before reading any further. This truth has been lost in many churches today. Jesus is discussing the fact that He was going to suffer pain and death and because of His willingness to follow God's plan which encompassed a zealous revealing of truth, would cause upset within house holds, with a final end which leads to God's glory. He states a common cultural fact when he says we are hypocrites when we predict the weather but can not even understand the times we live in. People will be looking towards fallible ways and miss the truth right before their noses. The culture was the same in Jesus' time as it is today.
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'Hands' |
Biblical View of Culture
God calls his people OUT of their culture. He doesn't necessarily change the culture, he changes the man. A redeemed man will have encounters within his culture and there may be times a culture is changed but there is a catch. The only time you see a culture change is because repentance was involved.
Our modern idea of loving people to change a culture misses the mark in that to truly love means to speak truth.
Our only 'job' within our culture is to live rightly (I Peter 3: 8-12) and preach the good news (Mark 16:15-16) with obedience to the will of God (2 Thessalonians 2; 14-15, 3:6, 2 Peter 3:9). The last 8 words of Mark 16 verse 16 state an obvious fact cultural and social gospel Christianity tend to ignore, "but whoever does not believe will be condemned." This fact usually causes tension because if you preach the full measure of the good news you have to talk about the law (commandments) and sin. The only way a culturally deprived people can see the truth is know their true condition, which should lead them to the full understanding of the work of Jesus and why they need Him.
Yes, Jesus did come for the sick, it is the spiritually dead (sinner) who need a doctor (Mark 2:17). The doctor must diagnose the problem first in order for revival to take place. When we rely on methods of tolerance and acceptance without repentance and bypass the talk of sin, you've just consulted a charlatan. A sick person can not understand the bounty of grace without first knowing their grave condition without it.
The more typical outcome of speaking truth into a culture causes tension, hatred and spurning from a rebellious heart. This doesn't mean we shouldn't do it anyway. (Matthew 10:13-14) The travels of the Apostle Paul in Acts certainly showcases his demise within the Jewish and Gentile culture. He was reviled and hated the majority of the time but also had those converts that were called out and following the Lord.
The New Testament is a record of what being called out means. Paul is constantly correcting and admonishing the called out ones (church) to remember the old way are gone, put on the new man and keep the false gospel out. (Ephesians 2: 3, 12 - Colossians 1:21. Galatians 1. )
In a nutshell, ( I know I say that a lot), We are to be called out of the culture we came from and be an example, not try to change it through politics or our own works, both of which do not espouse what the gospel is.
Old Testament Examples
When I was studying my Bible a few question came to mind. Did Lot change Sodom and Gomorrah? Did God give Jericho the chance to change their culture before being destroyed? What about Ninevah?
The common string between Sodom and Gomorrah, Jericho and Ninevah is they were all pagan cultures. They defied God, were idolatrous and wicked. Lot was considered righteous and distressed over the 'culture' he lived in. He wasn't able to change them, nor was God willing to bear with their lawlessness any longer. (2 Peter 2:7, Genesis 13:13)
Abram dealt strictly with the King of Sodom after saving Lot's family in Genesis 14 (22-24). He also prayed for the wicked city asking God for mercy if there were righteous living there. (Genesis 18). We all know the rest of the story, God's justice was meted out. (Genesis 19). I don't think Lot or Abraham worried about cultural change.
Jericho was a walled city full of Canaanites who were obviously not righteous folk. The Lord told Joshua the land belonged to the Israelites and to drive the squatters out. Jericho was a formidable city and God brought the walls down through a supernatural act. The only one saved was Rahab, who repented and turned from her ways. (Rahab is in the family line of Jesus- Matthew 1:5). The Israelites definitely were not thinking about changing that culture. In fact, some of the Canaanite captives taken into Israeli camps caused contention later on in history. The Israelites allowed Canaanite citadels to remain and the disobedience to God's original command (to drive them out of the land) caused them to experience detrimental consequences in their culture. Bad apple ruins the bunch! (Judges 1: 27-34).
Ninevah may be the only evil culture that was changed by a righteous man speaking a message directed by God. Jonah was reluctant to speak the message of REPENTANCE to the city of Ninevah, with a human understanding, I can see why, they brutalized their enemies and Israel was on that list. God showed his Mercy to Ninevah, they listened and repented. (Jonah 3:6) Remember, repentance is on an individual heart basis, many individuals repenting can cause cultural change. (Although they did experience destruction through conquering later on in their history.) Ninevah is modern day Assyria and there is still a Christian community there. (Matthew 12:4).
The Way
The more I put the term 'cultural christianity' and especially the 'social gospel' against biblical accounts, the more I think that term strays from what is the true basis for any changes or influence within a society. That basis is falling on your knees before a Holy, Just God and repenting of anything that does not meet His requirements within individual hearts. This lifestyle is a separateness within the bounds of society. We are in the world, but not of the world. John 17:16,17). May we work out our sanctification with honor, beauty and gratefulness before our friends, families and neighbors and at every opportunity, preach the good news in full measure, being examples in word and deed for the Glory of God.
Remember the term Christian was first used as a derogatory term. It came with an air of disgust and pity, 'Those people who follow Christ, how pathetic!' This was how we were seen culturally, a reviled people. Just as Jesus was (I Peter 2:23).
I can think of many areas of society a true follower of the way is reviled. What do you see?
I think deeply on Psalms 1 in context to this subject!
Please let me know your thoughts on this subject. These are mine and may need refining or maybe there are other examples I'm not seeing and I would love to discuss.
Excellent video...
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Featuring Alex Brown
I just can't watch it enough...
Alex your mom is so proud. What a talented girl you are and I am awed at your skill. Keep following your heart and may you always give glory to God with the God-given talent you are refining.
Colossians 3:1.
My prayer for you my sweet daughter is your thoughts be set on God always (Psalms1).
Speed Paint Self Portrait By: Alex Brown
Tunes by Spoon: You only Live Once
Oh the places you'll go!
Alex your mom is so proud. What a talented girl you are and I am awed at your skill. Keep following your heart and may you always give glory to God with the God-given talent you are refining.
Colossians 3:1.
My prayer for you my sweet daughter is your thoughts be set on God always (Psalms1).
Speed Paint Self Portrait By: Alex Brown
Tunes by Spoon: You only Live Once
Oh the places you'll go!
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
Reformed Theology... Who Needs It?
If you believe I John 2:27, I Corinthians 2:10-13, Nehemiah 9:20 John 16:13-14 is applied to the believer's life, there is no need for 'reformed' theology.
Reformed Theology in a nutshell is based on the doctrines of men. (Mainly the church fathers of the protestant reformation). Reformed thought also tries to connect cultural change through the church. On the surface it looks sound but dig a bit deeper and this 'new' study of God is found wanting.
Just take a look at the word, "reformed". To reform in the dictionary means to make a change (typically a social, political or economic institution or practice) in order to improve it.
I don't think the study of God or the Bible needs 'changing'. In fact, He doesn't change and that particular attribute is refreshing in light of this study. His constant, truthful identity is knowable in every generation (Psalms 89:1 and throughout history and time (Deuteronomy 7:9).
The study of God should be kept to perimeters that He sets up. If any changing is needed it is in the heart of man when he learns who God truly is. (Deut. 12:32, Proverbs 30:6).
If God's Word is pure, infallible, inspired by The Lord Himself, and given to man with cohesive clarity do not these attributes explain the image and character of God? Why would we need to apply reformation techniques to this study?
Does our social, cultural and economic scene differ all that much from other historical periods? So much so, that we need to change with the times in order to reach people? What a slam to the gospel message and to our Almighty God. Either He can Do what He says He can do OR we just like getting in the way because it makes us feel good. (Galatians 1:10).
Reformed Theology likes to use church history and church fathers to support their theology. I love the study of history and how people react, interact or fail to act with God throughout time. We certainly can learn a lot and it is not a bad thing to study, apply lessons of people in history as encouraging second winds in our race to the eternal finish line, but we need to leave it at that. Reformed Theology's error is in relying to heavily on this. It is also our duty when we study to compare the thoughts of men to scripture and if there is delineation to reject it. Matthew 7:16. I John 2:6 warns us to walk as Jesus walked.
Why do we stop short of abundant living when we have DIRECT access to God through His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit, whom Jesus said would come once He ascended to be with His Father? (John 14:15).
Let's look at history itself to prove we have the golden egg but would rather rely on rotten ones to find out about the nature of God.
A Short walk through History
0-450 A.D.
At the time of Jesus, The Romans culture dominated the world. The culture was depraved in every way imaginable. Hedonism abounded in all aspects of life. (Hedonism is the doctrine that pleasure and happiness is the highest good. -Romans 1:31-32) Now we know that pleasure and happiness in itself is not a bad thing, but when it is overflowing into every part of life is a controlling factor, things get out of hand. In essence, the Romans used bad things to gain pleasure in their experiences.(The gladiators- entertaining violence at the cost of human life). The Roman Empire also was the most brutal in regards to conquering nations and Christians. Just think if the Roman scourge practice was implemented in America today.
Fast Forward to the Byzantine Era (Middle Ages)
From Constantine, Justinian, The Crusades to the Renaissance. The centuries from around 450 to 1400 A.D. experienced war, famine, feudalism, religious control, life expectancy was low. It was a tumultuous time of Man acting in the place of God for control.
The following, in my opinion, is a huge blessing in the course of human history. We should thank the Lord for the Gutenberg Press, in 1440. The Bible could now be in the hands of every person who could read. This invention re-set the playing field for the oppressed but along with freedom came a new deception. (see below).
The Early Modern Era encompassed religious freedom through various reformations throughout 1450-1800. Martin Luther, John Calvin, William Tyndale all had strong influence in the fight for spiritual freedom. The blow back from this push for freedom was found in the Age of Enlightenment, a pre-cursor to New Age thought. (Note: Compare the Reformation of 1600 to the Early Church. HMM!)
Church history was of suppression, oppression and the Bible was still being held hostage by elitist religious circles. A few small sects, like the Waldensians (1700) were able to hold to truth, but not without persecution or peril to life. (This is usually an indicator they actually followed God and not man). Note: Even the Waldensians fell in the later years. They brought in ecumenicism.
The Modern Era 1800 - present, has been a battlefield for the mind through philosophy (relativism), revisionism, textual criticism, science as a religion and spiritual adultery. The Bible is now touted as a myth or a great moral book by secular and non-secular thought circles. The deceitful tainting of the Word of God continues. We have the most freedom to learn the truth of God at this point in history. We have easy access to the Bible, we have freedom to worship God and to study to show ourselves approved.
In a quick nutshell, from Jesus to present, the world has tried to control the truth of God through religion, doctrine of men, brutality, oppression and suppression. This evil presents itself in many forms throughout history. We went from a separated Bible (Only the Jews had the Old Testament at the time of Jesus and then the New Testament was written shortly after Jesus' ascension.) The Canon (5th Century) brings OT and NT together, it is then controlled and suppressed, given wings and then controlled and suppressed again through textual criticism, false science and worldly philosophy.
Reformed Theology or Reformed Heart
I mentioned the invention of the Gutenberg Press unknowingly opened a door for a future deception. This deception is found in the many versions the Bible has been subjected to since it's open debut in 1440. Some scholars have done a decent job and others have butchered the real context and meaning of the scriptures. This documentary is a great resource on this subject. (MUST WATCH!)
Think of all the culture, societal changes, economic turbulence throughout my very simple timeline and tell me where the entire Bible was not relevant to every event. I think if you look hard, the culture, society and economic issues really haven't changed that much from generation to generation. Sin is sin and human behavior is predictable. The deception just lies in how crafty one can get in changing the truth of God into a doubt, or a question.
The fact of the matter is God keeps his Word pure through all this history of mistreatment. (Psalms 12:6,8). If the text, word meaning, content of the Bible can survive throughout all human distortion and mishandling, I really don't think we have the right to 'reform' theology to any human standards.
We need to let the Bible stand in it's full glory in our time in history and not manipulate it to the system we live under. Let the chips fall where they may. The real 'reformation' needs to start in the heart of man.
Reformed Theology, think about it... it should make you shudder. The study of God doesn't need reforming. He is the great I AM. (Exodus 3:14-15, Isaiah 9:6, John 8:58). Hebrews 13:8 SAYS IT ALL. His BOOK says it all.
It is YOU and I who need reforming so that we can even understand who God is. (Galatians 4:8-9). This starts in the heart with repentance and changes our mind and will to His. Ephesians 5:15-21. I don't see outwards elements in this process (culture, society, economics). Once we submit to God's perfect character and will and we begin to transform inwardly, the outward tends to follow or grows less important. (Hebrews 12:2, Isaiah 26:2).
My point is, we don't need to follow a man (theologians, church fathers etc.) to know who God is, at this point, it is idolatry (I Samuel 8:7-8). The Reformist may have had their purpose in history but do you worship them or God? Our Modern Era takes for granted the fact we have first, THE HOLY SPIRIT to teach us in all truth AND the complete Scriptures to support and confirm the truth of who God and Jesus are, why go to any other source?
With all that said, don't take my word for it... search these things out for yourself. Knowing God personally is what you were made for. (Psalm 100:3) and He wants to keep you close. (Psalm 119:2 and Psalms 145:18).
Reformed Thought to Be Aware Of
Reformed Thought = Doctrine of Men: Authority of man's ideas and not Gods = IDOLATRY of self and intellect.
Gnosticism : Modern New Age thought follows this, contemplative spirituality, automatic writing...
Jesuits: Militant Catholicism, sneaky and deceptive priests who infiltrate other belief systems in order to bring universalist principles to fruition.
Calvinism: I agree with this video. Love my Calvinist friends, don't need to argue about it but this video speaks to the truth of the matter in my opinion. (part 1 of 8 videos... watch them all!) And then read this article... The Enigma of Calvinism.
Questioners of Reformed Thought
Dean John Burgon
David Hunt
My last question to think about: WHO is the Head of the CHURCH? And are you truly submitted?
This video was convicting and encouraging...WOW!
Just so you know, I am NOT perfect. I make mistakes, I study and God convicts and corrects me often. I too have fallen into traps and thank the Lord He has shown me my error. I hope by reading this post, one can see I speak from conviction and not a 'know-it-all" or a "I'm right" mentality. This is my focus...when we let the Holy Spirit truly guide us in all truth, NOTHING can compare in the richness of it! This is me sharing my transformation in Christ, a work of my heart being reformed from sin and it is a beautiful thing to talk about!
And one more thing, I have prayed about Titus 3:11. My BOLD statement can cause ruffling to some folks. My intention is not to do that. I just like discussing what I learn and can leave well enough alone. Arguments are not my goal. I am truly not that type of person. There is a fine line between discussing, challenging, spurring toward faith and causing discord. I do know the difference!
Full History Documentary by Christian J. Pinto
Great Article For Thought
More Reformed Error
The Contradiction... What a mess the doctrine of man is!
A History... EXCELLENT on why MAN needs to keep to BIBLICAL truth...
Question for Thought:
How did Abraham know and understand God?
Reformed Theology in a nutshell is based on the doctrines of men. (Mainly the church fathers of the protestant reformation). Reformed thought also tries to connect cultural change through the church. On the surface it looks sound but dig a bit deeper and this 'new' study of God is found wanting.
Just take a look at the word, "reformed". To reform in the dictionary means to make a change (typically a social, political or economic institution or practice) in order to improve it.
I don't think the study of God or the Bible needs 'changing'. In fact, He doesn't change and that particular attribute is refreshing in light of this study. His constant, truthful identity is knowable in every generation (Psalms 89:1 and throughout history and time (Deuteronomy 7:9).
The study of God should be kept to perimeters that He sets up. If any changing is needed it is in the heart of man when he learns who God truly is. (Deut. 12:32, Proverbs 30:6).
If God's Word is pure, infallible, inspired by The Lord Himself, and given to man with cohesive clarity do not these attributes explain the image and character of God? Why would we need to apply reformation techniques to this study?
Does our social, cultural and economic scene differ all that much from other historical periods? So much so, that we need to change with the times in order to reach people? What a slam to the gospel message and to our Almighty God. Either He can Do what He says He can do OR we just like getting in the way because it makes us feel good. (Galatians 1:10).
Reformed Theology likes to use church history and church fathers to support their theology. I love the study of history and how people react, interact or fail to act with God throughout time. We certainly can learn a lot and it is not a bad thing to study, apply lessons of people in history as encouraging second winds in our race to the eternal finish line, but we need to leave it at that. Reformed Theology's error is in relying to heavily on this. It is also our duty when we study to compare the thoughts of men to scripture and if there is delineation to reject it. Matthew 7:16. I John 2:6 warns us to walk as Jesus walked.
Why do we stop short of abundant living when we have DIRECT access to God through His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit, whom Jesus said would come once He ascended to be with His Father? (John 14:15).
Let's look at history itself to prove we have the golden egg but would rather rely on rotten ones to find out about the nature of God.
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Crucifix |
A Short walk through History
0-450 A.D.
At the time of Jesus, The Romans culture dominated the world. The culture was depraved in every way imaginable. Hedonism abounded in all aspects of life. (Hedonism is the doctrine that pleasure and happiness is the highest good. -Romans 1:31-32) Now we know that pleasure and happiness in itself is not a bad thing, but when it is overflowing into every part of life is a controlling factor, things get out of hand. In essence, the Romans used bad things to gain pleasure in their experiences.(The gladiators- entertaining violence at the cost of human life). The Roman Empire also was the most brutal in regards to conquering nations and Christians. Just think if the Roman scourge practice was implemented in America today.
Fast Forward to the Byzantine Era (Middle Ages)
From Constantine, Justinian, The Crusades to the Renaissance. The centuries from around 450 to 1400 A.D. experienced war, famine, feudalism, religious control, life expectancy was low. It was a tumultuous time of Man acting in the place of God for control.
The following, in my opinion, is a huge blessing in the course of human history. We should thank the Lord for the Gutenberg Press, in 1440. The Bible could now be in the hands of every person who could read. This invention re-set the playing field for the oppressed but along with freedom came a new deception. (see below).
The Early Modern Era encompassed religious freedom through various reformations throughout 1450-1800. Martin Luther, John Calvin, William Tyndale all had strong influence in the fight for spiritual freedom. The blow back from this push for freedom was found in the Age of Enlightenment, a pre-cursor to New Age thought. (Note: Compare the Reformation of 1600 to the Early Church. HMM!)
Church history was of suppression, oppression and the Bible was still being held hostage by elitist religious circles. A few small sects, like the Waldensians (1700) were able to hold to truth, but not without persecution or peril to life. (This is usually an indicator they actually followed God and not man). Note: Even the Waldensians fell in the later years. They brought in ecumenicism.
The Modern Era 1800 - present, has been a battlefield for the mind through philosophy (relativism), revisionism, textual criticism, science as a religion and spiritual adultery. The Bible is now touted as a myth or a great moral book by secular and non-secular thought circles. The deceitful tainting of the Word of God continues. We have the most freedom to learn the truth of God at this point in history. We have easy access to the Bible, we have freedom to worship God and to study to show ourselves approved.
In a quick nutshell, from Jesus to present, the world has tried to control the truth of God through religion, doctrine of men, brutality, oppression and suppression. This evil presents itself in many forms throughout history. We went from a separated Bible (Only the Jews had the Old Testament at the time of Jesus and then the New Testament was written shortly after Jesus' ascension.) The Canon (5th Century) brings OT and NT together, it is then controlled and suppressed, given wings and then controlled and suppressed again through textual criticism, false science and worldly philosophy.
Reformed Theology or Reformed Heart
I mentioned the invention of the Gutenberg Press unknowingly opened a door for a future deception. This deception is found in the many versions the Bible has been subjected to since it's open debut in 1440. Some scholars have done a decent job and others have butchered the real context and meaning of the scriptures. This documentary is a great resource on this subject. (MUST WATCH!)
Think of all the culture, societal changes, economic turbulence throughout my very simple timeline and tell me where the entire Bible was not relevant to every event. I think if you look hard, the culture, society and economic issues really haven't changed that much from generation to generation. Sin is sin and human behavior is predictable. The deception just lies in how crafty one can get in changing the truth of God into a doubt, or a question.
The fact of the matter is God keeps his Word pure through all this history of mistreatment. (Psalms 12:6,8). If the text, word meaning, content of the Bible can survive throughout all human distortion and mishandling, I really don't think we have the right to 'reform' theology to any human standards.
We need to let the Bible stand in it's full glory in our time in history and not manipulate it to the system we live under. Let the chips fall where they may. The real 'reformation' needs to start in the heart of man.
Reformed Theology, think about it... it should make you shudder. The study of God doesn't need reforming. He is the great I AM. (Exodus 3:14-15, Isaiah 9:6, John 8:58). Hebrews 13:8 SAYS IT ALL. His BOOK says it all.
It is YOU and I who need reforming so that we can even understand who God is. (Galatians 4:8-9). This starts in the heart with repentance and changes our mind and will to His. Ephesians 5:15-21. I don't see outwards elements in this process (culture, society, economics). Once we submit to God's perfect character and will and we begin to transform inwardly, the outward tends to follow or grows less important. (Hebrews 12:2, Isaiah 26:2).
My point is, we don't need to follow a man (theologians, church fathers etc.) to know who God is, at this point, it is idolatry (I Samuel 8:7-8). The Reformist may have had their purpose in history but do you worship them or God? Our Modern Era takes for granted the fact we have first, THE HOLY SPIRIT to teach us in all truth AND the complete Scriptures to support and confirm the truth of who God and Jesus are, why go to any other source?
With all that said, don't take my word for it... search these things out for yourself. Knowing God personally is what you were made for. (Psalm 100:3) and He wants to keep you close. (Psalm 119:2 and Psalms 145:18).
Reformed Thought to Be Aware Of
Reformed Thought = Doctrine of Men: Authority of man's ideas and not Gods = IDOLATRY of self and intellect.
Gnosticism : Modern New Age thought follows this, contemplative spirituality, automatic writing...
Jesuits: Militant Catholicism, sneaky and deceptive priests who infiltrate other belief systems in order to bring universalist principles to fruition.
Calvinism: I agree with this video. Love my Calvinist friends, don't need to argue about it but this video speaks to the truth of the matter in my opinion. (part 1 of 8 videos... watch them all!) And then read this article... The Enigma of Calvinism.
Questioners of Reformed Thought
Dean John Burgon
David Hunt
My last question to think about: WHO is the Head of the CHURCH? And are you truly submitted?
This video was convicting and encouraging...WOW!
Just so you know, I am NOT perfect. I make mistakes, I study and God convicts and corrects me often. I too have fallen into traps and thank the Lord He has shown me my error. I hope by reading this post, one can see I speak from conviction and not a 'know-it-all" or a "I'm right" mentality. This is my focus...when we let the Holy Spirit truly guide us in all truth, NOTHING can compare in the richness of it! This is me sharing my transformation in Christ, a work of my heart being reformed from sin and it is a beautiful thing to talk about!
And one more thing, I have prayed about Titus 3:11. My BOLD statement can cause ruffling to some folks. My intention is not to do that. I just like discussing what I learn and can leave well enough alone. Arguments are not my goal. I am truly not that type of person. There is a fine line between discussing, challenging, spurring toward faith and causing discord. I do know the difference!
Full History Documentary by Christian J. Pinto
Great Article For Thought
More Reformed Error
The Contradiction... What a mess the doctrine of man is!
A History... EXCELLENT on why MAN needs to keep to BIBLICAL truth...
Question for Thought:
How did Abraham know and understand God?
Wednesday, August 2, 2017
Saturday, July 29, 2017
Friday, July 28, 2017
Thursday, July 27, 2017
Loonie Moon #1
This Summer I took my daughter to some art workshops to help her gain, refine and explore new skills. I was a kid for a moment and joined the comic book workshop. The teacher had us do a simple exercise to help us understand the concept. He wanted us to draw the events of our day, we were to treat this as a diary but with pictures.
At the end of the exercise I realized how the idea in my head was hard to put into pictures on paper. The drawing skills weren't there but I muddled through and made my comic strip. I looked at my days story and was pleasantly surprised at how the mundane became a little more interesting. The exercise slowed my brain down enough to actually think about the details of the day. It was relaxing!
I started to draw my own comic partly to help my daughter realize she has more skill than she realizes herself. I had her teach me to draw my 'cartoon' self. Wow, the things I didn't know. I saw her eyes light up with the fact, she did know how to explain the process. Confidence building 101: Success!
Not sure how long this fun exercise will last, I hope you enjoy the adventures of Loonie Moon; AKA: ME!
At the end of the exercise I realized how the idea in my head was hard to put into pictures on paper. The drawing skills weren't there but I muddled through and made my comic strip. I looked at my days story and was pleasantly surprised at how the mundane became a little more interesting. The exercise slowed my brain down enough to actually think about the details of the day. It was relaxing!
I started to draw my own comic partly to help my daughter realize she has more skill than she realizes herself. I had her teach me to draw my 'cartoon' self. Wow, the things I didn't know. I saw her eyes light up with the fact, she did know how to explain the process. Confidence building 101: Success!
Not sure how long this fun exercise will last, I hope you enjoy the adventures of Loonie Moon; AKA: ME!
Wednesday, May 3, 2017
GoD And DoG
I was trying to take a picture of my hair, so I could remember how the bangs look later when I want to cut it again and my sweet Odie photo bombed the photo, somehow my camera just kept clicking and caught our kiss.
The song, GoD And DoG by Wendy Francisco immediately came to mind...
Perfect song for this photo-bombing loving dog!
Proverbs 27:23
Psalms 50: 10-11
Proverbs 12:10
Matthew 6: 26 (Animals are important to God, but people are more important)
Thank you Lord!
The song, GoD And DoG by Wendy Francisco immediately came to mind...
Perfect song for this photo-bombing loving dog!
Proverbs 27:23
Psalms 50: 10-11
Proverbs 12:10
Matthew 6: 26 (Animals are important to God, but people are more important)
Thank you Lord!
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