Friday, October 28, 2011

A Compilation For Thought

I thought these videos, although not in any organized order, have a lot of thought provoking material to compare and contrast current, modern education. This video reminds me of the saying hindsight is 20/20.

If quoted text doesn't stand out for itself, hearing from the speakers own mouth may be a little more convincing...This Interview with B.F. Skinner taped with William F. Buckley on October 2, 1971 is worth watching.

This next video is one of my favorites. I am an Andy Griffith fan and the lessons of integrity, honesty and working hard for something convey beautifully. I put it in here as the OBE system is one of mediocrity. The evidence of OBE's mediocrity came home in my daughter's report card for the first quarter. She received all A's. I was happy to see that but knew deep in my heart she did not do 'A' work in one of the subjects. Her homework and the tests I saw at the teacher's conference surely did not warrant an 'A', so why give one? Why lead a child and parent on in thinking everything is fine.  Masking a problem with a blanket solution will only make matter's worse. (I am not the only one who noticed this unusual giving of A's) Then to make matters worse homework passes are an option. If a child is given the choice to opt out of homework that deems difficult they'll take it and they'll pay later for not knowing the basics. Or what about being told if the material frustrates you, don't do it. That is the sad reality of this system and these examples are not exaggerated and are taken from verbal accounts passed on to me.

And then what about songs such as these being allowed in assemblies? Yes, the vile parts were edited but the damage is done for those kids who run home excited about a fun, upbeat song they heard at school and go on YouTube or Itunes and download the original. A parent can't be everywhere at all times to protect their children's ears. My daughter heard this song at her school for a diversity assembly and knew it was bad because earlier a child used part of it for a presidential campaign and she came home asking to hear it because a classmate told her the name of the song and said her older sister in 4th grade listens to it all the time. Where are our parents heads? A program in expression allowed this song to be used. If someone edited it they had to know the vile nature of it in the first place. How can someone send this through a system where we trust them with our children? And the fact this group promotes drugs and sex in other songs should automatically oust them from any school use whatsoever.


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