Wednesday, October 19, 2011

An Education in Education Part 6

I am grateful for people like Peg Luksik and Charlotte Iserbyt (her research is invaluable and will be discussed later in the post). I wasn't especially shocked that the government has far reaching hands into the education field, yet having the Department of Labor give out a report on what they expect from the  the Department of Education is unnerving. The document is called SCANS. This act certainly fits the definition of corporate fascism- a philosophy or system of governement that advocates or excersizes dictatorship through merging of State and business leadership, American Heritage Dictionary.

The SCANS Board is housed in the Department of Labor, SCANS stands for Secretaries Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills and answers to the Secretary of Labor. It is instrumental in establishing the national standards or outcomes that America's students must meet in order to receive their skills certificate. (Oregon had a bad experience with this and will be discussed in a later post)

Anytime a State opposses OBE, they negate their access to federal funds under Goals 2000. In clear terms, if the State opts out of developing "opportunity to learn standards", they don't get their funds. This bullying violates the Tenth Ammendment of the Constitution. Governors have told the government, "No" in the past after realizing this system violates States rights and in the long run does not work. That is why I sent letters to my legislation requesting they follow the lead of these past Governors actions and protect our Rights as well as our children.

Getting rid of OBE will also untie the hands of principals and teachers. Since I began this journey following the rabbit trail, the beauracracy that controls our schools makes me feel for the ones who are doing the dirty work day in and out and even on the weekends. I can understand the game of hoops our educational staff have to jump through just to try and get to the crux of being able to do their job description. Right now, I may seem like a pain in the ass because I am persistant in asking questions to district board members. I am wanting to confirm how the system works according to my research. Getting straight answers has been difficult, but I have been successful in finding tidbits of truth. My goal isn't to change the system, as I know that is not reality, it is to educate myself so I know what to expect so I can make educated and informed decisions for my family.

Of course this is purely my perception of my area situation and I can be wrong but I see the weilding of the beauracratic arm taking its toll. First, the district decided to rearrange boundary lines even at the protest of parents. Parents asking what the reason behind this was were given vague answers and ignored when meetings were held. Second, the budget crisis reared its ugly head, calling for jobs and large deficits. Third, staff and parents conform willingly and give more money and time so that the pain of it all will be easier to handle. This quote sums this scenario up nicely, "The oldest political trick in the book is to create doubt, then fear, and then conformity of action".

What will be Fourth? I think the new Master Facility Plan to be implemented by 2015, come hell or high water could be the next step. I want to know if this plan is OBE influenced? I have a feeling it is but haven't received a yes or no answer as of yet. I heard a rumor about the new mandatory, rigorous testing called STAAR under this plan. A parent who is on the CAC board at his school suggested I contact my school's CAC. So I did. The rumor was about the test being tied to distribution of funds. The rumor: If a school fails the test they get funds to help better the curriculum and hire better teachers. My first thought was where do these funds come from? Do they come from other schools, is this tied to the bully tactic of the Federal Government by the Elementary/Secondary Act under Goals 2000? If this is true isn't this redistribution of resources, an obvious socialistic action? Shouldn't my tax dollars stay where my child is enrolled. Collectivism doesn't work. I did get a confrimed yes to this rumor from a wonderful district employee and I am greatful she had the guts to tell the truth.

I am not trying to change the world, but this raises concerns. Do you see how this causes more problems down the road for everyone. Parents already pay taxes, volunteer time and more money through fundraising; how much more can the system pump out of them? (I think volunteering and helping is a great thing for many reasons) Staff are already overwhelmed with high number classroom sizes causing them to work harder than they should and in the process those children needing extra help get a hit or miss experience. We are heading farther down the wrong path if any of my observations are true.

Charlotte Iserbyt, a former Special Assistant in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement for the Department of Education during President Reagan's Administration wrote a book that explains why the system is fashioned for failure. It is detailed research from official government documents she had access to while in her position. I have read the entire book and it is a sad scenario for our country. She named it, The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America. I recommend reading it after watching this quick interview.

Thanks to Brannon Howse for his research all credit is due to him

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